Evil Break

Chapter 168: : Choose the wrong camp and red and blue

The offensive continued, and Hu Feng's demon army continued to advance along the subway tunnel towards the No. 60 social refuge after the rest was completed.

Hu Feng also followed him personally this time. What he saw along the way strengthened his plan for an integrated underground fortress.

There was no lighting in the long and dark subway tunnel, and many rails had been completely broken. The bullet train could no longer be used. The demon army had to change into a small minecart and move on.

However, these physical factors are not big problems and can be easily overcome. The big problems are those flesh and blood monsters hiding in subway tunnels.

These monsters produced by the physical ghosts, by condensing corpses and flesh, have distorted faces and various forms, which properly opened Hu Feng's eyes.

"Hey! What are you doing on your horse? You still can't find a woman with abnormal thoughts?" Hu Feng shouted at a demon under him.

It's no wonder that Hu Feng sprayed him. This demon is also a personal talent and a wonderful flower. He actually caught a slim flesh monster.

This flesh-and-blood monster seems to know that it was condensed by a female ghost, with a bulging front and back, chest and buttocks, a tight cheongsam-like dress, a pair of pale stiff and corpse-covered On his long legs, he wore a pair of broken black silk.

But her face. . . It was extremely twisted. The entire head was like a dough that was rubbed in disorder. It was simply shapeless. There was a circle of blood-stained bandage on the face. There were no facial features under the bandage.

Hu Feng's demon army encountered this kind of twisted flesh and blood ghosts on the road. Although they have no mouths, they can still scream screams and hold the rusty knife in their hands and quickly face. The demons of Mubi rushed up, and after they were close, there was a burst of chaos.

The demons who came back to God immediately started to fight back. For this lowest-level flesh and monster, even the magic spell was too lazy to use. Pulling out the submachine gun directly is a shot, and on average half a shuttle can kill a twisted flesh and blood ghost.

After the one-sided massacre ended, Hu Feng found a demon soldier using the chains condensed by the evil energy, and caught a twisted flesh female ghost. Seeing his smile with a smile on your face, Hu Feng felt a pain.

Do you want to catch this stuff? You are really a warrior. . . It's really an unrestrained heart.

"I warn you that if you want to go to me, I'm too lazy to stop. After you finish, go find a dog cage and lock yourself up, observe the subsequent changes, and don't infect other people with something strange."

"Okay lord, obey lord! Hehehe ..."

The Warrior Demon bowed to Hu Feng, then turned to look at the flesh and blood ghost who was struggling, with a **** smile, dragging the twisted monster to a dark corner.

The devil is to do whatever he wants, without taboos and free thinking.

A strange moaning sound came, Hu Feng looked at the female ghost Yingli who was playing with her hair beside him, and then looked at the small dark corner, the mood was very complicated.

Did Laozi choose the wrong camp at the beginning, who are these people under?

The demons also did not disappoint their big boss Hu.

After the warrior returned from his work, he consciously found a broken cage and locked himself up with the flesh and blood ghost. The demon army dragged him forward.

After a few hours of follow-up observation, this devil fart did not happen, and it was still alive and kicking, and it even seemed to want to make another one.

This time, the demons have exploded, and the chaotic and evil nature is revealed.

The marching journey instantly became a slave-hunting journey, and the demons hoped for the stars and the moon along the way, hoping that the group of flesh and blood monsters hiding in the dark of the tunnel would come to attack them again.

Therefore, when traveling not far from Refuge No. 60, there was already a large number of twisted flesh and blood ghosts trapped in the demon's army by the chain of evil energy.

"Grass your uncle, I am also convinced, and a serious eschatology has been turned into a playground, social society, RBQRBQ by you ..."

Looking at the special comfort women in her team, Hu Feng had no idea what to say.

Why do you always feel that the devil on your side is so cheap compared to the **** demon on Stanley?

You can't do it at all! what? It looks like a little evil legion! what?

"Did you see it, did you see it, look at it, look at it, what are these things! Is it disgraceful? Abnormal?"

Hu Feng's face was full of anger and dignity, and he said to the female ghost Yingli.

Yingli glanced at him, and seemed to be deeply shocked by the master's shame.

"You too ... same ... let go ..."

He lowered his head and looked at Hu Feng's palm, which seemed to involuntarily squeeze on his chest, then raised his head to stare at Hu Feng, and returned with a hoarse voice.

"Hey, under the prevailing world wind, morality is lost, and the old man is very heartbroken." Hu Feng shook his head, as if not hearing it, and pinched a few cold and soft hills.

Zla. . .

Yingli disappeared instantly, attached to this equally perverted master.

Refuge 60, the gate of the heavy refuge at the moment was open, and in the hall inside the hall, an iron table was placed on the left and right sides, and two people were sitting behind, one wearing a red uniform and the other wearing a blue uniform. .

There is a long LED display above the gate, scrolling information continuously.

"Red and blue parties recruit people with lofty ideals to join, and you can enjoy a safe and stable underground refuge environment in an instant, no longer suffering from the ground apocalypse!"

Hu Feng saw a sneer.

Before joining, people outside do not know the real test plan of Refuge 60 and what they will face after joining.

The red and blue residents of this group of shelters ~ www.readwn.com ~ so under the banner of the shelter, which looks extremely safe and comfortable to outsiders, recruited people.

"Whether you are a human or a devil, as long as you are tired of wandering on the ground and longing for a stable and safe life, then join us and create a better future!"

Hu Feng shook his head as he watched the tempting messages rolling continuously, and then looked at the ground rogues who walked in from time to time in the ruined subway station next to Refuge No. 60.

This place is completely crazy, they do n’t care whether you are a human or a demon, and they do n’t care what you have done. As long as you can bring more new members for yourself and get more sites inside the shelter, then you can Too.

As for you cannibalism?

It doesn't matter. Anyway, it is at the disadvantaged side. Because of its small territory, when the central computer is running out of food, it will also eat corpses to survive, and then launch a counterattack.

Compared to yourself and your army, this group of humans in Refuge 60 is more like a demon.

"Adult, how to fight?"

"Simple, join the red side and kill the blue side. After the victory, I get the highest control and then kill the red side."

Hu Feng explained his plan.

Just be a purifier yourself.

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