Kyon had spent two and a half days looking after the unconscious strangers.

After the first hours of healing, their souls were strong enough to prevent Synergy from getting into their bodies. Only the timely applied formation could teleport it directly to their brain.

The wounded girls had almost completely recovered and were about to wake up. Their monstrous regeneration caused by their high cultivation made Kyon question his plan. How quickly would they regain their memory? He'd have to reserve the lion's share of Synergy to slow down this process.

The girls had also rejuvenated to the age of Juno when Kyon first met her in the mansion. Their bodies also resembled that of the little demoness. Their facial features had slightly lost their mature charm but kept their natural beauty.

In case they didn't remember their names, Kyon decided to call the girl with dignified, innocent looks Eve, with reference to the Old Testament. As for the mischievous pixie, he called her Leila, a name to match her dark chocolate brown hair. They were so different, and yet they were sisters.

Eve and Leila were still unconscious, lying in bed like beautiful porcelain dolls. Lovr had never been fond of toys, let alone dolls, but he enjoyed taking care of these girls all day long like a child who knew the burden of responsibility for the first time.

Kyon was particularly enthusiastic about choosing dresses for his girls. He ransacked the whole town searching for nice clothes until he decided to make them himself to his taste. Why not? He had enough free time.

He made a white summer dress for the girl who looked like the goddess of fairies. She looked like a ray of sunshine in it, a charming, innocent being who could embrace the whole world with her warmth. Pixie Leila got a similar dress but dark and more defiant. The form-fitting dresses matched their looks and maybe their characters. The girls looked really nice and decent because Kyon decided not to make the dresses too open. He didn't want to attract unnecessary attention.

Kyon was pleased with the result. He could not wait to harness their tyrannical power. Then no one would be a threat to him, except for the bloody empress, other beings from the moons, and powerful practitioners beyond Rosarrio.


Synergy informed the owner about the pheromone glands upgrade. All that was left to do was to improve his internal organs, but it wouldn't help him much in the battle. At the moment, his weakest points were his heart, liver and kidneys... Some day, he would take care of them, too.

From now on, Lovr could instantly change his smell, from smelling like a hefty guy to a sissy boy. He could actually smell ​​like a girl or even an animal. He could change the chemical composition of the molecules of smell within reasonable limits, emitting aroma hundreds of times more intense than ordinary people.

Pheromones can tell a lot about a person on the subconscious level, from their health to their willingness to mate and even when the last time they had sex or masturbated. The attractiveness of pheromones depends on many factors.

Kyon changed his natural youthful scent to the smell that could only belong to a man of forty with no health problems, both physically and mentally.

{Great. I am ready.} – Lovr knelt on the floor and leaned on the bed, portraying a restless father. He couldn't miss the moment of awakening.

Early in the morning on the third day, Eve opened her eyes and looked around blankly. She was lying in bed with some girl and next to her... Next to her, there was a terrible hefty stranger!

«А-а-а-а-а-а-аа-ааh! Who are you?» – She screamed in a thin, frightened voice and curled up in the corner. The bed was against the wall.

Leila also woke up and looked around in confusion until she saw a big, scary man: «Huh? Who are you?»

For a moment, Kyon lost touch with reality. The girls' voices sounded like enchanting trills of a divine violin. Their large clear eyes beckoned to plunge into their depth, and breaking away from their silent contemplation was a real challenge.

Eve's dark green eyes seemed to be woven with myriads of threads, a mystical lace created by nature itself. Diamond beads of fear started to well up in their corners.

Leila's dark red eyes seemed to be slowly rotating like a hellish whirlwind that could devour stars and entire worlds. The longer Kyon looked into them, the harder they drew him. Leila's eyes were just as beautiful as her sister's, but instead of peace and warmth, they inspired danger and anxiety.

«You're awake, my little ones!» – Kyon exclaimed in his mellow bass full of love and care, but the girl crawled back.

«Stay away from me!» – Eve shrieked, pale with fear

«Who are you? And why do you call us your little ones?» – Leila asked sternly, but it was clear that she was only slightly less frightened than her sister.

{It's weird. They are being so… childish...} – «You don't remember your daddy? I am Zosimos! I am your father, and you're my daughters! Don't you really remember me?»

Eve and Leila stared blankly at the man, lost for words. Their minds were still foggy.

«What are your names? Do you at least remember them?» – The man asked with hope in his sad eyes.

Leila frowned her thin eyebrows thoughtfully and said uncertainly: «I don't remember anything… I don't remember my name, I don't remember. I don't know how I got here and what I am doing here… I don't remember anything!»

«Yeah… Nor do I…» – Eve hugged herself and nodded in agreement.

