Romeo lost everything: money, friends, home and work that anyone can only dream of, and all because of the insane unrequited love for Eve, which led him to try to kidnap the girl from the family. The thoughts of suicide against the background of indescribable self-loathing increasingly visited the guy sitting in a prison cell for attempted kidnapping, when suddenly he was released without any explanation.

For several days, Romeo wandered about the city, lost, thinking hard about what to do with the little fairy, but after what he had done, the path to the girl's heart was obviously closed to him. Only illegal, immoral methods remain. It was not possible to resist thoughts about them. The guy wanted to be with his beloved so much that in the end he decided to go for a desperate act: he turned to the bandits with a request. He will help them rob the rich man and, in addition, take his pretty daughter with dark hair as payment, and he will take the one with light hair. It's a terrible act, but unrequited love is even more terrible.

Seeing a familiar face, Eve cried out: «Romeo?!»

«I'm sorry, my love… But in order to hug and kiss you every day, I am ready to do anything!» – said the guy with an insane gleam in his eyes.

Zosimos shouted angrily: «You son of a bitch, how dare you set these bastards on us?!»

«Hey, old man, who did you call bastards, huh?! Now, fell to your knees in front of the boss!» – apparently the right hand of the leader boldly ordered.

Leila finally understood what was going on: «Stop, stop, wait a second! So a psychopath who is in love with my little sister decided to sell me and my dad to these brawlers?! Say, he can't do it himself, so he called others to help?! Oh my god, I can't believe it! Are there really such sick people?!» – the girl smiled broadly. She wasn't really afraid of the consequences, not at all, she rather really wanted to try out her strength! And at the same time show her dad that he is making a mistake by communicating with her without proper respect.

«Oh, what a charming voice... Baby, fulfill my request, take off your veil and show your face!» – the leader named To grinned, exposing his golden teeth.

«No! I want to slay you with my fists, not my beauty!» – the girl said confidently, stretching her shoulders, mentally preparing for the fight.

«What a brave one! I like you! Ah-ha-ha!» – mockingly laughed To.

The group of bandits gradually approached.

Eve hugged her sister tightly, looking around fearfully.

Leila rolled up her sleeves, wailing defiantly: «Come on, you nasty goblins, attack at least all at once! I'm not afraid of you!» – she was very worried, although it was not noticeable. Her knees were shaking with fear. For the first time she will have to fight seriously, and even with such uglies.

Being surrounded by quite strong bandits, Kyon was more worried not even about safety, but about the fact that now someone invisible could watch him from the side. However, this is hardly possible. So, what are the options? To hope for salvation by Valeera; to let Leila beat (not without killing) the bandits; to show the formation of belonging to the Silent Horror clan; to act independently according to the situation.

Anyway, all the options have both pros and cons. However, now there is nothing more important for Lovr than to get the girls attached to him more tightly. Having revealed to them the rotten essence of human nature, he will seem to them the best father in the world after meeting with such garbage! As for overcoming the inner fear of opponents – they will have time.

«Eve, Leila, although your dad told you to always wear veils, now I ask you to make a minute exception.» – Kyon whispered.

«But I wanted to win by force, not beauty!» – Leila was indignant.

«On the count of «three» take off your veils. One... Two... Three!»

As soon as the girls took off their veils, the atmosphere changed dramatically. The bandits stopped. The smiles on their faces disappeared, and their jaws dropped. Their eyes bulged. They've never seen anyone more beautiful… In a life overflowing with dirt, they happened to see goddesses! These delicate outlines of faces, pure snow-white skin, silk hair and striking green and burgundy eyes, as if belonging to beings from the higher world…

«Oh holy heavens… How beautiful they are!» – the bandit leader muttered in fascination, not believing what he saw. Only a minute later he managed to take his eyes off the beauties. He looked at the accomplice and asked coldly. – «Kid, did you want to take the one with the blonde hair?»

«Y-yes, Mr. To…» – Romeo nodded excitedly with hidden hope.

«Are you completely fucked up, or what, you little shit?!» – shouted To furiously, grabbing the guy by the neck.

«Eh?!» – the blond man was amazed, not understanding anything.

«How dare you ask for such a thing?! Who the fuck are you to be worthy of at least one hair of this lady, huh?!» – he man growled, like a mad animal. From his point of view, the boy asks for half of the priceless loot! We can't leave it like this!

