Evil Break

Chapter 178: : Fully possessed and doomsday singer

On the edge of a quiet valley, Hu Feng parked his car on the side of the road, leaning against the body and smoking a cigarette, and Yingli beside him said nothing.

"This is something I am passionate about. Da Lao runs away to get angry, so that you are also in a bad mood."

Yingli shook her head slowly, "No wonder ... you ... you can do this ... I'm already very happy ..."

"Huh ..." Hu Feng sighed for a long time. "That's very rare. It's very miserable for you to be able to share such parents. It is estimated that this caused your relatively introverted personality. The little **** here and those little girls who do n’t learn well come to bully you. "

Seeing Yingli nodded and didn't speak, Hu Feng thought for a while, smiled, and then habitually rubbed the female ghost's long hair.

"Oh, don't think about it anymore, they have turned the page, they don't care anymore, you are the same, anyway, your ashes box and brand are taken over, and after you go back, we will go to our house, and you will have no relationship with them in the future You should be their daughter, haha. "

"Will you always ... take care of me? It won't be like them ... do you give up on me?"

Hu Feng Wenyan looked at Ying Li, "That must be, aren't we all a family now? I can't miss you if I eat one bite. You, like Hu Mingjing and Chen Xiaopin, are my few. People who fully trust. "

Yingli watched Hu Feng for a while, and then she smiled. Although the dark eyes seriously affected the beauty, Hu Feng felt that her smile was sweet at the moment.

"I believe you."

After all, Yingli turned around and took out her plate and ashes from the car and handed it to Hu Feng, who was strange for a while.

"Why did you give me this suddenly?"


"Absorb? This stuff is not energy. Can this stuff be absorbed?" Hu Feng heard a sudden pain, but he knew what to do next.

The ashes box trembled for a while, the sealed lid snapped open, and the thin gray ashes drifted out, as if under the invisible guidance, they began to merge into the Yingli brand.

The card fused with Ying Li's ashes began to emit bursts of energy fluctuations. Hu Feng looked at Ying Li, who also looked at himself.

"I believe in you, so ... I'm willing to be completely ... to depend on you, to be one with you ... one."

Although Hu Feng did not know what it meant to be one, he did not lie. He had been together for such a long time, coupled with delivering vitality to him on time, he absolutely trusted Yingli.

The card began to twist gradually, and it seemed to be collapsing and disintegrating, turning into a white energy, following Hu Feng's arm into the body.

An extremely close connection is being formed. Such unconditional soul links have become extremely rare in this impetuous age.

Armed with imperial spirit, a vocabulary suddenly appeared in my mind, as if a strange knowledge and memory were stuffed into it.

Hu Feng can turn Ying Li into the purest soul energy at any time, but with a special imprint and its own characteristics of a kind of soul armor, after entering this fully possessed state, the two can work together and play together One plus one is far more powerful than two.

There are more than six billion human beings in the world who have a physique suitable for possessing souls, and at the same time have genuine feelings for that soul. Although there are few, they are not without.

This should also be the only way for ghosts to get in touch with the outside world except by strengthening their own evil energy.

And according to the strange memory, it is known that ordinary spirit guardians need to be possessed through the medium, which is usually a special item or card of the soul during his lifetime.

But he didn't need any media at all, and his special situation of delivering vitality for Yingli for a long time made the two completely skip this necessary rule.

"Hmm ..." Ying Li groaned at this moment, seeming to be extremely painful, her body flickering and flickering.

Hu Feng was so anxious that through the soul link, she could feel that Ying Li was extremely unstable at the moment, it seemed that her **** was ignoring and disregarding the constitution of the rule, which was seriously affecting her.

There is no other way, Hu Feng only supplies energy and vigor essence to him constantly, so as to forcibly maintain Ying Li's body and prevent her from dissipating between heaven and earth.

Ying Li, who has fallen into extreme pain, feels as if she is about to be torn apart at this moment. Her memory before the death was far from the pain now.

At that time. . . The self is closed, does not want to talk to anyone, and travels alone every day. . .

At that time. . . Whenever the pain is sad, he will find a rooftop roof alone, sit there, hum and listen to himself until he dies there.

At that time. . . Every time you hum a song that doesn't even know the name, your heart will gradually relax, so that you can continue to face reality.

Yourself. . .

"La la la la la la la la...."

A hum that seemed to squeeze out from between the teeth spread into Hu Feng's ear.

Hu Feng's heart seemed to burst with a thunderbolt, and he stared blankly at Ying Li, who was trembling and blinking because of severe pain.

is her. . .

She originally thought the most unlikely one was her.

Countless doubts and thoughts, countless times thought she was another Hu Mingjing or Chen Xiaopin, now everything is clear.

The reason why the Doomsday singer regards her building in the parallel world as a nest is not related to herself at all, because there is where she died.

"La ... la la ... ha ha giggling ... ah!"

Yingli raised her hair and screamed. Hu Feng instantly felt that she was more closely connected with her soul. Her divine physique also began to act on her, and because of the ghost, it also produced an uncontrollable and uncontrollable. Known variation.

However, Hu Feng knew what kind of mutation it was.

Ignoring the energy attack under all the rules, ignoring the physical attack under all the rules, there is nothing to hurt her.

A new problem arises because, since it is not for your own reasons, why would n’t the end-time singer of the parallel world attack himself?

However, Hu Feng soon guessed the answer ~ www.readwn.com ~ Maybe the fate of the parallel world is the same as his own. Another Yingli also met another herself. The difference is that another Yingli accepted it. The essence of the God of Darkness, on his own side, assimilated the physique of God.

In front of Ying Li's body has stabilized, no longer flashes violently, but begins to twist and expand.

Just like the Doomsday singer, a two-meter-tall figure floating in mid-air, wearing a blood-stained white long dress, wrapped around the image of many long strips of cloth.

Myself now. . . Are there two doomsday singers? This stepping horse, his father's son will be walking sideways!

A turbulent flow of snow fluttered around the room, making a noise of Zrazra.

Another scream from the soul came, and the end-time singer of the parallel world was being dragged by Yingli at the moment.

She wants to devour another herself to become a unique doomsday singer.

Hu Feng nodded as soon as he saw it, and was ready to assist. Compared with another doomsday singer who had an affection with himself, of course he chose his own Yingli.

Moreover, how to say she is also an outsider, the will and rules of the world are on her side and her own Lily side.

"Come on, eat her! You are a unique doomsday singer, you are a unique female ghost Ying Li."

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