Kyon was about to start practicing for the first time in a long time. It was not about fighting a fictional enemy but about increasing the quality of his strength.

Kyon had alot of options:

He could enhance the Annihilation Sphere to give his unique body the fundamental laws of time. The technique would get more powerful and less time-consuming over time. After the body of the void had reached the 2nd stage, the understanding of these laws had increased significantly, but it wasn't the limit. Kyon could still shape it into a ball only!

He could practice the sovereign's stare to reduce the delay before its activation and increase its power. Last time, Dinah looked away as soon as she noticed his eyes glow. Any good master would tell their students that the glow in the opponent's eyes meant the intention to use a spiritual attack, that's why any eye contact should be avoided. Kyon had learned it the hard way at the Stones' party when he was the victim of Princess Kara's enchanting stare.

Kyon also needed to learn to create clones. The content of the Stones', the Grands', and the Feruz' treasuries should be enough to put this idea into action. There was nothing more important than getting a chance to teleport away from any dangerous situation.

The concealment technique was also important, but he wouldn't come up with the best technique at once this time. It wasn't as easy as the movement technique he had created at the first attempt as he didn't only have to become invisible but also hide his soul from anyone's scanning. The ether alone wouldn't be enough. He would need other elements, if not all nine of them. It might take him forever going through an infinite number of combinations, so it would be reasonable to use the existing concepts. Combining the three families' legacies, Kyon hoped to create a concealment technique of at least A+ rank, which he could improve in the future.

Lovr didn't forget about the healing technique. Someday, it could save his life.

Kon also intended to create plasma flame, both hot and cold, as well as a laser, but it required at least a superior grade of ether, and he had only an advanced grade.

Besides, he had to learn how to enter the light and the dark state at will and use Light Cut and theoretical Dark Cut.

After his body of the void had completed the second stage, Lovr suspected that his improved spatial attribute harboured enormous potential. He couldn't wait to find out what exactly it had to offer.

All in all, there were a lot of good options for him, an embarrassment of riches. Kyon had to prioritize. The most important for him was to learn how to clone and teleport himself. It was also worth experimenting with the spatial attribute. Perhaps, its secrets were on the surface. Also, it wouldn't hurt to try entering the light and the dark state of mind during his practice.

As for the sovereign's stare that consumed Synergy, he had to find out how much of it Eve and Leila needed to stay oblivious, otherwise, he would be in big trouble.

{Alright. Let's get started.} – Kyon said to himself.

What is a perfect clone? They are strong enough to withstand a weak attack from an equal opponent and deliver a blow that resembles their creator's weak attack. Their shape is stable, and they look identical to the original so that even a keen eye won't tell the difference. They emit a dense aura of their owner's soul, deceiving the opponent. Their speed and skills are equal to their creator's, and they can be controlled from a distance.

Kyon was going to create a clone that had all these qualities. Anyone in their right mind would find it ridiculous because all the characteristics mentioned above couldn't be engaged in one technique! Even an A-rank technique could involve only one point from the whole list!

There exist many techniques that imitate clones: illusions, earth, water, air, fire, and ice golems, the creator's reflection, dolls and puppets, but all of them have their drawbacks. Only 10% of clones are strong enough to withstand a weak attack from an equal opponent; only 10% can deliver a blow that resembles their creator's weak attack; only 10% have a stable shape and appearance identical to the original; only 10% emit a relatively dense aura of their owner's soul; only 10% of clones have the same skills and speed as the original; only 1% can be controlled from a distance.

Usually, creating a clone, the creator sets a certain combination of actions, and it either dissipates or stops moving upon completing them. Clone techniques that can be controlled from a distance are extremely rare because they require a spatial attribute.

The earth element makes the clone strong enough to withstand a weak attack. The heat and the cold enable them to deliver a blow equal to the creator's weak attack. The water and the ether give the clone a stable structure and color. They emit a dense soul aura with the help of pure energy combined with the basic grade of the technique. The wind gives the clone agility and speed. The space element (the darkness and the light) is required to control the clone from a distance.

Kyon's eyes lit up. The answer was obvious: he had to use the nine elements to make a clone! It wasn't about mixing them all together, he had to make sure that each element was in perfect harmony and synergy with each other! This task wasn't just difficult, it was impossible for any living being in the world.

At first, Lovr sorted out the techniques from the three families' treasuries (that he had learned but not acquired yet) into three categories: useful, might be useful, and not useful at all. The first group contained about 100 cloning techniques. The second category had techniques whose characteristics were close to his goal. The remaining 98% were absolutely useless for his task.

