Evil Break

Chapter 179: : Devouring and Ghost Father

Doomsday singers continue to scream straight to the soul level, and for the first time ever have panic emotions.

In front of this female ghost exactly like herself, she could devour herself!

The rules of the world are helping her, and Hu Feng is also delivering vitality to her. At this moment, Yingli is full of firepower, and her slender and sharp nails are holding her prey.

The long black hair covering the facial features slowly turned away, revealing a black hole-like round mouth, which was a sign of swallowing.

The Doomsday singer made the same gesture, and she was ready to devour another herself.

Oneself is enough for one such existence, and there is no need for a second invincible female ghost.

But the next moment she was even more alarmed, because she found that she could not absorb the essence of Ying Li's soul.

Doomsday singers are invincible under the rules, but the first major feature of the god-inverse constitution is to ignore the rules and reverse the rules.

The two doomsday singers grabbed each other, opened their mouths to each other, and intended to devour each other.

Yingli succeeded, and a silver-white energy flow slowly began to flow from the mouth of the Doomsday singer. That was the essence of her soul.

The Doomsday singer screamed constantly. She was invincible. She walked sideways in the end world. As long as she devoured others, no one could pose any threat to her.

Now she's going to be swallowed up, she's going to be sucked dry.

Ying Li. . . She has been so strange and forgetful of this old identity. Since the Hu Feng she met was assimilated by the spirit, there was much less communication between the two. Hu Feng regarded her as a weapon for murder. Hu Feng is used as a conveyer of divine physique.

The scenes of memories buried deep in my heart came to my mind. Although she was not strong before, she was extremely happy. Although Hu Feng did not become a god, she trusted her very much.

The days now. . . What else is worth keeping in mind? Those cherished. . . Are all gone.

The Doomsinger's resistance suddenly weakened a lot. For the first time in the dark and hollow eyes, there was a trace of radiance. She looked at Hu Feng and then looked at the other herself.

Hu Feng and himself in this world are not in the same state they miss.

"May you ... don't ... step into our footsteps." At this time, Hu Feng listened to her speaking for the first time except for the humming song after meeting the Doomsday singer.

The voice is hoarse, but Hu Feng still finds a sense of familiarity from it, that is Ying Li's voice.

The essence of the soul poured into Ying Li's mouth constantly. At this moment, her aura was violently fluctuating, and her figure also expanded a circle. Now she is more than three meters tall, and the strips of entangled dancing around her body also become longer A lot.

"Relax, I'm not the one you met, and I won't become a **** without emotion, sleep peacefully, another Ying Li."

At the end of the day, the singer heard the words Yingli, and there was a nostalgic look in her dark eyes. Then her dry body quickly weathered, and then drifted away.

After engulfing, Ying Li was suspended in mid-air quietly, seeming to be familiar with and assimilate this essence and ability of his own soul.

"Ah ... can you usually change back to what you used to be? I still like your little girl's appearance." Hu Feng asked, raising his head and watching the giant female ghost as high as three meters.

Ying Li heard that the figure was twisted, the snowflake-shaped space turbulence appeared again, Zla disappeared into the air, and appeared next to Hu Feng in the next second, restoring the original appearance of one meter five or six meters tall. Still wearing the new clothes Hu Feng bought her.

"Some ... unfamiliar ... It feels like it's about to explode." Ying Li tilted her head for a moment, then spoke.

"Come on, you will be content. Now that you have the power of two doomsday singers, who will dare to provoke you to lie down in the future ... Congratulations, you have become the absolute main force again, no .... Hurry up and find a few enemies to experiment with and experience the feeling of an invincible outfit. "

"The other me ... is very pathetic ... she has a distant relationship with you ..." In the process of devouring, Yingli naturally saw another of her own memory and thinking.

Hu Feng sighed and shook his head.

"So, I have long believed that being a part of the gods is definitely not a good thing. Okay ... Anyway, what happened today is also worth celebrating. Just walk around and eat a good meal."

However, there is no good place to eat in this small county. After a long walk, I finally chose a small restaurant with Chaoshan cuisine to make a meal.

Hu Feng is in a very good mood at the moment. Let's not say that he has an invincible combat power that he can absolutely trust. Let's say that the ability of Doomsday singer to travel back and forth between two worlds is extremely useful to him.

Originally, Ying Li would not be able to travel through the world after becoming a doomsday singer, but after devouring and receiving another essence of her own soul, the ability to travel between the two worlds at will came back.

An experiment was done before eating, and Yingli pulled herself through the shuttle.

Looking at the familiar private top-level ruins in front of him, Hu Feng felt a pain.

Well, you can't shuttle on your own, but you are directly sent to the top of the decisive battle point.

Fortunately, the teleport back to his own world. He returned to the place before leaving, and did not return to the top floor of his old nest. Otherwise, this trip is really a long run.

"Is it possible to choose the teleport site over the last days, preferably the underground shelter?"

"Yes ... but ... I have to ... go first ..."

Well, to put it bluntly, you have to go in the past and light up the map before you can send it to the spot, and it doesn't count where you have been before you become a doomsday singer.

"Fortunately, it's good, it's already good, let's try to fully possess it. Let me see how much power this state can improve."

When the thoughts moved, a wave of silver energy spread out from the position of the heart and flowed all over the body. Yingli was transformed into a pure soul essence and integrated with Hu Feng.

Two meniscus-shaped white soul energy blades appeared on both sides of the hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ Behind him, there were dozens of silver-white long strips of energy flowing outward, dancing like transparent whips.

The figure of the Doomsday singer appeared in the air behind Hu Feng, and the position of his feet was somewhat transparent. It seemed to be integrated with those long strips of energy, forming a part of Hu Feng.

Sharing vision, sharing power, and having the same mind, this kind of completely possessive confession is a state of twins.

Although this state does greatly enhance the offensiveness of the two, the same, the doomsday singer will temporarily lose that absolutely invincible state, after all, Hu Feng is not invincible, if Hu Feng is injured, Doomsday Song The person must transfer energy for Hu Feng because of the sharing and the soul link.

There must be gains and losses, or it is absolutely invincible but the attacking method is single. It can only rely on catching prey and swallowing it.

Either combine them into one, the attack can be melee or long-range, and temporarily lose invincibility, but the defense is still ridiculously high.

"So when we are okay, we need to practice more, and strive to achieve instantaneous possession and instantaneous disengagement, so that we can switch at any time when fighting."

Yingli nodded when she heard the words, feeling Hu Feng's thinking with some curiosity.

"What is a ghost father?"

"Cough, don't ask children too much!"

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