Evil Break

Chapter 176: : The wanderers should go home

"Well ... it's almost the same, then put on these sunglasses to cover your eyes, so that no one will find out that you are not a living person."

In the private living room on the top floor, Hu Feng stepped back a few steps, carefully looked up and down again, and nodded in satisfaction.

This time with Yingli out of the house, Hu Feng decided to try to get her to start contacting the outside world, instead of being attached to herself, and only showing up when something happened.

Through Hu Mingjing's video live guidance, she finally decorated the female ghost Ying Li from head to toe.

The bloody, ragged long dress had been replaced, and at the request of Ying Li, she still carried it in her bag.

The upper body was replaced by a black sling with some tightness, and a white shawl was put on the outside, covering most of the still pale skin.

The lower body is a pair of denim shorts, wearing a pair of opaque black silk leggings with a pair of high-top black snow boots, let's work together!

"In this way, you are still pretty. Get your work done and go."

With that pair of women's sunglasses, Ying Li was not used to it and walked a little crookedly.

"Remember, you can't disappear instantaneously along the way, you can't teleport, you can't grow your hair suddenly, and you can't shed blood and tears."

In the elevator, Hu Feng turned to look at Ying Li and said with a smile, the latter nodded reluctantly.

"Brother Hu ... oh ... whose family is this ... Ying Li? Why are you so **** ghost girl?"

Walking out of the elevator, Ming Zi came out of the bar shaking his head and staring at the chick beside Hu Feng for a long time before realizing that this was the ghost girl who was always scaring herself.

"Go away ..." Ying Li glanced at Ming Zi, who hated this person most.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh ... Ok, Hu, you two are going to crack, remember to tell me how it feels to be a female ghost."

"Fuck you off, don't you plan to go home in the New Year?" Hu Feng said as he controlled the famine ring to start deforming.

"Go back, anyway, my home is near. It's not too late to go back a few years ago. Hu, are you planning to cross China and drive all the way back to your hometown in Shandong?"

"Yeah, so don't I start to go back in advance, optimistic here, call me directly if there is anything."

Sitting in the car, Hu Feng nodded at Mingzi.

Since Mingzai and Xu Qiang slowly learned the truth about this building and Hu Feng, they also slowly accepted the reality. Mingzai accepted it relatively quickly. He has a lot of interest in becoming a demon and gaining evil energy. Pulling around the demon under Hu Feng's order, they want to do business with them.

The demons are annoyed, don't want it, boss Hu prohibits any demons from trading with Mingzi and Xu Qiang, including their younger brothers.

No way, the two and their younger brother are now the only human group under their own hands, and they do not want to turn their forces into a group of pure demons.

As for the Angels of Void Corruption, when they are usually fine, they teleport back to the military bunkers in the Alps and continue to sleep, so the sense of existence is extremely low.

"Trade with me! I want to become a demon, I only need one day! Splash with me once, my soul will be yours!"

"Trade a fart! Go away! The old lady doesn't trade with you!"

"Come on, come on a deal, come on a jolly!" Ming Tsai took the female human devil to his death.

"Go away! Is your human brain sick! Just want to die?"

"Come on, pay ..."

"Give you a% *% F (* K% ..."

The above is the whole process of Mingzi pulling female demons everywhere in an attempt to force them to conduct soul trading with themselves.

In this regard, the **** of one of the seven deadly sins has already complained to boss Hu Da many times.

"Boss! You control your human subordinates! He is a hungry maniac! Want to be a demon and want to be crazy! And the transaction content is nothing but slap! Is this harassing our female devil employees?

"Well, Mingzai, we are considered old acquaintances, so you can be a good person. We won't do business with you. It becomes a devil not as easy as you think."

Before driving away, Hu Feng once again persuaded this Mingzai who wanted to pervert.

"Brother Hu, I also want to be super capable on horseback. Fighting with fists every day will cost more, and you will make me change."

"Just go, wait until I come back and think about it carefully, okay."

She shook her head painfully, waved her hand at Ming Zi, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car into the main street of Dalu.

Set the navigation path point of Yingli's home location, turn on the radio, and there is a festive and cheerful music inside.

Turning her head and looking at Yingli's uncomfortable appearance, Hu Feng smiled.

"Try your best to get used to it. Now that the ghost in that building, you are the only one who does n’t want to show up in public. Now that you have the opportunity, you ca n’t hide like this all your life and only talk to me and the people around you I will tell you about autism. "

"Feeling ... not good ..." Ying Li replied hoarsely, and since the fatal wound on her neck disappeared, the situation where blood bleeds once she said nothing would happen, but she still did Still habitually not talking.

"Hey, you are the first to follow me, and the first to receive reinforcement and convey vitality. Let's get to know each other. I also want to make you happier." Looking at the traffic on the left side of the intersection, Hu Feng turned the steering wheel. "That is, now I do n’t know how to get you to reincarnate, okay ... I ’m not even sure if I have reincarnation ... If there is a way, I still want you to reincarnate, and it becomes A normal person. "

"Are you ... driving me away?"

"No, you think too much, I just think that you are trapped in that building for eternity and eternity. Sooner or later, you will lose your mind. I was okay while I was here. What should I do? "

Watching Ying Li go silent, Hu Feng reached out and rubbed her long black hair.

"Okay, it's not now. The days are still there. I will find a way to let you reincarnate when I am seventy or eighty, haha."

If you can really be sure that the reincarnation does indeed exist, maybe you can find a way to make Yingli reborn as her own daughter, and then play the play of a ghost father. . . Nonsence!

Driving on the highway, Hu Feng's mood was also much lighter, temporarily leaving all his thoughts and worries behind.

I have n’t been home for many years, and too many things have happened in these years. Now I think too much with emotion.

But no matter what you become, no matter how different you are from the past, your hometown will always be your hometown, the place where you will raise yourself.

Life is short and impermanent. Everyone has a longing for the familiar hometown in the dream.

and so. . . It's almost New Year, wanderers out, go home and see.

(Thank you readers for your support of this book! If there is no special situation, please come to the * Chinese website to support the genuine, old Hu Baixie! The genuine reader exchange group awaits your arrival!)

Dear readers, Happy New Year ’s Day ~ Thank you for accompanying you all the way to the present. Old Hu is not a great god, and the book is not a popular book. Basically, I have been in a state of closed doors and entertaining myself. The quality and quality of the genuine readers of the book are the highest, or as the old book said, I write with peace of mind, everyone quietly and quietly look down, do not pursue any achievements, as long as someone can like these stories is enough. Happy New Year's Day, I wish my readers 18 years of academic success and family health and safety! Then go on!

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