The light in Romeo's eyes went out. The guy felt like he was being consumed by primordial despair. How could he be so naive that he believed that the bandits would give him his beloved?! A naive fool whose feelings have clouded his brain… And now the dirty bastards will get the one he dotes on, to be torn to pieces?! The very thought of it took his breath away. Regret was tearing his soul. The tears didn't stop flowing.


With a strong blow to the face, To knocked out a dozen teeth from the impudent man.

«A-a-ae-eh-eh-hh…» – groaned Romeo, unable to utter a word.

~boom~ ~boom~

With two more blows, both of the blond man's eyes were swollen with blood.

«O-oaa-a-aeeo-o-oh…» – the beaten man howled plaintively, without resisting.


The final blow in the gut sent Romeo's body into the wall, where he slumped, like a limp doll. If the guy now sees Eve's desperate look, he will definitely go crazy. After what he sentenced his beloved to, it will not be enough for him to spend eternity in a cauldron with boiling oil. He only wanted to die as soon as possible after what he had done.

Eve screamed and covered her face with her hands in horror.

«It serves you right, you fool!» – Leila quipped, wincing with disgust.

Kyon cracked his neck: «Well, since everyone has learned their lesson, it's time to finish the farce. Eve, Leila, please close your eyes and ears.» – having finished, he abruptly accelerated towards the leader of the bandits and, taking out his sword, boldly swung at his shoulder, at the last moment weighing down the weapon from 500 kilograms to 2 tons.

«Oh you…» – To took out his sword and put a block from a primitive swing. Considering the speed and size of the opponent's sword, he decided to spare no energy for defense.


Not a single bandit expected what happened: the man's blow was so powerful that it completely broke through the protection of their leader, and, falling on his shoulder, cut him to the very sternum. The sound of breaking bones and tearing tendons reached everyone present. It was easy to see the internal organs of To.

No one had time to understand anything, while Zosimos, like a fierce hog, rushed into battle.

Leila already regretted that she hadn't closed her eyes right away, like Eve. Her father killed a man with a single blow! He suppressed him with a superior force, as an elephant would have suppressed an ant! For the first time since the very beginning of their unusual acquaintance, the girl was so afraid of the man that her knees were shaking. He's a monster! And he, fortunately, is her father.

«We can't beat him! Take the girls hostage!» – one of the bandits shouted and ran away.

Eve curled up in a ball from fear, and pale Leila dared to open her eyes. The three terrifying bandits were rapidly approaching! Come on, hands, obey! One blow, and they are defeated! But she never managed to move. Too scary!

«Hands off my daughters!» – Kyon roared, landing from somewhere above and cutting all three attackers in half with a powerful horizontal swing.

From now on, Leila will have nightmares about this shocking sight. Their father is ready to tear people apart for their sake! He is not afraid of lightning or flames! Here it is, a demonstration of his love for them. His feelings were felt so strongly that the pixie could not help but admire it. However, she couldn't stop being afraid too. First time she saw the murder of a man.

Half a minute later, more than half of the bandits fled, and the rest turned into piles of meat. The dark alley was filled with a thick stench of entrails, but not a single drop of blood fell on Eve and Leila's favorite dresses. The girls, trembling, hugged each other with tightly closed eyes.

For Lovr, these bandits did not pose a danger, it was easy for him to defeat even the leader, who was a noble phaser at the 5th stage (4,5). Nine stages of difference are too small for him to feel threatened. He is not afraid even of opponents 15 stages higher.

Kyon and the girls hurriedly left the alley. He tried to calm them down with a kind word, and even stroked Leila on the head, but she seemed to be more afraid of him than of the bloody spectacle. After five minutes, the daughters more or less came to their senses.

Lovr dragged Romeo by the scruff of the neck and leaned him against the wall.

Through a narrow gap in his numb blue eyelids, the guy saw three people he knew well. When he discovered that Eve was safe and sound, an excessively heavy load fell from his heart. Zosimos was able to protect his daughters from the monster… From him. He's a good father.

«You condemned Eve's father and sister to death in the hope of a ghostly chance to be with her… You acted like a real ruthless creature… There is no forgiveness for you.» – Kyon said calmly.

