Kyon shrugged his shoulders and began to overwhelm his opponents with retaliatory arguments: «At first glance, it sounds logical, but there are several inconsistencies: I was woken up at 1 am; I had no idea where and why I was being led; there was no tail behind me, there were no formations and I could not contact anyone either, Alexander will confirm this. And anyway, why do I need all this?»

Tymoshka crossed his arms, desperately trying to think of something else to cling to.

Bernard thoughtfully rubbed the stubble on his chin, and Alexander nodded in agreement.

Valeera trusted the killer more than anyone else in the world, and he certainly would not have made a mistake when following the man, and if we consider that Zosimos recently risked his life by this act giving her a chance to escape, doubts disappear completely.

{But who else could have done it?} – Valeera wondered. Alexander has long proven his loyalty. Tymoshka dotes on her, as well as Bernard with his impeccable reputation and iron motives not to betray. They would not do such contradictory acts. Is it really one of the 20 movers? Say, someone promised Edward a meeting with Arpha for money… Anyway, something does not add up: before the operation, they were checked for the absence of sound transmitters and alien formations, besides, they had no idea how important the upcoming task was, and especially they could not know that the head of the clan would be present there!

«Remind me, old man, why the hell are you carrying teleportation trigrams with you?» – Tymoshka finally found something to find fault with.

Everyone once again stared suspiciously at the bald man.

Kyon smiled bitterly: «You won't believe it: I bought them in Dantes, believing that I could smuggle the goods! I had to pay dearly for my stupidity. Didn't I tell you where my debts came from? Didn't I tell you why I had to sell my parents' inheritance and even my own mansion? Well now you know the answer.»

«It sounds somehow strained... There's something you're not telling us, old man!» – Tymoshka said.

«The question is closed.» – Valeera said coldly. – «Zosimos, show the results of your work.»

«With great pleasure!» – Kyon took out a bag with rings and began to empty them one by one. Piles of bars formed on the floor: silver, gold and platinum. Huge piles!

Two men and a guy dropped their jaws. The clan head's eyes widened.

Having emptied the last ring, Lovr proudly said: «I collected all the bars to the last! I didn't leave a single one. The entire storeroom of precious metals is in front of you.» – in fact, the guy could not physically leave the storeroom uncleaned to the last bar, otherwise he would wake up in cold sweat for the rest of his life.

«There… There is two hundred million worth of precious metal! God, there's so much! This is ten times more than we will get from the sale of the rest of the loot!» – Bernard moaned, gasping for air. He practically had no doubts about Zosimos' motives. He definitely wishes Arpha well! He proactively figured out how to get into the storeroom and cleaned it out… The investigator wouldn't do that!

«Well, Lady, is my contribution worthy of your praise?» – Kyon smiled confidently, looking with interest into the girl's eyes, clear as mountain lakes, shining with greed.

«This is... really... impressive!» – said Valeera impressively with raised eyebrows. Her opinion of Zosimos has just grown significantly. However, in just one night, the man was transformed from a "suspicious recruit" into a golden boar of prosperity, a favorite pet of the mythical demon of greed, from which, according to rumors, the name of the famous trade guild came! And there are enough reasons for that: he saved her from Edward; he did not allow Tymoshka to fail the whole operation when he almost activated a hidden alarm; he found a storeroom of precious metals and came up with a way to get there; and now, as it turned out, he alone extracted resources much more resources than all the others combined!

Valeera's grateful look made Kyon happy. Unfortunately, the girl never smiled. He doubted that she generally knows how to smile and sincerely enjoy life. Perhaps the maximum that she is capable of is to feel fleeting satisfaction from the work done… It's kind of sad.

Meanwhile, Tymoshka's throat was dry with burning envy. He wanted to cry and scream. If only Lanai had told him – «This is... really... impressive!» – with the same look and tone, he would have soared to the heavens from euphoria! If he told himself yesterday that he would be jealous of his beloved for a pot-bellied bald old man, he would have died of laughter!

Alexander and Bernard patted Zosimos respectfully on the shoulder.

Valeera nodded: «I'm happy with the result. Bernard, your task is to recalculate the cost of all the metal and make the necessary preparations. The black market is in a week, you know.»

The man bowed slightly: «I'll start right now.»

«Lady!» – Tymoshka exclaimed hysterically. – «You shouldn't say such things in front of a suspicious person! Maybe it's his fault for Edward's appearance! Maybe he's an undercover investigator at all!»

«Oh yes», – the girl remembered, looking at the pot-bellied man, – «Zosimos, you are accepted. From now on, you are part of the Silent Horror clan, congratulations!»

Tymoshka looked as if he had swallowed a huge slug. His words were ignored!

Bernard shook his friend's hand firmly: «Congratulations, Zosimos! Don't do anything stupid, and you will achieve a lot! Now you are part of our family, remember this.»

Alexander nodded, also shaking the man's hand: «Congratulations on joining our clan, newbie.»

«Thank you. I am glad to become a part of a big family.»

Valeera knew the main reason why Zosimos decided to get involved in a criminal syndicate, so she decided to thank him for his work not with a word, but with money: «By the way, you will receive your share as soon as we sell the metal on the black market.»

«Lady Arpha, why do you say that?!» – Tymoshka could not stand it. – «He's only been with us for two hours, and you've already taken him into the clan and promised a share! He does not deserve anything like that, because the task was a test! You planned it from the beginning to the end, and he will get money for it?! We are still not sure that he was not involved in the appearance of Edward! Please, be careful, do not take a stranger into your family so soon! Extend his probation period for another six months or a year!»

Valeera slowly turned to the boy and said in an icy tone: «Tymoshka, since when have you become so insolent that you allow yourself to question the words of the head of the clan?»

