{Shit… Shit! SHIT!} – Kyon cursed himself for his helplessness, watching as half of the squad rushed at him, as Eve unsuccessfully tried to prevent that, and Leila was drowned in a bubble of water while she strangled the most dangerous demon…

Lovr activated several dozens of defensive formations.


Under the onslaught of the horned ones, the quicksand froze, the earthen walls collapsed, the icy ones melted, and the etheric barriers burst harmlessly. At this rate, in a minute all the protective nephrites of the Feruzs will end, and then only death…

Eve tried to help her father with all her might, but fell under a stream of flame, and although she was not injured in any way, all her clothes turned into ashes. Because of this, her perfect naked body appeared to the greedy scarlet eyes of numerous male demons. A tsunami of pressure and shame hit the girl. It was as if her body was shackled by chains! She lost the will to resist. As a result, the beautiful lady, all bathed in tears, just curled up on the ground, pitifully watching how the horned ones got close to her dad…

Kyon's heart sank as he watched what was happening. He could only rely on Leila, but she has been held in a water bubble for almost half a minute! In such a stressful situation, it is impossible to hold your breath for a long time. The fact that she is still standing is already a miracle!

Meanwhile, the squad leader's eyes darkened from lack of oxygen. He no longer felt the ground under his feet, and the surrounding noise turned into an indistinct hum. The mind gradually began to fade. As soon as the horned one lost consciousness, the pure energy protecting his neck dissipated. At the same moment, the man's throat instantly crumpled and broke, like a thin crust of spring ice under the light pressure of a foot.


Feeling the demon's corpse being dragged to the side, Leila tenaciously grabbed the bastard, who was still trying to drown her, by the hand and with a sharp squeeze broke it like a dry branch… The water balloon burst, and the girl was finally able to breathe deeply.

«A-A-A-A-AA-A-AA! LET ME GO, BITCH!» – the demon roared, trying to throw off the impudent bitch with a geyser, but she inexorably pulled him towards her until she grabbed him by the neck…

«No one dares to strangle me without my consent!» – Leila screamed hysterically and squeezed her palm.


With a face twisted with fear and hatred, the demon was killed by his own stupidity.

Meanwhile, the soldiers stared blankly at the already dead commander: «Oh no, no, no, it can't be! I don't believe it!» … «That bitch… She killed the commander!» … «Fucking bitch, you'll pay for this with your life!» … «WE'll KILL ALL THE PEOPLE!» – someone let out a battle cry in Demonic, and the demons seemed to break loose. They always respected their leader, but he died a shameful death by the standards of warriors at the hands of a cute human girl.

The horned ones were divided into three unequal groups: some bit into the protective barriers of the pot-bellied man, wanting to tear the father of this «vile fiend» to pieces with all the fibers of their soul, others attacked the scoundrel who brutally killed the commander, and only a few remaining preferred to try to finish off the obviously surrendered naked girl.

Looking around, Leila immediately realized that everything was bad. Her father's protection will soon fall, and her sister is not able to fight at all. Everything depends only on her! Alone, naked and beautiful, against a group of cruel and persistent demons! And what to do next? There was a ringing emptiness in her head!

Unfortunately, the girl completely forgot the content of Zosimos' instructions right before the battle: the blows of her and her sister's fists will not cause harm to the demons. It is necessary to grab and strangle!

Based on this simple truth, Kyon made a plan with «innocent» hugs, thanks to which he was able to get rid of two of the most dangerous enemies, while he killed the third one himself. However, these three imperial phasers, as it turned out, were able to pierce the skin of the girls. The fact that they are dead gives them (and mostly only them) a tiny chance to survive.

Leila was mercilessly attacked by a crowd of angry demons. The very first blow sent her slender body into a somersault for several tens of meters. Before she could get to her feet, a hammer blow flew into the back of her head, and again a whirl before her eyes… She was kicked like a ball on a football field, and she could not do anything about it, although she saw and realized everything perfectly. The fact is that bare feet at such speeds slide on green grass and damp ground, as if on ice. The girl could not physically slow down and regain balance.

The lady's body was covered with injuries, although small, but extremely numerous: somewhere a bruise, somewhere a scratch, somewhere a burn. Due to an overabundance of adrenaline in the blood, the pain was not felt, as well as shame and fear, but it could not last forever. The demons will not stop until they turn her body into a lifeless corpse, which will then be defamed as a sign of revenge for the murder of the commander.

With a desperate groan, Kyon activated the remaining 50 defensive formations at once and prepared to attack the first demon that broke through with the sword of Calamity. There was no point in trying to dodge at his snail's pace. Royal phasers are not the kind of practitioners he could withstand.

A squad of demons violently crashed into the barriers, splitting them like nuts. After half a minute, the last protective layer disappeared, and a demon burst forward. With a gleeful evil smile, he blurted out: «Die at last!» – and swung a huge hammer at the man's chest. His blow was as powerful and fast as a meteorite's fall.