Romeo only nodded briefly in response and turned away. That is right. And he has already realized that.

As soon as the man pointed his sword at Romeo's head, Eve stood in the way and desperately protested: «Daddy, don't kill him! It's not his fault!»

Kyon was a little surprised: «But he almost ruined our lives! If we had not fought back, everything would have ended tragically! Besides, if we let him go, he will either try to do something else, or commit suicide…»

In the beautiful green eyes of the girl, tears shone bright like the sacred drops of the juice of the Tree of Life: «Daddy, but it was I who broke his life! He lost his mind because of me! I am to blame for everything from beginning to end! He has nothing to do with it!»

Kyon knelt down next to the little fairy: «My little flower, you shouldn't apologize to anyone or feel guilty for being born so beautiful. The fact that women envy you, and men want to have you is a given.»

«But it's only my fault that I provoke them with my appearance! It costs me nothing to wear a veil and save myself and others from these unnecessary problems... My sister made a mistake, you tried to teach me a lesson, and I must take responsibility!» – Eve tried to reach the man.

{She is too kind, responsible and smart.} – Kyon thought, sincerely admiring the girl. Although he partially agreed with her words, Lovr himself was of a different opinion: even if he initiated the enmity, for example, out of jealousy, envy or self-contempt, if the opponent crosses the line, encroaching on his priceless life, then let him put his own on the line. So it was with the examiner Kirsan, with the investigator Grek, with Prince Charles and, possibly, will be with Tymoshka, who constantly puts a spoke in his wheel. Roughly speaking, trying to kill and, no less importantly, wanting to kill, be ready to die, whoever you are and whatever good motives you have.

«Hey, what's this got to do with me?! It's your own fault that crazy people are hitting on you! That's why Romeo didn't fall for me... Because he's crazy! I have already explained this…»

«Leila, you're wrong.» – Kyon shook his head.

«I'm right! God, why do only I understand such obvious things?! Followers make leaders! Even I know that!» – she continued to insist.

«Leila, in that cartoon it was about internal qualities, not external…» – Kyon said in a fatherly, instructive tone. It's hard to argue with such intonation.

«Am I bad?» – Eve bowed her head with some resentment in her voice.

«That's not what I'm talking about! You just... You ... Oh, that's it! I want to go to the restroom.» – the girl waved away.

Kyon looked at Leila and tried once again to reach out to her meager mind: «Honey, I won't get tired of repeating this. You and your sister are real beauties! And beauty in men's eyes is worth a lot. All of them will be interested in you, just as robbers and thieves are interested in a precious treasure, even if they do not show it. You must have powerful patrons to keep yourself safe, but your dad is weak, so wear veils in order not to attract attention, and train to become stronger! Do you understand me, honey?»

The girl was silent for a few seconds, and then stubbornly stamped her foot:

«I want to pee!»

Kyon sighed in disappointment, turned to the little fairy and asked again: «So do you want to save his life? Do you want him to suffer further, bringing us trouble?»

Eve looked thoughtfully at the battered Romeo, then nodded: «I think he has learned his lesson. Well, unrealizable love will serve as his punishment for what he did.»

A sparkle of life appeared in Romeo's eyes. Indeed, the torment of love is worse than any torture! If you look at the situation this way, then at least by his old age he will not feel heartbreaking guilt for what he did.

«You know best, little flower. As you wish.» – Zosimos smiled tightly.

«Thank you, Dad.» – Eve beamed. Today, looking at Romeo, she realized how reckless and fanatical people can be when they are intoxicated with strong feelings, in particular love. This does not mean that all men are bad from birth. Not at all. They are not to blame for the fact that it is inherent in them to strive for the best of the best, and she is not to blame for being so beautiful that she reveals the worst sides in them. It turns out that any man with whom the girl will contact will sooner or later lose his head? Not necessary! There is one exception: Zosimos.

{Wait a minute… Did he do all these lessons in order to attach me to him? So that I would stop being afraid of him touching her?} – the girl did not take her emerald eyes off the smiling Zosimos. It seems to be true! Whatever his methods are, they work! Because next to him, the girl felt safe.

{Even if he's not my father, I'd like him to be.} – Eve thought fondly.

Five minutes later, when Romeo was able to get to his feet, someone pretending to be passers-by came up to him and put a strange black thing to his eye.


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