When he was ready, Kyon started to study the legacy to create his technique of an ideal clone. He would have to do the same for concealment and healing techniques in the not too distant future.

At the same time, Kyon tried to enter the light and the dark state of mind that in no way interfered with his primary task. No luck so far.

It was getting dark when Kyon stopped studying the techniques as he had reached the 5th stage of the superior phase. His eyes lit up with joy. Some progress at last! The breakthrough pill would be in effect for at least another month. He had to practice more often.

Meantime, it had become pitch dark because of the hills surrounding them.

Leila walked over to Zosimos, visibly annoyed: «It's too difficult. I need to fuel my brain.»

«Do you want my advice?» – Kyon asked.

«I need a gummy bear!» – She snapped. – «You promised to give me a pile of them. Where is it?»

Lovr handed a jar with colorful candies to her: «Here you are. Don't forget to share with your sister.»

«Why should I? They are mine. I've earned them with my courage and strength of character!»

«What if Eve received a jar of candies? Would she share them with you? By all means! Be a good girl and share your gummy bears with your sister.»

«I will think about it.» – Leila muttered angrily and walked away.

Soon, Kyon saw her reluctantly share her candy with Eve and nodded, pleased with himself. The little pixie was mean, impulsive, and selfish to the core. Still, there was a grain of empathy in her, which meant that with due upbringing (which was inevitable with Synergy), she would learn to empathize with other people and not consider herself as the center of the universe.

A little later, Kyon announced: «That's enough for today, my sweet ones. It's getting late.»

When the girls approached him, Lovr asked them: «Any luck so far?»

«None.» – Leila replied, looking away.

«I could feel the whirlpool in the navel, but I couldn't move it.»

Leila angrily folded her arms, jealous of her younger sister.

«Well done, my darling. Don't rush things. You will practice again soon. Don't despair, my sweet baby. You can do it, too.» – Zosimos patted Leila on the head to comfort her.

«Of course, I can! But it takes me longer than Eve!» – She exclaimed in a hurt voice and turned away to hide her tears.

«You were faster than your sister in the race, she was stronger than you. You reacted faster, but she could concentrate better. It's a tie! You don't have to be jealous of your sister.» – Kyon said confidently.

Leila felt much better. Daddy always could find the right words.

The girls got changed behind the tree in their favorite dresses, mounted the horse with their father and went to Dantes, to the Garden of Eden hotel. As soon as their heads hit the pillows, the sisters immediately fell asleep.

Kyon kissed each on the cheek and went to bed. They were so cute that his heart skipped a beat. However, he wasn't going to be anyone else for them but their father. He wouldn't change a thing in their relations, not in the guise of Zosimos anyway. It disgusted him even to think about it. Moreover, they were mentally too young.

After breakfast, Lovr said goodbye to the girls and left the hotel. He transformed into Dick Baker, got dressed into a smart suit with a bow tie and went to the Green Hollow cafe in the central part of Dantes, not too far from the hotel.

Kyon entered the beautiful four-story glass building and walked up to the roof terrace where his subordinates had reserved the best table. He enjoyed the cozy decor rich in flowers and unusual plants, as well as relaxing music and, above all, the stunning view of the Empress's palace.

He had 5 minutes before the appointed time. Today, Kyon was hoping not only to meet Elsa but also pay a visit to the Clintons during their joint investigation, whose success largely depended on her as Elsa had great authority in Dantes. With her help, Kyon would achieve better results than even with a 2nd rank investigator.

Any young man would be anxious in place of Lovr because the girl he was going to meet was perhaps the most popular person in the capital after the Demon Huntress. All doors in Rosarrio were open for her. Her impressive talents in alchemy, formacy, cultivation were only expected from Yurich's daughter. The best masters dreamed of getting such a gifted student, but she belonged to the order, which meant that she had a chance to become a student of the empress herself.

Kyon heard rumors that his adopted sister had lots of fans in the order, but Rose was honored to be her boyfriend. And a small wonder… The little pervert was the most promising practitioner in the empire! Even if he was weaker than Stein at the moment, the speed of his cultivation overshadowed his elder brother and gave him a chance to become the next patriarch. And yet, in Lovr's opinion, Elsa's intuition had failed her if she didn't realize that she was dating a douchebag.

It was the top priority for Lovr to find common ground with Elsa, but there was a major problem. He was in the guise of Dick Baker, and the last thing he wanted to do was reveal his identity as the goddess' messenger. However, he would have no choice if his adopted sister refused to cooperate with him. He would find it out pretty soon.

Just then, Kyon heard the click-clack of high heels on the steps. As he turned his head, he saw a breathtakingly beautiful girl enter the roof terrace!

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