Valeera has always appreciated her life, however, having visited the department, she realized that sometimes death is preferable. Since then, the girl began to carry a capsule with a deadly poison behind her teeth, like her murdered subordinates from the thieves' guild. If the tablet shell comes into contact with gastric juice, the poison will enter the body and begin to act…

Waking up tied to the bed, Valeera immediately tried to get out, but, oddly enough, she could not. Hands and feet were firmly tied with a strong rope to an equally strong metal bed. The collar blocked the ability to use elemental energy. The weapons hidden in the clothes were taken away, as well as the ring with things and money. Complete hopelessness.

A sticky wave of a wide variety of negative feelings rolled over Valeera, among which despair, grief and regret prevailed. The girl has already seen how she leaves this damned world: when Edward tries to defame her, she will swallow a poisonous pill and die… Let him fail. At least she won't be dishonored when she meets her parents.

Then, as expected, her tormentor appeared and began to put his hands on her…

When Edward began to kiss her, the girl suddenly had a great opportunity to take revenge on him. She would call her next act rather impulsive than reasonable… The girl made a turn with her tongue, a sharp exhale, and... the pill with poison was in the stomach of the hated guy. Die, you bastard!

Edward tensed and grabbed his throat: «B-bitch, y-you… Me…» – he jumped out of bed and put two fingers in his mouth, then vomited the contents of his stomach on the floor. After catching his breath, the guy focused on how he was feeling, but he didn't notice anything unusual. He felt so relieved, as if he had been born again.

Valeera grew more and more gloomy with each passing second.

Edward jumped to his feet and violently grabbed frightened Arpha by the neck: «Did you want to kill me?! Nice try, but I'm not that simple! Bitch, you'll pay for real for this! I will fuck you so hard that you… Oh… What the…» – the guy suddenly fell silent and froze to the spot. His face turned pale. Clutching his stomach, he rushed to the restroom.

The bodyguard standing outside the door noticed the strangeness in the master's behavior, went to the restroom, knocked and asked: «Sir, is something wrong?»

«Call the doctor!» – Edward hissed. – «And don't tell anyone about this!» – he added.


If Isaac finds out that Arpha poisoned her grandson, he will skin her alive. As long as the guy is alive, until he tastes her forbidden fruit, nothing should happen to the girl.

As for the poisoning, judging by the symptoms, he will live. With the assistance of medicine and pure energy, he will recover in a couple of days, and maybe even by the morning he will arrange a surprise for an unlucky killer. Well, it was close! If he had emptied his stomach a few seconds later, he would have gone to the forefathers.

Meanwhile, Valeera stared at the ceiling with a devastated gaze, fully realizing what a stupid thing she had done: succumbing to an impulse, she lost the only opportunity to avoid the fate of a sex toy, and still could not finish off the hated Edward.

{What have I done… What a fool I am…} – she did not want to breathe from grief. She can't even bite her tongue off because of the gag. The situation is even more desperate than in the department, because this time there is no uncle who is ready to save her even at the cost of his life. She lost everyone.

Valeera wearily closed her eyes From the hopelessness overflowing her soul, when suddenly she abruptly opened them and looked in the direction of the open window. Does someone seem to be approaching? Just a little, but the girl felt someone's presence nearby, and this person began to untie the ropes in order to free her…

{Who?!} – a variety of thoughts rushed through her head, even crazy ones.

Kyon took Valeera into his arms, causing a veil of concealment to cover her as well.

Seeing Zosimos, the girl shuddered, as if she had been electrocuted. Shock and disbelief were in her eyes. Could it be that she is dreaming? He couldn't survive…

Lovr heard a man approaching the door, judging by the weight of his steps, it was Edward's bodyguard. Obviously, as soon as he gets to the entrance, he will definitely scan the contents of the room, and then it's all over! However, Lovr is not one of those who acts without a plan, especially in such a dangerous situation. He managed to prepare a distraction maneuver: he planted explosives with a detonator at the far end of the territory.


