«Bravo, girls! Good job! Come to daddy!» – Kyon said.

«I was so fast! I can't believe it!» – Eve boasted. – «I think I can run even faster! I only have to get used to it…»

«I won! I am the best! Dad, say I am the best!» – Leila demanded, running up to him with a dazzling smile.

The girls seemed to be no longer embarrassed by their revealing outfits.

Zosimos gently stroked Leila's hair: «Well done, my sweet, but don't block your sister's path next time. It was unfair. You would be angry if Eve had been in your way, wouldn't you? You are sisters, so you must support each other.»

Leila shrugged off his hand angrily: «But you told us to race and didn't mention any rules. You can't blame me for that!»

«It's ok. Leila is right.» – Eve said, not even remotely offended.

Kyon wanted to kiss her for being so reasonable and obedient.

«Why did you stop us? I am sure I can run even faster!» – Leila said, puffing out her chest with pride.

«Without the sticking technique, you will always roll on the ground.»

«The sticking technique?» – Eve sounded genuinely interested.

«I will tell you about it when you learn how to use energy. Now let's move on to weight training.» – Zosimos created a thick, strong metal plate under his feet and put the Scourge on it. This time it weighed 10 tons and had the color of polished metal. – «I will give each of you a minute to try and raise the sword above your head. The first one to do it will get a gummy bear from me.»

«Me! I am the first! Let me do it first!» – Leila yelled, raising her hand.

«Eve will do it first because you won the race.» – Kyon said.

«It's absolutely illogical! Hey, where's the logic?» – Leila protested angrily.

«I'll let my elder sister be first if she wants to.» – Eve smiled kindly.

Leila kissed her younger sister on the cheek and grabbed the sword by the handle, trying to lift it, but she couldn't: «It's… so… heavy…»

«It only seems that it is heavy, dear. Your mind limits your power. Imagine that you can lift the whole world with your bare hands. Believe in yourself and you will raise the sword.»

«I am… trying... Come on…» – Leila hissed through her clenched teeth.

It was almost a minute when Kyon saw the sword budge, but he had to stop Leila anyway: «You've run out of time.»


«Phew… It's really heavy! How much does it weigh?»

«Ten tons or twenty mounts that we rode on our way here.»

«Wow! It's so small and so heavy!»

Meanwhile, Eve went to the sword and grabbed the hilt. Ten seconds later, when the sword moved, Leila's pug almost cracked with shock. Half a minute later, Leila's jaw nearly dropped on the floor when her sister lifted the sword. Within the last seconds, she managed to raise the sword above her head and dropped it a moment later.


«Bravo, Eve! Good job!» – Zosimos praised Eve, handing her a gummy bear.

She threw the candy into her mouth with a happy face. It felt so nice to be better than her arrogant elder sister, like a balm to the soul! Lifting the sword was easy. She only had to suppress her emotions and visualize raising the whole world above her head! An easy victory for a smart girl.

«How did you do it? I don't believe it! You cheated! How come you did it and I didn't?» – Leila said in a hurt voice. – «I want a gummy bear, too!»

Kyon gave her a candy and patted her on the head: «It's for coming first in the race. Don't be so mad. You can't and you don't have to be the best at everything. Eve is also talented, for example, she is more reasonable and more patient than you.»

Leila ate the candy with pleasure. Her resentment was fading away after dad's reassuring words. Why did she have to be better than her sister in every little detail?

Eve was amazed at wonderful father once again. How did he manage to please his two daughters, not depriving any of them of his attention and care? At the dwarfs' factory, he had noticed that she wanted to shoot but was afraid to ask... When the three of them were on the hotel roof, he took those scary birds out of nowhere and calmed Leila down... And there he was again.

«Now, take turns raising the sword until I tell you to stop.»

For the next half hour, the girls took turns training with the sword. Leila was able to raise it above her head only at the fifth attempt while Eve was playing with the sword like it was a dry stick, flopping on her bottom with each swing as the weapon weighed two hundred times more than she did! Leila giggled at her until she flopped exactly like Eve. Her red, embarrassed face made her younger sister pleased.

Meanwhile, Kyon was amazed at his daughters' strength. They were waving the sword like it was a straw while he struggled to raise it over his head! They were monstrously strong...

«That's enough!» – Zosimos exclaimed, clapping his hands. – «And now let's test your reaction! Take a position as if you want to catch a mosquito. I'm starting.» – He took out a gun and aimed at the "defenseless" girls like a professional special forces soldier.

«Are you out of your mind?» – Leila shrieked, holding out her hands in front of her face.

Eve reacted instantly, falling on the ground and covering her head with her hands.

Kyon took a look at himself and laughed. He looked like a cold-blooded assassin who was about to kill the cute girls. Then he calmed down and explained: «It's no pulse weapon! Even if it were, it would not harm you in any way because you are stronger than stone or metal! There is nothing to be afraid of, my sweet ones!»

«Are you serious?» – Leila asked incredulously.

«This weapon won't harm even me! Look!» – Lovr shot himself in the hand.

When the girls saw that there was no damage to his hand, they calmed down a bit. Kyon had to prove his high proficiency in shooting firearms and give his word that he wouldn't aim at them.

They started training. At first, the girls instinctively closed their eyes as they heard the shot, but soon, Leila squinted and caught the bullet with a quick movement.

«It's easier than I thought! And it doesn't hurt, not a little bit!»

«Atta girl! Eve, your turn.» – Kyon continued shooting.

Soon, Eve caught a bullet, too. Indeed, it was no big deal. And it didn't hurt at all.

With each minute, the girls were getting more and more relaxed, their reaction accelerated. Finally, ten minutes later, they were catching bullets with such ease like those were little flying snails.

