Evil Break

: Section 4: Past Destiny and Interweaving

St. Park Community High School, Galveston, Texas, USA.

"Itonday (that's a Monday) ..."

The yellowing leaves covered the road of this small community, and a cool breeze with autumn meaning blew, and the trees on both sides were immediately blown with a fallen leaf.

A muscular pickup truck full of American characteristics stopped by the side of a community high school. A blonde girl opened the co-pilot door and jumped down, pulling the small shoulder bag off the seat at will.

Allen looked at his daughter and didn't speak, but just reached out to her.

"Ah ... you're driving me crazy." Joe rolled his eyes at the sky, then pulled out a long, sharp dagger from his waist, and turned it sensitively in a circle with the handle of the dagger facing the front. Pass it to Allen.

Carrying the empty shoulder bag, Joe gathered his long blond hair and turned to walk to this school that bore him.

"Thatalltown (that's a boring town) ..."

Walking in the corridor, men, women and women come and go. Along the way, at least three or four young couples have been seen leaning against the lockers by the wall to talk and love each other.

Joe had no friends, and she was too lazy to find friends. The girls ’circle rejected her and secretly said she was a freak.

The boys are divided into two groups. One group of good nerd students also thinks that Joe is a dangerous knife freak. The other group is the local rugby guys. They think that Joe is a hot and difficult little wild cat. Her interest is great, as long as she doesn't hurt herself.

So this is another reason why girls reject Joe.

You are not part of our popular cheerleading team. Why should those handsome handsome guys be interested in you?


Stuffed the shoulder bag into the locker and walked towards the classroom of the first lesson, turning a long dagger in his hand quickly.

Well, Alan apparently failed to confiscate it completely.

Joe was too lazy to care about the views of the surrounding people on himself, and he was extremely bored.

This group of naive and boring peers, they do n’t understand anything, except for whether they can get a qualified C score every day, whether it is a school football game, or they are busy messing with their little girlfriend.

When you become a demon hunter, you also lose some things, such as adolescence.

"Hyface (simple translation: roll.)"

Before he could finish talking about a team member who stopped him, Joe immediately went back, and then walked around to continue to the classroom.

"Whatabitch" little white guy displeased face, muttering a curse.

The class is very boring, especially a history class. Although the middle-aged history teacher tried his best to save the field and tried to make this lesson reviewing the history of American independence more interesting, it still had little effect.

For Joe, the teachers were helpless. No matter what classroom they were in, her desk was either empty or piled with a large pile of newspapers. It seemed that there was some important information on it.

Qiao didn't attend the class at all. She was looking for a demon lurking in the school for several days in a row. There was no gain, but there are still some clues, at least a few goals have been locked.

As long as you get out of school, you can track yourself.

Regarding the death of his father, his mother Allen was reluctant to say more to herself, but simply said a rough idea: in a hunt, he was killed by a demon, and he was forbidden to become a demon hunter, forcing himself to pass ordinary people life.

But Joe has never been an obedient baby. She has been secretly tracing the demon who killed her father, trying to figure out his identity, and then killing him.

Perhaps Allen was right about prohibiting his daughter from becoming a demon hunter. Joe was not calm and would not consider so much. This was a fatal flaw for the demon hunter.

The day passed quickly. At 3:30 in the afternoon, some students who had no classes were already packing up and preparing for life after school.

Joe has another lesson, but she turned up and is now wearing headphones, pretending not to care, and following a seemingly thin classmate.

She knew that the boy was a nerd, with a pair of black-framed glasses, and looked very gentle (without a high belt and shiny shirt, do n’t think about it).

The boys did n’t get on the school bus, so they went along the road with their schoolbags on them. It seemed that they were going to go home. Anyway, they did n’t live far away. After all, this community is not big.

It was all the way to the town and saw the boy walk into an alley.

Joe quickly followed him, took out the cross in his pocket, and found that it was extremely hot at the moment.

It's him, a demon!

From the waist, he took out a long dagger with countless runes engraved on it. This was a hunter knife borrowed from her brother temporarily.

The boy stopped at the moment and seemed to be preparing to call. Joe seized the opportunity and immediately rushed up, raised the demon hunter's knife, and slammed it down.