Meanwhile, Kyon made the first movement – "Fall of Calamity", with which he defeated Dinah in Cernos. Jumping up, he swung his sword towards the hammer, weighing down his weapon to ten tons.


The shock wave scattered clods of earth and flower petals around the area. The hammer blow made by the royal phaser at the finishing stage easily suppressed "Fall of Calamity" and flew into the man's chest, sending him into a long uncontrolled flight.

«Dad… Dad…» – Eve squeaked pitifully, sobbing softly.

«Dad, don't die! Dad!» – Leila screamed desperately. Her heart sank painfully.

Kyon tumbled limply on the ground like a rag doll. The demon's blow broke almost all of his ribs and caused many internal injuries of varying severity: the lung and esophagus were pierced, many blood vessels and tissues were torn, and the heart was damaged.

Lovr's eyes darkened, and his face turned pale, but despite the severe injuries, the thought echoed through his head: {I don't want to die like this… I want to live!} – he spat out blood and tried to get up, but he was already surrounded by demons.

«Vile little man, how can you still stand on your feet?!» – the demon with the hammer was amazed.

«Tear him apart in front of this bitch!» … «Tear out his heart and crush it!!» … «Tear off his head and show it to her!» … «Rip off his skin!» – the demons shouted, piercing the person with bloodthirsty glances. They wanted to destroy the trashy girl who killed the commander, not only physically, but also mentally. The cruel death of her father should help in this.

The demons stopped attacking the girls, giving them the opportunity to enjoy the execution.

Eve wanted to say something, but the words did not leave her mouth from an overabundance of emotions. Seeing the deathly pale face of her dad, the girl's heart was torn with grief.

«Let him go! D… Don't you dare…» – a bitter lump of regrets rolled up in Leila's throat. The last thing in the world she wanted to see was her father's death. Just ten minutes ago, she was living a wonderful life, where every day was a joy… But everything that happened now was like a nightmare, from which she could not wake up in any way.

The demon with a hammer hung the man by the neck.

{Kara… I should have strangled you while I still had the chance!} – Kyon thought with regret. If he had known earlier that he would get into such a situation because of the marriage formation, he would have acted differently. Well, now it remains to rely on the plan of the «last hope». With all his remaining strength, he hit the horned one in the face.

The red-skinned demon easily grabbed the man's hand and tore it off with a sharp movement.

«AAA-O-O-AA-A-OO-O-E-EEE-EE-EAA!» – howled Zosimos, as if he was being cut alive. Blood spewed from the stump in a pulsating stream to the ground, staining the man's side.

The girls were thrown into an uncontrollable tremor from this tough sight. They could not take their shocked gazes away from their father, who was moaning in pain.

The demons laughed in unison. One of them picked up the severed hand and, with an ugly grin, waved it to the little creatures.

Due to the inhuman howl of the man and the delightful reaction of his daughters to this, the demon with the hammer felt the excitement, and grabbed the man by the other hand, but he could not pull it out. And this despite the fact that he took up the task with full dedication. With much more effort, he managed to pull it out with part of his shoulder.

«VO-OO-OOO-OOA-AA-AAAAA-AH!» – the man, pale as chalk, howled painfully.

The anguished cry of their father literally drove Eve and Leila crazy. An annoying ringing began to sound in their heads, increasing with every second, as if resonating. The girls' heads were literally splitting from terrible pain. The bodies were covered with cold sweat.

The hammer-bearer grabbed the man by the head and tried to tear it off... unsuccessfully. No matter how much force he applied, it did not separate from the body. He even felt ashamed in front of his comrades for his slip. Having given up, he threw the man on the nearest stone and smashed the hammer with all his strength on the back of his head, intending to flatten the enemy's skull like an overripe watermelon.


The stone under the man's head shattered into rubble. A large crater formed in the ground. From the blow, the body of the unfortunate man went deep into the ground.

{NO-OO-OO-O-OO-OO!} … {DAAD-DYYY-Y-YY-Y!} – seeing the execution of their father, the girls got stuck. The headache disappeared, and the pure, icy rage expressed in the desire to destroy all enemies came in its place. The curtain opened slightly.

The demons were laughing at the top of their voices, and only the horned one with the hammer was stunned by the indescribable amazement that seized him, because he did not feel that the blow somehow hurt the surprisingly strong man. What nonsense?!

Suddenly the atmosphere changed. It seemed that the plain and nearby hills were torn out of this reality and placed in another eerie dimension. The air vibrated strangely and thickened, as if the whole world around was submerged under water. Gusts of wind, swaying grass, chirping of insects - everything seemed to be frozen. The demons felt as if the heavens had fallen on them. They felt such pressure only at that fateful battle between humans and demons! Immense fear enveloped the hearts and souls of the horned ones. They all fell to their knees at once, as if by someone's unquestioning order. Pale and terrified, they turned to the source of this dominating power, and it turned out to be... Naked girls!

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