{«Judging by the signal strength, our target is behind those hills.»} – the deputy commander of the demons sent a mental message to the group.

{«Let's land.»} – the strongest horned one commanded.

A dozen huge birds landed on the tops of hills several hundred meters high. Below, the demons saw a multi-kilometer plain, overgrown with low grass and sparse trees, in the middle of which there were three people: two girls and a man.

«Why do these human bitches have such an outfit?» – the deputy asked, raising his eyebrows.

«I don't care. Our target is that man.» – recalled the commander.

«And what are we going to do with the girls?» – the deputy asked, licking his lips unkindly.

«If they are ugly – we will kill them. If on the contrary – we will capture them.» – the leader grinned knowingly. – «Let's move out. And remember, our goal is not easy. Be on the alert.» – having finished, he and his subordinates went to the people, having previously imposed various barriers on the birds.

As they approached, the demons felt that the man was only a superior phaser at the 6th stage, and the girls had no development at all. Such weaklings against them are like cockroaches against a herd of elephants. All tension disappeared instantly. The commander even changed his mind about launching the surprise attack and removed the veil of mass concealment technique.

As soon as the people turned around, the demons involuntarily froze. The beauty of the two human girls was so amazing that they could not believe what they saw: pale, delicate skin without a single wrinkle, graceful arched eyebrows, small noses and chins, lips like the most delicate petals of a fiery flower, and their wonderful clear bottomless eyes…

The appearance of one girl was so innocent and beautiful, as if she was a goddess of purity, standing above this sinful world. The appearance of the second, on the contrary, gave the impression that its owner was a dangerous, capricious and mischievous cheat, however, only the non-existent daughter of the demon emperor could match her charm.

And these two beauties were dressed up in unusual open clothes: black tight leotards, like ballerinas or gymnasts, but instead of tights - black knee high socks, and instead of gymnastics slippers - a kind of shoes. Their clothes, coupled with slender figures and extraterrestrial appearance, struck the imagination. The demons couldn't look away!

«Demons?! Oh no… Oh no… OH NO!»

The man's shrill cry of terror brought the demons to their senses. A smile played on the commander's lips, peculiar only to Xiao Bai, who found the lord's sphere on the floor. He walked towards the man, taking out a long huge ax.

Eve and Leila were petrified with horror at the sight of 33 huge red-skinned demons, as if sprinkled with blood, with long ram horns and flames in their eyes.

«Wait! Master Demon, I beg you, listen to just one of my requests! My daughters… Please don't kill them! Kill me, but don't touch them!»

The commander grinned and said in broken Human: «Old man, you to play at nobility is useless… Such a beauty we to capture. You are our target. You we to kill.»

«To capture?!» – the man blurted out with relief and grief at the same time. – «In that case, Master Demon, please take care of them… They are very nice and kind girls! They are the best girls that exist in this world! If you offend them, you will incur the wrath of the universe! Eve, Leila, hug the big guys, show them your love…»

When the two girls, looking down, stepped forward, the demons looked at each other in surprise: are they really going to hug their enemies? Isn't that too... weird?

Eve went up to the most terrifying female demon. She was the third strongest of the squad – the imperial phaser at the 1st stage. The girl, raising her wet eyes full of fear, stretched out her hands as if she wanted a hug.

Nine out of ten demonesses are bisexual, so when such an innocent, fragile cutie wanted hugs, the woman absolutely could not refuse her. With a vulgar smile, she took the slender body of the beauty in her arms, while the other soldiers nearby hissed and snorted with envy.

Leila went to the most terrible demon: the commander. Showing remarkable courage, the girl looked up at the horned one and also held out her hands. Her eyelashes quivered with fear, and diamond tears sparkled in her brilliant eyes.

Such a charming creature made the heart of a battle-hardened warrior tremble. The enchanting fragrance of the damsel got into the nostrils, causing a slight dizziness, as if from intoxication or immeasurable happiness. Baring his teeth in a dirty grin, the commander allowed the damsel to hug him, and he shamelessly grabbed her firm butt covered with leotard with his palm.

«Your daughters are very good-looking!» – the commander growled contentedly. – «Fortunately for you, one of my warriors to know a subordinate formation that suppresses suffering and makes you happy. So the sex slaves will not get a head-injury и to be happy with their fate. And in gratitude to you, I to give a quick death.»

The deputy received a mental order from the commander and, taking out a long sword, headed towards the man. Coming closer, he accelerated sharply to cut off the head… When suddenly the man opened his shining blue eyes. An inexplicable panic seized the demon's soul, as if he was looking into the eyes of an angry Emperor Lucius. Although this feeling lasted only a split second, the horned one seemed to have fallen out of reality.

With a wave of his hand, Kyon took out a net prepared a few weeks ago, dotted with hundreds of nephrites with formations inside, and, as if with a snap of his fingers, with the help of pure energy, he activated all the attacking formations of the Feruzs at once.


A flash, brighter than even the sun, illuminated the entire plain. Countless attacks of different nature and direction-from fire and lightning to earth and darkness-hit the demon. Although each attacking formation hit at best a lord phaser at the middle stage (5), all at once they were incomparably more powerful than that volley of artillery in Triana, when the tigress was not yet harnessed.

A cacophony of sounds filled the plain.

The glow of the previous attack had not yet disappeared, when suddenly the whole world was plunged into impenetrable darkness, and then the dazzling light triumphed again.

While the demons were under the effects of "Flash of Darkness" and "Flash of Light", Kyon consecutively fired three shots from a pulse rifle into the heads of the horned ones.


One bullet was caught with bare hands, like an annoying fly. The second one hit the head, protected by pure energy. And only the third one hit the forehead of the weakest demon in the squad, the royal phaser at the 4th stage, because of this, the horned one flew several tens of meters, but he only had a small bruise.