But she failed. The boy turned back suddenly, extended his right hand, and pushed forward suddenly. Joe immediately stopped, and an invisible resistance prevented her from moving on.

The boy's eyes were dark, and when he saw Joe, he shook his head slowly.

"You still found me, but you listened to me explain that I haven't done anything bad. I have been a demon since I was born. I came from Germany with my father. We never meet other demons. I just want to finish my studies. "

"Do you think I will believe it? You demons don't do bad things!" Joe continued to work hard, trying to get closer to the boy.

"No, no, you listen to me ..." The boy explained as he approached Joe, trying to relax her vigilance.

"I really ..." The boy said halfway through, he had no chance to continue.

It seems that he really has no hostility, but Joe's killing heart is iron.

The demon seemed to be unskilled in controlling his own power, and even let Joe break the barrier.

The demon-knife slammed into the boy's chest, and the latter immediately yelled, his dark eyes suddenly made a crackling sound, and the whole body flashed violently.

"I, no, phase, letter." Joe had no sympathy or pity for the demons who had killed his father.

The demon corpse, burnt into black holes in the eyes, fell to the ground, and Joe pulled out the hunting knife, but she heard a cry of exclamation.

Was found!

And the demon had already connected the phone, and at the moment the opposite side of the phone had heard what was happening here, and there was anxious German from the phone.

"You ... you ... you killed him?" A boss who passed by the uncle who heard the shout and stared in the eyes, was speechless for a while because of shock.

Then he was stunned from behind.

Allen rushed over with the three demon hunters, and saw some stunned Joe, and immediately pulled her out.

"Get on the train, I tell you how many times, don't go hunting for yourself! Now, your wanted order will soon be on the local news and the streets!"

"That's a demon lurking in the school, I must kill him! You will only count on me, never know more about it!"

On the pickup truck galloping outside the city, the mother and daughter quarreled again.

The scene of the incident is now a police car full of alarm bells.

Police and forensics are busy taking pictures and autopsies.

A middle-aged man in a black suit came across the cordon and appeared to be a high-ranking detective.

Crouching down to see the body of a long time boy, because his body leaned forward, a tattoo appeared on his neck.

It was a black iron cross with a circle in the center, and a Chinese Hu character was written in the circle.

"To mobilize all the members of the Shuli Society in Texas to find the demon hunter, the old man came to Germany in this vein, and this grandson, now he is dead, the old man asked the demon hunter and his friends to be buried together.

The middle-aged man got up and walked out, dialed a phone and said.

A few days later, Joe dropped out of school, and then stayed at the Hunter Bar to help his mother Allen take care of the bar.

She couldn't show up publicly, because the demon hunter brought back the news. It seems that the demon she killed had a high status. Now there is an extremely powerful neutral demon organization looking for herself across the United States.

They have ubiquitous eyeliners in the government, in the police, and even on the streets, and Joe ’s warrants are all over Texas.

Xiuli, a demon organization whose power in the dark is not much worse than hell, I heard that all of them are from Germany, which can be traced back to the Black Cross Division during World War II, that is, the German captain.

Fifteen years ago, Texas.

The two middle-aged men were suspended in mid-air with extreme pain. On the ground in front of them stood a demon in a white suit with a red rose on his chest.

"Dare you dare to hunt me? Hunt the noble prince of Ashe, too? Very good ~ www.readwn.com ~ For your courage, I will give you a happy death, stupid hunter people."

As he said, Asmotai waved his right hand violently. The necks of the two demon hunters immediately clicked, and his head tilted unnaturally to the left.

After adjusting his suit, Asmotai waved his hand and signaled the demons behind him to follow.

"In the election of the new king of hell, I can't lose to Stanley's old and unreliable old debris. Soon, **** will usher in the most powerful period!"

"Yes, Mrs. Asmo, you are destined to be the king of hell!" The demons flattered.

Kicked the body of a demon hunter, turned him over, a round necklace fell out, and there was a picture in the opened disc, which was the young Allen and Joe of the little Lori period.

"Oh ... let me find your family, I promise to tear them alive."

Asmo sneered disdainfully, and then a wicked flame enveloped him and returned to the **** on the eve of the election.

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