Kyon's guess that the girls' mental age had decreased due to amnesia was confirmed. Wise, mature women tended to hide their emotions.

«Hey, tio. Tell me everything!» – Leila demanded, sticking out her petite bosom.

«Yeah… Me too…» – Eve added quietly.

{Three hundred twenty-two years old and they behave like kids… Isn't it wonderful?} – Kyon trembled with delight. It was going to be much easier to win their trust and control them as a "daddy!" It was a great decision to save the wonderful monsters from death. It was definitely worth it.

«Oh no… It can't be…» – Kyon shook his head desperately and said with genuine sadness and longing in his voice. – «You're Leila! And she is Eve! You're sisters! I guess you got into a serious fight and lost your memory... It took eternity until you have recovered at last! I was so worried about you, my dear daughters... How do you feel?»

The sincere concern on the man's face kept the girls from having a panic attack. They looked rather confused and even a little guilty.

Leila clenched her fists and protested: «Your story doesn't add up, tio! Who could little defenseless girls fight with? Why did both of us lose our memory at once? Where have you been all this time?»

«Honey, daddy rushed here as soon as he could! You are powerful girls, and I have never interfered in your fights, but three days ago something happened, something that only you two could do! I have no idea why the goddess took your memory, but you're alive and that's the only thing that matters!»

{We are powerful girls?} – Both girls thought, perplexed. His emotions were quite natural, but his words... It was pure nonsense!

Before Leila could express her disbelief again, Eve said timidly: «May I have a mirror?»

«Of course, my sunshine. Of course!» – Kyon rummaged through his bottomless ring and pulled out the necessary thing.

Eve took the mirror and looked at her reflection, surprised. She was so beautiful! The face seemed familiar to her, but she didn't expect to be so grown up. Eve thought it was her elder sister in the mirror.

«May I?»

«Here.» – Eve gave the mirror to her sister.

When Leila saw her reflection, she couldn't hold back an excited squeal: «Hee-hee! I am so… pretty! I am a miracle in the flesh! Just look at my face, eyes, nose! Hee-hee!» – She briskly stood up in bed with bare feet, fire in her eyes, and pointed an accusing finger at Zosimos. – «I knew right away that you were up to something bad, tio! A beautiful girl like me can't be a daughter of a pot-bellied bald thug like you! Come on, tell me what you are up to! Are you going to take advantage of me?» – She said in dismay, taking a step back.

Kyon was confused. He didn't see it coming: «You are dearer to me than anything else in the world, my little pixie! Your words hurt my heart!»

«Leila, you might be wrong…» – Eve interrupted.

«Why so? Look at him! It is written all across his face that he is a bad tio! We could easily fit in his belly, both of us! What if he is a cannibal?! I don't want to be eaten up!» – Suddenly, her stomach rumbled treacherously, making her blush.

Eve shrugged her shoulders and turned pale.

«I'm no cannibal, and I'm not going to eat you. I could have done it while you were sleeping!»

«I knew it! You wanted to eat us!» – Leila shrieked, grabbed Eve by the hand and rushed out of the room, dodging from Zosimos. Freedom for beautiful girls!

«Leila, wait! You got him wrong!» – Eve yelled, but her sister was in the world of her own.

The girls went downstairs and saw a large tavern. There were a dozen of tables like an impregnable barricade between them and the exit. Big scary men were sitting at each of them. Some were bearded or with gold teeth, some had an eye patch or a crutch.

The music and voices in the hall instantly died down. Everyone stared at the two gorgeous girls with slender waists and delicate shoulders. Their innocent faces seemed to belong to a different world. The exquisite, skillfully tailored dresses matched perfectly their beauty. Two fairy stars descended into the mortal world!

Some men got up and walked towards the girls: «So beautiful!» … «I'll take the one on the right!» … «Goddesses! They are mine! My goddesses!» … «How about going home with a kind uncle? I have puppies! And kittens! And many, many toys!»

Eve squeaked softly and closed her eyes, hugging her sister tightly. Leila tensed and trembled.


Suddenly, Zosimos kicked the nearest man from his feet. The others immediately attacked him with a loud roar, but he deftly dodged, ducked and knocked them all over. A fierce battle began.

Eve opened her eyes and watched with Leila their self-proclaimed father beat up the offenders. He was like a furious hog, scattering predators in all directions to protect his children.

«I will tear you all to pieces for my little ones!» – Zosimos barked furiously, breaking into the crowd.

{He is so strong!} – Both girls thought with a feeling of great respect for the hefty man, probably their father. Their large eyes gleamed with indescribable emotion. He didn't seem bad anymore, only a little bit stern and intimidating.

The people who Kyon was selflessly battering with his feet and fists were his subordinates, of course. It was the first scene of the staged performance called Caring Daddy.

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