Kyon's goal was simple: to create as much chaos as possible to buy time for Eve and Leila. To do this, he did not hesitate to roar loudly, like a mighty lion, using his modernized vocal chords one hundred percent.

When the demons came to their senses, they found the deputy commander lying in the bubbling magma. His body was shaking with agony and shock. His hair and clothes had evaporated, and half of his face and body were charred. He was still alive, but he obviously won't live long.

«A human bastard! DIE!» – the soldier roared in a fit of hatred and, taking out a throwing ax, threw it at the screaming man with such speed that even the lord phaser at the peaking stage would not have time to react. But the weapon inexplicably did not reach the target.

Kyon took out a net, studded with hundreds of nephrites with the Feruzs protective formations, and activated several dozens at once. Numerous stone walls, shields and deep quicksand formed around him.

The enraged demons took out their weapons and rushed at the man to attack… When suddenly there were booming sounds of blows. The demons turned around and looked at their commander. He bulged his eyes from the strain, wheezed something, twitching strangely and beating his fists on the head of the girl hugging him, as if he was trying with all his might to throw her off…

«What the fuck…» – the soldiers blurted out in shock, not understanding what was going on there at all. Why don't the commander's blows, which clearly contain all the power of the imperial phaser at the 3rd stage, cause harm to an ordinary girl? This human girl can't be that strong!

«This bitch is choking him!» – shouted one of the shrewdest soldiers.

The demons rushed to help the commander, but even ten demons could not unhook the hands of this pixie: she grabbed tightly, like a Diamond boa constrictor! And, judging by the lilac complexion of the horned one, her grip was only getting stronger with every second!

«Die-die-die-DIE!» – Leila screamed without stopping. The blows of the terrible demon echoed with pain in the head. For the first time, the girl felt pain! If he manages to escape from the grip, there is no doubt that she will die from his strong hands.

Meanwhile, Eve finally released the horned woman, whose neck was twisted at an unnatural angle, and the vital sparkle in her eyes had long gone out. She died! Now the attention of all the demons was focused on saving the commander, and only a small part fiercely attacked the protective barriers created by the father. If this continues, they will break through and kill him.

{I have to save my dad!} – the girl thought desperately, trying to move from her place. Her knees were trembling, her face was deathly pale, her hands were shaking, but the desire to save her father's, sister's and her own lives was stronger than any fear! The realization of this simple but important truth restored mobility to the legs.

Eve pounced on the most terrible demon, deciding to face the fear, but he easily dodged and tried to wring her hands, naively hoping to do without killing the "weak" girl and the future captive.

The horned one did not know yet that this girl had recently broken the neck of a woman, the imperial phaser at the 1st stage, because he was absorbed in attacking a fucking screaming old man!

The demon's touch almost knocked the spirit out of the girl, but instead of freezing from shock, she fiercely grabbed his hand and pulled it towards her like a rope, then grabbed his throat with her palms… No dexterity and speed allowed him to dodge such a simple attack.


The girl did not understand why the enemy's neck was so soft, unlike the one that belonged to the woman. She tried to attack the next horned one, but he hurriedly jumped back, because he witnessed the brutal murder of a relative.

«Die, bitch!» – the demon shouted, sharply reducing the distance and hitting the seemingly fragile girl with a foot in the stomach.

Eve flew off a dozen meters, but did not feel any pain. Her heart was pounding loudly in her temples. The fear was still there, but now she could fight it because she knew what she was dealing with! Leaping to her feet, the fair-haired girl with the screech of a desperate Amazon rushed to the attack…

Meanwhile, there was complete chaos among the demons trying to save the commander.

«Cut this bitch's hands!» – the horned one roared desperately.

The fourth strongest demon in the squad, the royal phaser at the peaking stage, came forward, took out a fragile-looking sword similar to a katana, and slashed the girl's arm with all his strength, but instead of the expected loss of a limb, he only left a reddish stripe on her skin.

«What the fuck?!» – the horned one exclaimed in disbelief, staring wildly at his weapon. He got an extremely high-quality example of a sword from the east, one of those that are famous for their sharpness, from his older brother, the legendary swordsman, and still he could not even scratch the girl?! Incredible!

Realizing that the problem was already serious, half of the squad attacked Leila. They beat her with axes, swords, hammers, spears and bardiches… She was affected by all the elements… The horned ones used all the techniques that they had in their arsenal.

The girl's clothes were torn to shreds in a matter of moments, and her flawless naked body was exposed to the red eyes of angry demons. Red marks began to appear on the delicate satin skin, and in some places even scratches, small burns and bruises, but the lady stubbornly continued to squeeze the commander's neck with her elbow…

«Let our commander go, and we will give you mercy!» … «Gouge her eyes out, for fuck's sake!» … «Fuck, let me try!» … «Why doesn't my attack work on her?!» … «Don't hurt the commander!»

The demons pulled the girl's hair, tried to get to her eyes, but she buried her face in the commander's back. They groped her ass, trying to make her twitch, and used the dirtiest techniques… All to no avail. Too stubborn, strong and surprisingly tough.

«Bastards… How dare you touch me there… Heaven will punish you for this… And I will help it!» – clenching her teeth, Leila said. She was literally shaking with indescribable fear and burning rage.

«DROWN HER!» – suggested the smartest demon, but he was interrupted.

«We won't have time!» – the other horned one objected, seeing that the commander was practically not resisting anymore. – «Take her father hostage!»

While one demon created a water bubble on the girl's head so that she could not breathe, about ten horned ones rushed to the man, who was still standing due to the constant use of protective formations…

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