Evil Break

Chapter 175: : Hotel Leisure and Check-in

"Check in, a deluxe single room."

Sitting behind the reception counter, the ghost waiter watching TV series Wen Yan raised his head and looked at the two foreign strong men in front of him.

"Well, is there an appointment?"

"No, can you hurry up, is this your attitude of service?" One of the strong men shouted at the ghost waiter, who glanced at her calmly and then pressed the bell on the table.

"There are bad customers making trouble, come personally."

A few seconds later, a group of demon guards without any disguise strode out of the roaring evil fire and stared at the two foreign strong men in front of the counter with bad intentions.

"We can't live with this service attitude."

There was a sound of Suo Suo's voice coming from the ceiling. The fleshy sadako used his hands and feet together. He crawled over like a spider, his head turned ninety degrees, and his eyes under the black hair stared at these two poor children. .

"Misunderstanding and misunderstanding, relax! You relax! My lover's temper is more impatient, forgive me!" Another foreign brave man burst into cold sweat, and quickly began to admit to the round.

I have long heard that there is a hotel in Guangdong, China that can shelter any demon and ghost. As long as you have money, you can stay as long as you want.

The Duke of Vampire Aisha Karin Windsor is a living gold signboard, and the European hunters do not want to kill her. Before that, a large team of elite hunters came to China, but they are still alive. It ’s good. Drinking and eating meat every day is a good way to explain the problem.

When the ghost waiter saw the two men's clothing, they nodded, and nodded at the demon guards, and then raised their heads and smiled at Sadako.

"Okay, it's okay, everybody's gone ... So you didn't make an appointment, and now open a deluxe single room? There's no discount on the price near the New Year, and the price is increased by 10%."

Looking again at the same-sex philosophical couple, the ghost waiter is still in an unhurried posture, but now the two strong foreign men are much more honest.

"Identity? Real identity, don't show me what **** passport and ID card."

"A pure-blood werewolf in Birmingham, England, both of us are going to stay for a few months."

"Hmm ... name." The thick check-in book that the ghost waiter put on the counter kept writing things.

"Billy, Billy Johnson."

"Brian Miller."

The ghost waiter nodded at will and continued to write and draw.

"Pay cash? Scan the code? Or directly to gold?"

"Gold payment." Billy placed a suitcase on the counter and opened it with gold.

"Hmm ... this is the gold bar of the Bank of England? Have you robbed the bank?" The ghost picked up a gold bar, looked at the English inscribed on it, and asked with a frown.

"Yes, robbed a bank controlled by the British literati and killed them a little, hehe ... it's a revenge for our other brothers who didn't escape."

The British literati organization and the demon-hunting clubs in other regions are of the same nature, except that the sun is not setting, and they always want to be different from others, and be taller.

"Don't you accept it? If so, we still have the previous deposit ..."

"Receive, why not accept! Our boss Hu said, as long as it is made of gold, even if it is a piece of gold cake, then it will be accepted correctly."

The ghost receptionist put the box of gold bars underneath the counter neatly, without seeing the kind of unhurriedness just now.

Then he turned and walked to the back of the key cabinet, glanced around, and took a retro-style key from the hook in one of the small lattices.

"Deluxe single room, according to your payment value, how long you want to stay, how long you stay, have a pleasant stay, condoms and lubricants are provided in the room, don't be too noisy."

Sliding the key to the werewolf homosexual philosophical couple, the ghost receptionist sat down again.

"Oh by the way, check-in instructions, there are three meals a day in the hotel lobby, discount clubs and bars downstairs have discounts for staying guests, do n’t be fussed about wandering ghosts in the rooms and corridors, you can come here if you do n’t like Complaint, the elevator went straight ahead and there was no telephone service. "

After all, the ghost picked up the tablet and continued to watch his TV series.

"Anyone who tries to kill us will help you deal with it, right?"

"Yes, as long as it is not a customer, as long as it is deliberately looking for something, who will come and die." The ghost nodded.

Hu Feng and Chen Xiaopin looked at the newly-loved foreign loving couple in the card lounge area on the upper floor of the hotel lobby.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh, a lovely pair of philosophical friends. Surely they are the same gender in order to fall in love."

"Werewolves are also true?" Chen Xiaopin ignored Hu Feng's joke, curiously looked at the two people who had walked through the lobby below. When they proved their identity, they both briefly changed into werewolf forms.

"So there are a lot of broken things in Europe, and there are also some. Look at our heaven, there is full of harmony, where there are so many farts, if there are really any local monsters, it is estimated that they are too busy to make money."

"Every time I hear you say these patriotic words, I always feel a little strange." Chen Xiaopin shook his head.

Then a sound of torn limbs came, and it sounded extremely harsh.

Seeing the flesh and blood sadako biting a blood-sprayed broken arm, crawling on the wall quickly, and tearing the broken arm while crawling, it seems to have a hatred that is not common.

"Ah, naughty, you ruined a good part of my body again, but it doesn't matter. Let me take a good look at you. I can make you stronger!"

Next, the German lunatic alchemist Macain is chasing the flesh and blood sadako everywhere, and does not mind that he was ripped off his arm brutally for the Nth time.

This maniac is presumably in love with the unprecedented flesh and blood ghosts like Sadako, and a posture of dedicated scientists who will never give up without researching.

"Grass! Let's not let us eat well! Laozi eats shredded chicken! I go to Nima! Get out of here! Get chased elsewhere!"

Hu Feng looked at the broken arm at the cracked tooth, and then looked down at the torn chicken in his plate, and suddenly lost his appetite.

Chen Xiaoping frowned, forehead, looked at the salad dressing and tomato sauce on his salad, and then pushed the plate a little farther.

The Duke of Vampire sitting not far from the next door was watching this somewhat **** hunting game with interest ~ www.readwn.com ~ From time to time, he slowly fed a cut piece of raw steak with blood.

Just staying at the moment, the two base friend werewolves leaning against the casual bar in the upper level area were equally excited to watch this **** violent performance.

The elevator at the entrance of the hotel lobby opened, and three human demons walked in with arms around three slim women in their arms.

However, the heads of the three women were very twisted, like a mess of crumbling dough, they could not see the facial features, and they were still wrapped in a circle of broken bandages with blood stains.

This is a twisted flesh and blood ghost unique to the ruined end-world.

"I really beeped the dog. Didn't you die after finishing it? Did you have feelings yet? Come to our side?" Hu Feng leaned out and roared at the three demon brothers below.

"Boss, we are reluctant... Don't look at this woman ghost, but the work is good, the postures are quack, the place is tight, and ..."

"Shut up! Get out! Get out!"

I don't know how these demons put these twisted flesh and blood ghosts domesticated so obediently, from the initial **** to the present kind of rebellious birdie.

Looking at his noisy and noisy hotel lobby, Hu Feng sighed heavily.

What kind of people are under my own hands?

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