Early morning.

A guy with long bangs entered the office of the head of the Black Star clan.

A thin old man with sparse gray hair on his head sat in a chair with his hands folded in a lock. His face and gaze inexplicably inspired fear, giving the impression that their owner was an extremely immoral, even terrible person.

However, the first impression is unmistakable. The head of the Black Star clan is a very vicious person, and everyone in the world of shadow clans knows about it. For example, he killed his own son, does not disdain punishing the guilty with torture, and sometimes he is happy to kill a dozen souls with special cruelty if they got in the way of his clan.

«Little cunt, where were you hanging out last night?!» – Isaac almost growled.

«Grandpa…» – Edward swallowed nervously. – «I... I just wanted to visit Arpha, but she wasn't in the mood for conversation, and…»

«So you're seriously trying to convince me that a slut who is a lord phaser killed the royal phaser at the third stage?!» – Isaac said in a sinister tone.

«She's too strong… Excessively strong!» – the guy replied in a trembling voice. He did not expect that everything would turn out this way. Every royal phaser counts, and any loss significantly affects the overall strength of the clan. If the grandfather punishes him, there is nothing to be surprised about.

«Is the lord phaser at the finishing stage strong?! For you - yes, but not for the royal phaser at the third stage! I gave you two bodyguards, so that you don't die in the alleyway while you are drinking until you lose consciousness, and yet you lost one of them?!» – the old man was angry.

«I didn't know that she…» – the grandson made excuses.

«Since when did you start lying so brazenly to your grandfather's face?! Come clean, or I'll cut off your finger!» – Isaac shouted, releasing the oppressive pressure of the royal phaser at the finishing stage.

Edward clenched his fists and stared at the floor until he had the courage to look the head of the clan in the eyes: «Grandpa, this bitch has developed two steps in two months! And the quality of her power goes beyond any reasonable limits! Damn it, listen to me! If we let everything take its course, in a year or two your skull will adorn her office!»

The old man's expression froze into a terrible, impenetrable mask, after which he chuckled approvingly: «Unlike your father, you have the courage necessary for the future head of the clan, however, a lie will not become true because of the courage alone. At least, not for me.»

«I'm not lying!» – the guy protested.

«Palms of death, enter the office.» – Isaac ordered calmly.

Edward's bodyguard entered the office and knelt in front of the old man. At the request of the head of the clan, he told about everything that happened at night: from Edward's plan and the invasion of the warehouse, to the loss of the royal phaser at the 3rd stage and the appearance of the Stalbers.

The guy's face turned white.

After listening to the end, the old man thoughtfully leaned his forehead on his intertwined fingers. He was not a fool and understood that if Arpha is talented not only as a leader and manager, but also as a practitioner, then in less than two years, at the next meeting of the heads of the clans she will bend everyone over: either kill them or force them to work for her. To be under the wing of a piece of trash that came from nowhere? Work for a woman? No. This is not going to happen!

After a long silent pause, the clan head said: «Your act is worthy of serious punishment… However, as a result, it brought important information, so you are lucky.»

Edward looked like he was relieved: «Then how will we act?»

«Obviously, we'll kill her.» – Isaac said casually, as if he was talking about taking out garbage.

«Wait!» – the guy shouted excitedly. – «I really like Arpha… I have never met such talented beauties, and even with a character! Grandpa, please don't kill her! Let's do something else... Let's kidnap her and suppress her powers! Let's enslave her! Let's turn her into an ordinary weak girl with some kind of suppressive formation!» – he offered enthusiastically. He really wanted to live with such a beautiful girl as a servant.

«Emotions… Sympathy… Affection… Love… Bullshit!» – Isaac spat out contemptuously. – «All these feelings are nothing compared to power and authority. The well-being of the clan is what you should be worried about.»

«I understand this, but try to understand me too! My feelings are not empty words! Let your grandson take possession of Arpha, and then I will use all my strength and will to become the best clan leader in the world! I will not let you down!» – Edward said confidently.

«Do you remember why I killed your father with my own hands?»

«Yes, he went against the interests of the clan… He betrayed us.»

«Not really. When one bastard killed your mom, Leo went crazy, and he took revenge on the «buffer zone». He violated the charter of the shadow clans, thereby practically declaring war on everyone else. If I had not defiantly executed him at the meeting and had not paid compensation, our clan would have ceased to exist. Love for a woman ruined him, and I was only trying to save our family business.»

Edward sighed convulsively: «But what does Arpha have to do with it? I don't love her…»

«You are emotionally attached to her - that's what matters. The head of the clan must forget about any sympathy for women, otherwise it will later turn against him, as in the case of Leo. That's why I let you sow your wild oats before growing up. Since you like Arpha so much, I will make you stop liking her.» – Isaac grinned ominously, like a maniac who has found a new victim.

«And what do you suggest, grandpa? After killing her, I will not draw any conclusions…»

«That's right, you won't. We'll grab Arpha. I'll let you try the girl's flesh inside and out, in all holes, as you wish, and then the dogs will take the baton.»

«What?!» – Edward stared at the old man in amazement. The guy's heart almost stopped at what he heard.

«I said that after you, the dogs will fuck Arpha, and then we will disfigure it with torture. I will make any thought of her disgusting to you. You must understand by a living example that women's beauty, inaccessibility, pride, honor and nobility are worthless. Anyway, they are all just holes in the meat, imagining that their pussy is worth more than gold. The truth is that only those who have the strength, power and influence decide the fate of the rest: whether you will be untouched or fucked by dogs. This will serve as a lesson to you, after which no whore in the world will ever stupefy my grandson's head again. This is the only way for you to become the perfect head of the clan, Edward.»

«But I don't want…» – the guy began almost desperately.

