Evil Break

Chapter 167: : Shelter Plan and Human Rights

"Refuge 60, the average opening time is once every three months, social refuge, research direction: camp society."

At the Refuge Supervisor ’s Office No. 66, a female artificial person No. VH-2488, holding a tablet computer, is reporting to Hu Feng sitting behind the desk. The female ghost Ying Li has long been unable to sit and ran to the refuge Wandered around.

"There are 1,200 residents in this refuge. According to the requirements of the computer with the highest authority of the refuge, the No. 60 supervisor divided all residents into two groups, red and blue, each occupying two areas on the left and right of the refuge. The struggle continues until the party is completely eliminated, and this experimental plan can be declared over. "

"Each time the gate of the refuge is opened, the two sides will recruit the ground survivors they like and recruit them into their respective factions to make up for the people lost in the struggle."

Hu Feng heard a few words, "In this way, the number of high-quality residents who had stayed before the Apocalypse in Refuge No. 60 has been less and less, but there are more and more ruined rogues after the Apocalypse?"

"According to the rate of consumption of their red and blue factions, it is indeed moving towards this trend." The female cyborg looked down at the tablet on her hand and then nodded.

The food and clean water in Refuge 60 are distributed by the central computer on time in various areas of the refuge, which means that if one party occupies less territory, then the other party will wait because of insufficient food. Go hungry.

Moreover, this shelter is only allowed to enter and not to leave. The central computer has given a clear warning. As long as you become a resident of Refuge 60, as long as you dare to take a step out of the gate of the refuge, those distributed inside and outside the gate The automatic heavy machine gun will suddenly surprise you at the first time.

What is even more incomprehensible is that the shelter does not allow the outside to provide food and clean water. The scanning at the gate will accurately identify the prohibited items, and then it will suddenly rush you.

This is the No. 60 social refuge, the experimental codename is "campus society".

"Refuge 78, the opening time is determined by the refuge supervisors. The official personnel in the refuge are also allowed to enter and not leave. They are humanistic refuges. The research direction: noble sacrifice."

The female interior man-made man continued to speak to Hu Feng in her ancient voice.

"The total number of residents in the refuge is controlled between 1,000 and 1,500 people. There is sufficient food, sufficient water, and unlimited supply. The power of the central computer is also higher than the power of the supervisor. The computer stipulates that each All supervisors have a term of three months. When the three-month period expires, a new supervisor will be elected by all the residents of the shelter. The previous supervisor must enter the sacrifice room and give his life. The shelter continues to be normal. Operation, if the last supervisor refuses to sacrifice, then the central computer will kill all residents in the shelter. "

Hu Fengwen Yan shook his head directly, "How do I feel that these social and humanistic refuges are all perverted? This distorted society also has humanistic experiments, what is the point? Who made these plans and Program?"

"According to a small amount of information, it should be inferred by the dignitaries of the pre-Apocalyptic state in Refuge No. 1, they are responsible for the continued development of humanity, so they have designed countless specific types of experiments to select the most suitable. For the part and direction of human progress, they should have a hidden authority to monitor the progress of each refuge plan, regardless of success or failure. "

Hu Feng smiled sarcastically and did not continue to answer.

Sure enough, once the moment of race's life and death is critical, humanity will become cruel and radical many times more than in peacetime. What human rights and freedoms have already become a pile of stinky shit.

Human life is a guinea pig that can contribute data. In peacetime, the Virgin Marys are already dead, and the corpses are estimated to have been roasted and eaten.

Does the refuge plan against humanity? On the contrary, it is very anti-human.

Do you want to continue? Yes, it is very necessary.

Hu Feng is curious now. Will there be a refuge in an underground area that does not know the location? There are only a group of virgins living in it, and there are a series of special rules and restrictions to carry out about them. Various humanities and social experiments.

It should be there. Since Refuge No. 1 intends to use this method to select and optimize human beings in order to continue development, then all aspects of peacetime and various thought groups will definitely be included in the specific plan. in.

There is no paradise in the last days, and even if there is, it is also a paradox.

"Is every country building a similar refuge system before the Apocalypse?" Hu Feng questioned at the moment.

The female cyborg nodded. "Almost all countries, except for a small number of small countries that have absolutely no cooking or the government has no control over, unfortunately cannot be built, and countries with severe financial deficits want to build but are unable to build."

"Any other news about the shelter?"

"There is another one, about an unnumbered special shelter." The female robot immediately replied, and Hu Feng was immediately curious.

"No number? What do you mean?"

"Before the Apocalypse, some private consortia or organizations built many unnumbered shelters at their own expense to continue living underground, or used various scientific experiments that were strictly prohibited. These shelters are not in the refuge alliance. Within the system, so the situation is special. "

"Meaning, you have heard of an unnumbered shelter before I came?"

The female anthropomorphic nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ shook his head again.

"Accurately, it was announced by the unnumbered refuge itself, which was built by the demon groups pretending to be humans before the Apocalypse, and the residents of the refuge were all the demons before the apocalypse, and now The crazy beasts on the ground are very different. "

"Sometimes ago, they issued a declaration on the public communication channel to establish a new hell, and called on the demon rogues who still have reason on the ground and are willing to accept the order again to join. At the specific location, it seems that only demons have passed the special It will only be announced after the ceremony is contacted. "

It seems that no matter which world, the adaptability of the demons is much better than that group of rigid angels.

The angels think highly of themselves, think rigidly, and do not know how to be flexible, so they have no connection and integration with human society, and now they are suffering.

The demons had their own refuge and began to try to restore their dark order.

And the angels, since their paradise fell, they are still in a state of chaos, but they are holding on with their powerful power to form a small group to fight each other.

Thinking of this, Hu Feng had some pity on this group of holy war machines.

But well, there must be hateful things for poor people, they can't blame others for their own death.

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