Evening came. The sun went down behind the city wall, the twilight gradually gave way to the darkness of the night.

After leaving the department, Kyon raced at full speed towards the signal coming from the tracking formation superimposed on Edward's wrist. Despite his haste, he had no idea how to rescue Valeera from the well-guarded territory of the Black Star clan. There is no point in calling Elsa, because she is just a practitioner of the royal phase. Eve and Leila are still unconscious. And if he uses the services of the security forces, then during the raid Valeera will definitely be captured, and then only one end awaits her… It turns out that he can only rely on himself and his capabilities. There is no other way.

When he thought about how the prisoner was feeling, his heart bled. Almost an hour has passed since the abduction, and with every second the probability that the girl was raped by Edward is getting higher. If this happens, Lovr will make the guy beg for death.

Suddenly Kyon's face darkened: {For fuck's sake, what a bad time!} – he heard two unknown people following him, and judging by the fact that the pursuers keep their distance and do not rush to reveal themselves, it is easy to guess that they are from the Clintons.

After the blackmail incident, Horace is unlikely to dare to catch or kill Dick, but to collect information about where he lives, what he eats and what he breathes - with all pleasure.

Lovr had noticed before that the Clintons' people were secretly watching the department during his visits, clearly monitoring his movements. But in the past, he had transformed into another person in advance and changed his development with a concealment bracelet, thereby completely getting rid of attention. However, now he also changed his development and hid his face behind a hood, but this was not enough!

Horace made the fatal mistake of getting in the way of Kyon's goals. He was warned not to follow and not to dig under whom he should not. He will be to blame for the consequences.

Lovr pulled the reins and went towards the headquarters of the Silent Horror clan.

The target left the riding animal near an ordinary residential building and went into the basement… Suddenly the presence of his soul was gone. They had to use scanning, but it didn't help either. The information collectors were taken aback: where did he go?!

The tail drop maneuver took Kyon's precious 15 minutes.


Finally, the signal has increased. Apparently, Edward is a kilometer ahead.

Kyon climbed onto the nearest building and examined the setting: a sparsely populated middle-class neighborhood. Ahead is an area of about 300 by 400 meters, enclosed by a high, but flimsy and even rusty fence. In the center is a two-story unremarkable gray building. It somewhat resembles a factory, but it is not. All this was under the dome of an invisible alarm barrier, the power of which was not inferior to its counterpart in the Stalbers' warehouse. It means that it won't be possible to go inside unnoticed.

Three guards, presumably of the royal phase, are walking around the perimeter of the territory, two more are sitting in high booths with dark windows - they are watching the surroundings from a distance. The security is not bad. Not every family can afford this.

{It's time to act.} – Kyon decided and his body merged with the environment, as if it had dissolved. It was the first time he used the concealment technique for its intended purpose!

Lovr has long figured out how important it is to have a concealment technique in your arsenal. For example, he would be able to escape from Valeera in Boston, from the Hunters chasing him with a tigress, and even from Triana in Cernos. That is why over the past month he has spent a considerable part of his time creating it. Basing on the legacies of the Stones, the Grands and the Feruzs, he was able to create the "S" rank concealment technique, and in order to increase the rank, the legacies of the greater families will be required. And time, a lot of time.

The technique received its rank for a reason. The person using it is invisible and inaudible; he does not emit any smells even in a strong wind; he merges with the environment, even with water, fog or any kind of biomes; he does not emit vibrations when walking or running; and, most importantly, he is practically impervious to the spiritual senses of practitioners. The effectiveness of the latter property, of course, directly depends on one's own development, on the development of the enemy and on the distance between them.

Also, this technique has another significant advantage: when using it, it is impossible to understand that it consists of 9 elements. The sound heard by the soul seems to belong to some unknown element. This bonus appeared due to the fact that the chain of 9 elements was closed.

The only drawback of this concealment technique is that it cannot be used in combat. Only for a surprise attack. Any blow removes the veil of invisibility. However, all such techniques have a similar flaw.

Entering invisibility, Kyon activated the concealment bracelet, lowering his development to the 0th stage (the one who did not establish a connection with the soul) and went to the fence.

Waiting for the guard to pass, Lovr jumped over the fence and immediately rushed to the left.

«Serge, a break-in was observed in the central part of the southern fence. It seems like a bum or a thief… Check it out.» – said a person from the clan's information center.

«I'll be right there.» – the guard hid the sound transmitter and almost instantly found himself in the southern part of the territory. Starting to scan, he felt something… Turning his head, the watchman noticed a crow flying by. Taking a small stone, he seemed to blow up a zombie-bird with a well-aimed throw. Only a cloud of blue-black feathers rose into the air.

The guard contacted the clan's info center and briefly reported: «It's just a bird.»

«A messenger bird?»

«No, just an ordinary crow. Already dead.»

«This is strange. There were no wild birds in Dantes…»

«Maybe she escaped from the circus, the devil only knows.»

«I see. Keep working.»

«Got it.»

Kyon's heart was pounding wildly against his chest. There was only a hundred meters between him and the guard. If he had directed the scan a little more to the left, he would have already been revealed.

Taking a breath, Lovr crept up to the two-story building and put his ear to the wall. Despite the thick walls, he managed to hear the heartbeat of people on the first floor. The sounds of running water and some quacking came from the second floor… It seems that someone is throwing up. From the basement floors, he could hear Isaac's screams, arguing with someone over a sound transmitter about a possible organizer of the raid. There was no voice and, most importantly, Edward's moans, which was encouraging.

First he needs to find Valeera. All the windows are curtained, so feathered scouts are useless, so he will have to look for her by ear, by heartbeat. The walls of the building are uneven, so it will not be difficult to climb on them, and there echolocation can help…

At the headquarters of the Black Star clan, 5 minutes after returning.