«And I don't give a fuck. Choose: either we will kill her immediately, or as I said.» – Isaac said categorically. He has enough problems without that. Some masked bitch who thinks she's a superhero destroys important profitable points.

In the morning, after breakfast with the girls, Alexander contacted Kyon and organized a meeting with the clan formacist, as it turned out, of the 6th rank, like Franz.

After the application procedure, Lovr recognized its functions by the amount of energy inside the formation: transmitting a position signal, as well as a built-in alarm button, when activated, the formation dissipates without a trace and sends a signal. However, he was informed about this directly. No pitfalls, like wiretapping, were found.

Kyon returned to the room and asked the girls to prepare for a trip out of the city, and in the meantime he estimated all possible options for deceiving the formation. By and large, there are only two of them: to hide or fake the signal source.

In the first case, he can close it with a barrier that he learned before the abduction and re-enslavement of Juno. However, are there many places in Dantes where there is a barrier blocking the signal? No. Therefore, it will be too suspicious.

The second option remains: to fake the signal source. The simplest solution would be to create an exact copy of the formation in nephrite, but for this it is necessary to get all the information from the formacist, which, alas, is impossible without blackmail. What remains? Elementary! He can teleport the formation outward along with a piece of flesh! And then those who follow him will mistakenly confuse the meat piece with himself.

Kyon had already used this method on Vlada, escaping from the Grand Palace. However, then he made a cut with Synergy, fearing that the queen would «hear» the sound of teleportation.

Sighing, Lovr enveloped the formation slot with darkness and light. With a slight green glow, a piece of flesh, consisting of vessels and meat, appeared on the hand. He disinfected him, encased it in quartz and put it in his pocket.

Soon Zosimos with Eve and Leila went to the take-off site.

When the trio together with the coachman were in the sky, Leila impatiently asked: «And now explain to me why you forbade us to ask questions and why we fly on a bird instead of training?!»

«I won't lie. There is a small chance that an invisible person is watching your dad, and if he finds out about your power, I may even be killed!»

«Oh my god!» – Eve was frightened.

«Are you kidding us?!» – Leila was amazed.

«I'm not in the mood for jokes. Your dad has a very dangerous job.»

«What kind of job?!» – Eve asked immediately, longing to know the answer.

«I can't say. In any case, in order not to arouse suspicion, we will train no more than twice a week.» – Kyon declared. He would like to do it more often, but this is too suspicious. If he does not teach the girls how to use energy in three weeks, they will never become the powerful bodyguards that he dreamed of from the first day of their «acquaintance». They can't train in the city because of the empress, and demons may appear outside. At least, the horned ones will not get into Dantes.

«Tell me at least who's watching you! Maybe I'll beat him up! I'm strong…»

«Honey, if someone is watching me, it's an ally.» – Zosimos smiled sourly.

«That is, I can't beat him up, can I?» – Leila concluded, annoyed.

«No, you can't.» – answered Kyon.

{An ally who can kill dad just because he is hiding something?} – Eve frowned thoughtfully. Now she wanted to know even more about his work!

Kyon was afraid that it was not Alexander who was following him, but Valeera. Given how careful she is, this is possible, although unlikely. The plan to ensure the necessary safety is as follows: he and the girls fly along a certain route, where the grass is tall, and any invisible pursuer is easy to notice. Then he lands on the spot for training, and the coachman continues to fly in circles riding the bird until the evening with a piece of flesh (formation and bait in one) on board.

Flying over the tall grass, Lovr did not detect any pursuit. Although it would be quite strange if the head of the clan started running after a flying bird instead of calmly watching the mercury mirror from the headquarters.

Four days passed unnoticed. There were three days left before visiting the black market.

Another training session outside the city was coming to an end.

The girls had some success in completing the tasks given by their father. Eve learned to move the canals a little, and Leila just felt them. That is, they moved to the 4th and 3rd stages, respectively, out of 5 prepared for them by Zosimos.

Just before leaving, Kyon felt his soul make a light clap. How nice it is to develop a soul! "Oop!", and in a moment you became stronger than your former self by almost a third. The amazing world of power.

Under the influence of the medicine of accelerating development, it took only 9 days for Lovr to move from the 5th to the 6th stage of the superior phase. Given the fact that he did not train as often and as hard as he would like, the speed is mind-blowing so much that he began to worry: what should he do when Valeera asks a natural question – why did a fifty-year-old man begin to develop at such a monstrous pace without any reason?

This was not the only good news: Kyon received a delivery from Horace and the dwarfs! With the help of blackmail, he received one million keys of the superior phase from the patriarch of the Clintons, and one copy of the master (4) level of the Earth element from Gimli. Is it worth talking about their value? On the whole planet, at best, 100 people have mastered them! They are so valuable and rare that they can hardly be found even in the treasury of the Russells. If the imperial family of Saturn (the Walders) found out that the dwarfs have a master level of Earth, they would definitely take it away by force, because it's not good for some bearded dwarfs to have such legendary things.

Returning to the city, Kyon and the girls went to their favorite cafe, and then, on the way to the hotel, at the beginning of the street, they noticed a group of men who looked like bandits approaching them with evil grimaces on their faces.

«Dad, I'm scared…» – Eve whispered in fright.

«The brawlers are completely out of line!» – Leila said it competently, having learned such words from somewhere.

Kyon with the girls hurriedly turned into a dark alley and accelerated, but another small gang of pursuers jumped out in front, while the previous group blocked the passage from behind.

«Well, well, are these the girls you were talking about, Romeo?» – asked the leader of the bandits, grinning with chipped gold teeth. He was covered with gold rings and tattoos, the most powerful of those present: a noble phaser at the middle stage.

A short-haired blond guy appeared from behind the man: «Yes, Mr. To. As we agreed, take the one with the dark hair, and leave the blonde for me.»

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