Evil Break

Chapter 152: : A nuclear bomb and the worst one

The angels are angry and confused now.

Purifier Rasha couldn't understand how humans who have always been mortal enemies with demons, how can they stand on the side of demons to denounce their angels together?

Angels are the embodiment of justice and the spokesperson of the Holy Light, bringing purification, order and security to this chaotic world, but why do these humans not accept such kindness and gifts?

And these humans still know the truth of the devil hunters. They clearly know what kind of evil **** demon is, and clearly know what kind of disaster and destruction Hu Feng, a new famine knight, may cause to the world.

But they still want to oppose angels, which is really unreasonable.

Originally, I had some good feelings about the demon hunters, thinking that they were also striving for the light, but they had little effect and could not get on the countertop.

But now it seems that this group of demon hunters is also chaotic and evil.

"Purifier Rasha, today I do n’t want to fight you, take your angel dog legs back to heaven, the earth does not need you to worry about! Also ... Aletya is my friend, I do n’t care how you hold the meeting What a quarrel, if you dare imprison her, I will immediately go to heaven! "

"Are you threatening me? Threatening our angels?" Purifier Rasha's face angered, and the demon Hu Feng was too arrogant.

Hu Feng nodded, "Yes, I'm threatening you. It's a big deal, I'm going to heaven to play human bombs and launch suicide attacks. Believe it or not, your baby heaven will be swallowed up by endless famine and turned into a ruin filled with immortality.

After all, the angels are war machines. They don't use harsh words or uselessly strengthen themselves. Their thinking is extremely rational.

Purifier Rasha Wenyan was silent for a while, his brain was running like a supercomputer, and there were countless possibilities.

Finally came to a conclusion: Hu Feng was indeed right, now he has become a famine knight, and his power is more than it used to be, which is enough to make heaven afraid.

In case this demon is pressed, and really find a way to come to heaven to play a self-explosive drama, then heaven will really suffer.

If Hu Feng died like this, the famine that had lost control would sweep through heaven and even the whole world in an instant, until the birth of a new famine knight.

Everyone understands that Hu Feng ’s biggest trump card is now this one, and it is directly on the bright side, without any concealment, just ask how dare you.

He was really helpless, of course, unless Hu Feng was also imprisoned by the seal.

This is a good way, but if you want to achieve it, it is hopeless.

At first, the four knights were sealed. It was the Naru creators who personally shot and surrounded the four knights of the Apocalypse and forced to be trapped in the position of the circle. This was barely successful.

Now that the Naru people have patted their **** and left, Hu Feng is not a fool, and it is impossible for him to run into the middle of the seal circle and wait for the angels to slowly cast a spell.

"We will always pay attention to you, the famine knight Hu Feng."

Purifier Rasha said nothing, turned back to the middle of her fellow angels, and then a golden beam of light descended from the sky again, covering the angels present, then disappeared in place and returned to heaven.

"Yes, hurry up, the United States does not welcome you, ha ha ha ..."

When the demon hunters saw this, they sent another friendly farewell.

"China doesn't welcome you either, be conscious." Hu Feng added a sentence at this time.

"British too." Stanley shrugged and made a final touch.

The angels had just left, and the atmosphere in the cemetery was instantly normal.

The demon hunters stared at Stanley, the king of hell, with a bad voice, and a loaded voice sounded.

The most annoying is gone, and now the second annoying can be handled.

"It's great that we will fight the enemy together this time, and we will meet again."

Stanley was so cunning that he waved at the demon hunters and disappeared instantly.

Allen pouted, beckoning the demon hunters to put away their weapons, and didn't expect Stanley to be killed now.

but. . . Do they really want to kill Stanley?

Except for those extremely fanatical demon hunters, most demon hunters believe that Stanley cannot die now.

The current king of hell, the **** under his leadership, has been fully corporatized. Basically, there is no unreasonable destruction and disruption, and he pays great attention to his reputation.

If Stanley is dead, no one can tell what kind of behavior the newly appointed King of Hell will be. If he is a traditional demon fanatic and thinks about sabotage and confusion all day, then the fun is great.

Therefore, hell, the largest official organization of demons, must not have any trouble, otherwise it will be a catastrophe.

"You know Stanley can't die, right? Even if you find a chance to destroy him, you have to let it go." The black **** warhorse turned into a ring again, Hu Feng walked to Allen and said.

Allen nodded and said, "Of course, apart from a few extreme demon hunters, we still see more clearly."

"That's good, **** can't lose control, nor can it be ruled by fanatical demons, demon hunters kill demons, demons kill demon hunters, normal natural order, but the existence of Stanley is an exception."

"Speaking of this, haven't troubled you yet, you demon lied to us, this is what you said to eliminate the famine knight?"

Hu Feng immediately started haha, "Oh, it's almost ... I'm not going to mess around, it's very peaceful, I became a famine knight and the famine knight was eliminated, in fact, there is no difference.

Hunter Bar, here has become a drunkard's paradise.

For this important action, which was a complete success, the American demon hunters are naturally ready to celebrate.

The Famine Knight will soon leave the United States. What will happen next, let the Chinese worry about it.

"Magic hunting knife and magic hunting gun are returned to you, I have studied it here." Hu Feng walked to a table and returned the dagger and the pistol to the two brothers.

Since getting these two special weapons, Hu Feng has made a comprehensive scan and record of the Archangel of the Void on his side. From inside to outside, the entire structure and details of each place are clearly stored. After returning, You can try to make it yourself ~ www.readwn.com ~ Dean glanced at Hu Feng, now he also gave up the plan to kill Hu Feng, special devil special treatment, occasionally in their demon hunting career Encountered several special demons or monsters.

"So ... Famine Knight?"

Just back to the bar and sat down, Joe leaned over and took a dark beer slip from the bottom of the bar to Hu Feng.

"Yeah, rest assured, I don't have the time to spread famine everywhere. I still have to concentrate on making money. I get promoted and raise a salary to buy a house and a car to reach the peak of my life."

Qiao Wenyan threw a smile and said, "I was seen by the previous famine that a layman like you became a new famine knight, and I will definitely be angry again."

Hu Feng also laughed.

It is estimated that this famine knight is the worst one. . .

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