Edward shifted impatiently from one foot to the other, waiting for his grandfather to let him go. The unconscious Arpha had already been taken to his chambers and prepared for a passionate evening. Among other things, a gag was inserted into her mouth, in case she decides to bite off her tongue.

Isaac talked intently with Diego over the sound transmitter: «None… None of our people are interested in a surprise attack. Victims on all sides. Only Arpha benefits from this, say, there is nothing to lose, so why not take the dishonest bastards with me? The girl turned out to be smarter than we thought… I underestimated her even more.»

«Was she able to organize a raid unnoticed for us?» – Diego asked incredulously.

«We have already suggested that someone is behind her… Some high-ranking investigator. He arranged everything. It is only unclear why there were no imperial phasers among the attackers…»

«Isn't it obvious?» – Diego asked with a hint.

«Do you think she was hoping to use the commotion to escape?»

«Of course! If there were imperial phasers among the investigators, she would have been put behind bars, and she did not need such an outcome. She's a smart girl! Pragmatic… It's her style.»

«Stop licking her cunt, Diego. Be a man. She's just a fool caught in a trap. Now her days are numbered. In any case, we will thoroughly interrogate her, and then we will see…» – Isaac said bloodthirstedly.

«Wait… We agreed, remember?» – Diego said.

«Not you too?! You're an adult, fucking man, and you're still thinking with a dick! Okay, my motherfucker is still young and energetic, but why do you need this?!»

«We. Agreed.» – Diego said dispassionately.

Isaac sighed wearily: «Have it your way. I will not disfigure her until you come.»

Having dropped the connection, the old man gave his grandson a stern look: «Edward, you heard everything. Interrogate Arpha. Record everything to the formation so that there are no unnecessary questions. Find out if she was involved in the raid, if she has connections in the department and everything else. Your instrument of torture… You know what it is. And keep in mind, if you cannot get the information out of the woman, I'll have to do it myself, and my methods are much tougher than yours. You'll be sick of the sight of her after I work on her. Got it?»

«Got it, grandpa. I will do everything in the best possible way. May I go?»

«Go, you brat. Have fun.» – Isaac grinned wryly.

Edward disappeared. He burst into his chambers and stared with eyes burning with lust at the beautiful person lying tied by wrists and ankles to the metal corners of the bed. Her long, slender legs spread apart, wrapped in glossy black tights, made his heart burst out of her chest, and his blood boiled. She lay with her eyes closed, looking like a sleeping beauty. Her long black hair was carelessly scattered on the pillow, which made her even more attractive. A thin gag strap was wrapped around her head, which did not allow her to close her jaw completely.

Now the girl is wearing a collar that blocks the ability to use the elements, so she is defenseless, even though she was able to kill the royal phaser at the 5th stage.

Edward couldn't believe his luck. Is it possible that the head of the Silent Horror clan, the person who frightened the seven heads of clans with her talents, the one who looked down on him and called him a nonentity, in his complete power?! The very thought of it excited him… The guy was nervous akin to an inexperienced youngster on the first date with the girl of his dreams… It is very strange, because even his first murder and sex he took with much greater composure.

Edward set up and activated the visual information on the table and slowly approached the girl. He had been waiting for this moment for so long… Those five minutes seemed like an eternity…

Valeera opened her bleary eyes and saw the hated bastard, through whose fault she fell into this desperate situation… And through whose fault Bernard, Alexander and Zosimos died… Closing her eyes, the girl silently turned away from the scoundrel.

«Baby, I understand why you are sad, but believe me, after this night you will become much happier… The time spent with me will open your eyes to true female happiness! Just be patient a little…» – the guy sensually stroked Arpha on the snow-white cheek, like a favorite pet. He understood that he needed to conduct an interrogation, and therefore resort to threats and torture, but he absolutely could not restrain his desires. Whatever! He will tell his grandfather that she didn't say anything and he needs more time.

Edward grabbed a lock of Arpha's hair and inhaled its fragrance convulsively. The scent of her body and the freshness of the perfume in a strange way harmonized with the icy aura, which made him feel as if his very soul was covered with goosebumps even in such a hot situation.

The guy climbed on the girl and with a light movement tore off her black blouse and bra. He swallowed nervously with a surging desire. The palms reflexively stretched out and greedily squeezed the snow-white mounds. Their softness and tenderness caused a sheaf of goosebumps in the back of the head and groin… Until now, he could not believe that he was squeezing the breasts of this inaccessible, proud bitch.


The beauty's face wrinkled in disgust, but this only provoked Edward. He kissed the sharp collarbones passionately. The pleasant smell emanating from the velvet skin caressed the nostrils. The guy traced a path with his lips to a thin long neck, leaving hickeys on it, as if marking his prey… In response, the girl raised her chin sweetly. She's holding up surprisingly well for someone who's about to be raped.

Edward barely pulled himself away from the seductive mound, grabbed the girl by the back of her head, fixed her head, and passionately bit into the pink slightly parted lips… Time was frozen… Existence turned into bliss…

The guy was very surprised when Arpha opened her mouth, as if wanting to respond to his kiss with the tongue. Oh yes, she has a gag in her mouth, how could he forget?! Without hesitating for a second, he stuck his tongue inside the warm mouth, without fear that it would be bitten off.

~squish~ ~gulp~

Suddenly, a small thing flew into the throat of the lovesick young man, which Edward reflexively swallowed. He abruptly pulled away from Arpha and looked at her with horror. A devilish flame danced in the eyes of the captive. The guy immediately realized that he had swallowed a poisonous pill!

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