«I… I did it with the best intentions…» – the frightened young man pitifully justified himself. This was the first time Lanai spoke to him in such a frightening tone.

«Your best intentions are crossing the line. If you want your words to have weight, earn this right by doing. Today Zosimos has brought a hundred times more benefits than you have ever done in the clan! And that's not to mention the fact that he stopped you from activating the alarm! From now on, think carefully before accusing Zosimos, otherwise, expect a serious punishment.» – the girl snapped, deciding to put the impudent man in his place.

Tymoshka hastily shut his mouth and pressed his head into his shoulders. Lanai's intonation, gaze, and heart-chilling aura were truly terrifying. It seemed as if he was no longer her subordinate, but an outsider! As if this disgusting man is much more important to her! But he loves her! He does everything for her! But now the guy doesn't even have the right to condemn Zosimos! It's so unfair… With the appearance of this old fart, everything goes to hell… And what will happen in the future if the old man becomes an important figure in the clan? What will he do with the one who beat him at the first meeting?..

«What is the black market?» – Kyon asked as if nothing had happened.

«Bernard, tell the newbie the basics.» – asked Valeera, elegantly crossing her slender legs.

«Shadow clans have a set of rules: do not violate territorial borders; do not deceive the organizers and clans in any case; attend meetings of clan heads; forget about all disagreements while being in «buffer zones», which include the black market, auction and meeting places of clan heads. For violation of any of the rules, a proportionate punishment follows, up to depriving the clan of all privileges.»

«The black market is the dark heart of the capital, where clan members and other not particularly law-abiding individuals sell and buy illegal goods: drugs, slaves, information and much more… There you can sell the loot to buyers without risks, but at a low price. The market is held about once every three months, and the next one is in a week. The heads of the clans receive the address, and then dispose of the information at their discretion. The security of the market is relatively low, so the heads of the clans do not come there. At least, last time, Lady Arpha and I didn't find anyone important there.»

«What does "receive the address" mean? Aren't the clans the organizers of the market?»

«No… It is impossible to say exactly who the organizers are, but there are versions that the Golden Pig trade guild is involved. They are the ones who are looking for profit in everything and everyone.»

«I see... That sounds reasonable.» – Kyon agreed.

«However, the black market is not even close to an underground auction, a mastodon of the criminal world. Rumors say that they sell really unique things there. Once a year, the most prominent criminal authorities of Dantes gather there. It, by the way, will be held in about a month. The exact time and address are kept secret until the last day. The highest security measures allow even the most important members of the clan to safely attend the auction.»

«In addition to the market and auction, the heads of clans are required to attend meetings every six months. The absence will be considered as a declaration of war to all clans. There, the clan leaders share the most important news and information, discuss plans and much more. Two months ago, Arpha and I attended one. The heads of the clans appreciated the abilities and potential of my lady, and also took into account the words of Edward, thanks to which she officially registered her clan.»

«Did Edward influence the decision?» – Kyon frowned, suspecting something was wrong.

Valeera frowned and turned away with a gloomy look.

The man said dryly: «Nothing special. He simply said that he would enjoy watching the success of the first female shadow clan leader.»

«Then why the hell did he attack us?!» – Kyon blurted out.

«God knows what's going on in his sick, unbalanced brain… But we will not leave it that way. Lady, how are we going to act against him?» – Bernard asked.

«We will wait for the meeting of the heads of the clans and resolve the situation peacefully. The Black Star clan will pay us full compensation.» – the girl calmly replied, carefully suppressing her bloodlust.

At the moment, Arpha is not yet influential enough in the world of shadow clans. She is obliged to follow their concepts and rules, just like snakes, which do not use their venom against their relatives. Therefore, it would be right to do the following: at the next clan meeting, accuse the guy of active activity on someone else's territory, killing two of her subordinates and trying to steal loot, and then the Black Star clan will be obliged to pay compensation, irreparably blackening its reputation at the same time. Thus, Edward's act will turn against him tenfold.

«I can't wait for the scheduled date.» – Bernard said impatiently and continued. – «Since my lady "officially" founded the clan, she has received the same rights and privileges as the other clans. If someone brazenly violates the rules, like, for example, Edward, that is, goes against the charter of the shadow clans, then his own people will eat him with pleasure, because reputation is most important for the clans.»

«Among other things, Lady Arpha needs to pay rent for the acquired territory, and to redeem it in the future. The proceeds from today's loot should be just enough. This will be a weighty argument at the meeting of the heads of the clans.»

Kyon asked: «And what will happen if you do not comply with all these obligations? Why would anyone pay anything at all and comply with any charters there? After all, we are essentially criminals, and we don't care about laws and regulations!»

Valeera answered dispassionately: «In one year of illegal activity, I earned less than two months since the creation of the clan, and this is without taking into account today's operation.»

Bernard added: «It is extremely difficult to conduct activities on the territory of a foreign clan: a low reputation in the criminal world makes itself felt, stifling competition and eternal skirmishes. In addition, it is impossible to get to the black market and auction. Lady Arpha had no choice but to found a clan.»

«I see.» – Lovr nodded. He understood that the girl had no competition in Boston, but here she had to play by someone else's rules. At least until she becomes strong. What does she plan to do in the future? He would like to know.

Valeera rose gracefully from her chair: «Now you are part of our family, Zosimos. In a week you will go with us to the black market, it is very likely that your dubious skills as a trader will be useful. Bernard will inform you about the details.»

Kyon bowed deeply: «Thank you, Lady Arpha. I won't let you down.»

«I'm glad to hear it. Alexander, help Zosimos with the formation. The meeting is now over.»

Three men and the guy said goodbye to the lady and to each other.

This ended the meeting.

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