With a crash that shook the entire neighborhood, Kyon jumped from a second floor window with a girl in his arms. While the guards reacted to the explosion, he managed to overcome the alarm barrier and was already preparing to hide in the city, but a deafening voice was heard from behind…


Kyon tensed. The trick didn't work, and he was spotted. Now, being under the scope of scanning, it is impossible to hide from the practitioner of the royal phase… It is over. With his manic desire to repay the debt to Valeera, he drove himself to the grave…

As soon as he succumbed to despair, the world around him somehow strangely blurred and clouded. A painfully familiar feeling revived hope… Valeera's invisibility! Yet, as he suspected, this is not a technique, but the ability of a unique body! This is why she can use it with a collar that blocks the ability to use elemental energy.

«Eh?! Where are they?!» – the guard of the 3rd stage of the royal phase ran to the place where he had recently felt the fugitives, but, having spread his scan, he could no longer feel someone's presence. How is this possible?!

As soon as Kyon moved three hundred meters away, he heard a rustle ten steps away from him, as if someone had suddenly jumped off… He was afraid of the appearance of another guard, but there was no one. Even the eyes of truth found nothing. Very strange.

Moving a little further away, Lovr saddled a sled animal prepared in advance by his subordinates and raced towards the headquarters. Surely there are many protective barriers left by the Webers in the past. Only there Valeera will be completely safe.

On the way, Kyon took out and activated a powerful formation that he got from the Feruzs' treasury: it created a barrier blocking the signal around the target. This precaution is needed in case a tracking formation has been placed on Valeera or collar. He could have imposed one himself, but there is too high a probability that the formacists is a practitioner of the royal phase, which means that a weak barrier of a practitioner of the finishing stage of the superior phase will not work.

After a few kilometers on the way, Lovr finally breathed out a sigh of relief. His heart was racing with adrenaline. He climbed into the den of predators and stole juicy prey from under their noses! All that he needed for success: one zombie-bird, an upgraded hearing, a fortunate coincidence (Edward was absent from the chambers for some reason, probably his grandfather kept him busy) and a dozen kilograms of explosives (he has everything in the ring) with an improvised detonator-formation.

Valeera, limping in the warm hands of Zosimos, who pulled her out of the very heat and also looked so much like her father, felt like that very little girl who had not yet known the pain of losing her parents. This feeling pacified and soothed her tormented soul, which hated this whole world.

During the whole journey, the killer did not say a word, only stared into the savior's eyes, covering her bare chest with her hand.

Kyon felt like a hero. He even wanted to believe that the risks were worth it, but no. He was well aware that only a complete idiot would risk his life in such a way to save a girl who was neither his wife, nor beloved one. But he made a decision long ago to repay her debt… The damned principles almost cost him his life.

At the headquarters, the couple who miraculously escaped were met by Tymoshka. He could not believe what he saw: Lanai without a jacket and a bra, covering her bare breasts, calmly lying in Zosimos' arms?! Wha-a-at?!

Valeera came to her senses, got off the man's hands and cleared her throat: «Zosimos, do your daughters have any extra clothes for me?»

«I'm sorry, lady, but all their clothes are in the laundry… Take this.» – he handed the girl a large man's white sweater that smelled of his scent. There is nothing sexier and nicer than your own clothes on a half-naked beautiful girl.

When Lanai put on the old man's shirt, Tymoshka was seized with suffocating jealousy, which helped him pull himself together: «I… You… Lady, why do you allow this… Man to carry you in his arms?! And why did you put on his worn thing so calmly?! Don't demean yourself…»


«Who are you to tell me what to do and what not to do?»

Tymoshka shuddered at the harsh tone of his beloved girl. His heart ached with mental pain: «S-sorry, lady, I didn't mean to offend you… I just don't understand anything, and… May I ask how the meeting was? Where are Bernard and Alexander? I'm worried…»

Kyon had a great idea - to test the boy. He said with a sad sigh: «A lot of bad things have happened… Betrayal, murder, kidnapping… Now it is important to figure out how to free Lady Arpha from the collar that blocks her powers.»

Valeera frowned sharply, fixing her gaze on Zosimos. Is he doing this on purpose?!

Tymoshka opened his mouth, digesting what he heard. Betrayal? Murder? Kidnapping? Stop… The collar that blocks powers?! And indeed, there is a steel ring on the girl's neck! A thought involuntarily arose in the guy's head: to get rid of the hated old man and do with Arpha what he could only dream of.

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