Kyon took out a more powerful weapon, a sniper rifle, and began shooting from it without any warning. The girls noticed the difference at once, but they were not scared this time. Anyway, they could not catch those lightning-fast bullets right away.

Ten minutes later, they started catching them as quickly as they did with the bullets from the gun.

«Well done, my little ones. Daddy is pleased with you. Now let's move on to fighting techniques. I will attack each of you with the sword, and you must fend off attacks. Don't worry, the blade won't hurt you. You are too strong.»

Leila retorted with a smug smile: «Don't worry this, don't worry that... We got the message, dad. We are super strong! And your "heavy" sword is lighter than a feather!»

«Are you sure?» – Zosimos asked mysteriously.

«Actually, I am! Why?»

«Nothing. You used to take an attack thousand times more powerful than a pulse shot. By the way, are you ready to do it now, my sweet?» – Zosimos continued to provoke her.

Leila felt a sudden loss of confidence: «But… It's… I'm…»

«Are you afraid? But you have just admitted that you're strong, now prove your words by your deeds! Put out your hand, and I'll shoot it. I promise you won't get hurt. Are you ready? Show how brave you are to your little sister!»

Leila bit her lip in doubt.

«Before you lost your memory, you could take down that hill with a single blow and stay unscathed. The pulse rifle is not nearly as powerful so it's quite safe. Come on, let's do it!» – Kyon egged her on.

«Alright! But you will give me a whole bag of gummy bears after that!» – Leila gave in.

«Deal!» – Lovr smiled, pulling out his pulse rifle.

Leila raised her hand over her head and closed her eyes. She could feel her heart beat against the ribcage. Leila had never been so anxious before. She was really scared!

Eve opened her mouth in shock. Her sister was so brave! She totally deserved her respect!



In a split second, the bullet flew ten meters at an unimaginable speed and hit Leila's palm. Then it bounced off it and flew a long way to the distant hill, leaving a deep crater in it.

Eve covered her mouth with her hands.

Leila stared at her hand and then to her dad: «I… I didn't feel a thing! It was like clapping hands! It… It can't be a shot from the gun! Am I so strong?»

«You are much stronger than you think.» – Zosimos said proudly. – «Let's do it again. Try not to close your eyes.»

«Alright! Let's do it!» – Leila said excitedly.

A dozen shots later, Kyon invited Eve to join them. She resisted for a while, but then she had a go and found out that there was nothing to be scared of.

The training went on in a playful manner. The girls could not follow a bullet from the pulse rifle for a long time, but then they succeeded at some point. Eve was the first to catch the bullet.

Soon, both girls could playfully touch every bullet passing by. Their inhuman power, strength, and reaction exceeded ordinary people.

When Leila playfully touched the flying bullet with her tongue, Kyon realized that he did not want to fight with her. It would make no point. He would move slower than a turtle for her. Zosimos couldn't teach her anything, Leila would only understand how weak her father was. He was not going to complicate life with his daughters.

«That's enough. Let's have lunch and then the final workout where you will learn to harness pure energy.»

«But what about fighting techniques? You were going to attack us, weren't you?» – Leila's eyes sparkled with excitement.

«Daddy decided there's no need for that.» – Kyon replied flatly.

«Huh?» – Leila snorted suspiciously. – «I think you say so because you are afraid of losing to me in battle! Are you ashamed of being weaker than your daughter?» – A dazzling wicked smile flashed across her face.

«You are a million times stronger than your dad. Anyway, how about some fried chicken?» – Zosimos switched the subject, taking lunch out of the ring.

«I am hungry!» – Eve ran up to him with a happy face.

Leila was fuming. How did he do it? His attitude was really disarming! She had intended to make fun of him, embarrass him for being weaker than her, make him respect her as an elder, but he didn't give a shit! During lunch, Leila kept trying to get under his skin, but nothing worked. Zosimos was impenetrable, which pissed Leila off. Did he have no weak points at all?

After lunch, Kyon said: «Now it's time for the final workout where you will learn to use pure energy. Take the lotus position and imagine there is a whirlpool in your navel. Now imagine there's an elephant's trunk attached to it, leading to your soul bursting with energy. Your first task is to feel the whirlpool. Then, use them to absorb or release energy from your soul. After that, feel the trunk and learn to move it. Finally, you must remember how to move the trunk to set particular properties to the outgoing energy. All these tasks will take your time and require your utmost concentration. You can't rush things, or you will only make it worse.»

The girls obediently sat on the grass and began to meditate.

Kyon didn't know if it would work. He assumed that the women he had found had lost their memory, which didn't change the fact that they could use their energy as it happened instinctively, like breathing or using their hands.

In the normal course of events, the practitioner swallowed a nephrite with the main and only grade of pure energy after connecting with the soul, which started an incomprehensible set of neural connections in their head. While the key turned and the channel moved at random, the practitioner reached enlightenment, after which they could use pure energy as they pleased. However, this method wouldn't work with the girls. Their cultivation was so advanced that no nephrite would affect them. The only way to make it work was to make them remember their usual actions.

It was essential for Lovr to get strong protectors and warriors rolled in one. Without pure energy, the girls lost 99% of their power. If they didn't remember anything in a month, he would have to stop teaching them. Demons could attack them outside the city, and the blood-thirsty empress with a sensitive aura dwelled inside.

In the evening, Kyon was pleased with the result. Eve and Leila had learned to use some of their strength, speed, and reaction. Now they would be able to fend for themselves. Moreover, no lord phaser could ever compete with them, and even a king phaser wouldn't leave a single scratch on them.

And now, Kyon was going to do some exercise for the first time in a long time.

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