Evil Break

Chapter 184: : Return trip and transaction

"Okay mom, I really don't need it. The items I bring now are enough for me to eat for a year!"

Hu Fengte likes to eat a black salty sausage made from black pork and marinated in medicinal herbs in Shandong, so before leaving, my mother specially prepared a large bag of this kind of sausage, which must be piled in the trunk of the car. .

"Ying Li, do you know if you go to school after you go back? Don't follow your brother in his shop. He dare not let you call you, I call him." Father stood on the other side of the car After watching Yingli get in the co-pilot, she closed the door.

"Thank you uncle ... I know ... Aunt and uncle need help ... You can also tell me ... whoever dares to bully you ... I will kill ..."

"Ayaya, ha ha ha ha ... Well, well, do not send it, grandparents you quickly go inside, cold outside!" Before Li Ying finished Declaration issued bloody, Hu Feng will be immediately interrupted her.

This is the third day after the year, Hu Feng decided to start the return journey ahead, heading south to Guangzhou all the way, catching up with Chen Xiaopin and then returning to Shenzhen.

"And you, be cautious about everything, don't be impulsive, have a good relationship with people, you know." Father's advice is always serious, Hu Feng nodded with a smile.

"Yo, Hu Xiaozi is leaving today? Why don't you stay a few days longer?" The neighbors passing by stopped and asked.

"Ah yes, it's quite busy over there, so I'll go back in advance and come back next year, haha."

"Okay, can't we embarrass Shandong people outside?"

"Don't worry, you can rest assured, go away."

Hu Feng's nose was a bit sour when he started the car and watched the family members who were still standing and watching him slowly away.

Parting is always sad, life still continues, and living in the world must constantly look forward.

"Reluctant ... Aunt Uncle ... Grandpa and Grandma ..." Ying Li turned her head ninety degrees and looked back at Hu Feng's family waving at the car.

Hu Feng Wenyan nodded with a smile, "Yeah, I can't bear it, so I have to come back next year ... Well, it's time to return to normal life again, our brutal dark reality, continue to kill all the way, haha . "

"Um ... kill all the enemies ... I will help you ..." Ying Li turned her head back.

"I know, so face it together." Hu Feng nodded and smiled at Ying Li.

There seemed to be less expectation on the return journey. From the moment I drove on the high-speed road, the darkness was restored again, waiting for Hu Feng to kill a **** road.

Along the way, Hu Feng always felt a little uneasy, as if the invisible and untouchable space around him was trembling at all times.

With this mood, he stopped all the way and finally entered Guangzhou on the third day.

The overpass like a labyrinth looked dizzy. Even if there were navigation directions, Hu Feng was also cautious, fearing that he would miss the correct fork.

Chen Xiaopin's family lives in an old city in Guangzhou. In this huge city with a long history, there are too many old city buildings full of historical details.

Traffic flow is always so crowded, parking spaces are always so hard to find, along some narrow old streets, Hu Feng holding his mobile phone and looking for his destination.

"I saw you, here, in front."

Hu Feng Wenyan looked forward, and Chen Xiaopin stood at a corner not far away beckoning to herself.

Ying Li has temporarily attached to Hu Feng and is not going to let Chen Xiaopin's family see herself.

Parked in the parking space occupied by Chen Xiaopin in advance, Hu Feng opened the door and came out.

"I said that I would just go back on the high-speed rail, and I had to run over."

"Anyway, I just saw my aunt. It's been many years. I hope the aunt will have a better attitude towards me, hahaha."

Following Chen Xiaopin into the community, Hu Feng took off the thick coat outside.

"I'm hot to death, and I'm back to our southern part, where winter never fails."

"Is it cold in your hometown? Has it snowed this year?"

"It's down, how could it not be possible, Ying Li also built a deformed little snowman."

Going down the stairs to the fourth floor, came to Chen Xiaopin's house.

The house has been around for a few years, but it's clean and tidy and very warm.

Hu Feng immediately saw Chen Xiaopin's father's photo on the living room wall, sighed, and walked over to worship.

"Mom, Hu Feng is here, and I will go back to Shenzhen with him in a few days." Chen Xiaopin pushed the door of a bedroom open and spoke in Cantonese.

A sound of slippers walking came, and Chen Xiaopin's mother came out and looked at Hu Feng who had just finished worshiping.

"Auntie, I haven't seen you for years. Is your body okay? Hear Xiao Pian that you are sick?"

For Hu Feng, Chen Xiaopian ’s mother ’s mentality is a little complicated at the moment. After all, he and his daughter were planning to get married after graduation, and he and her husband were somewhat opposed. In addition, the later loan intended for marriage was taken by Hu Feng The family was in a hurry, so the relationship ended in frustration.

This can't be said about snobbery or reality. After all, think about it in empathy. No one wants to marry their baby daughter to a poor boy who is poor and indebted.

Listening to her daughter, Hu Feng now has a chained industry in Shenzhen. The salted fish turned into a rich boss, and she still misses her daughter.

"Hu Feng is coming, let's sit down and hear Xiao Pian say that you are driving from Shandong all the way?"

Sitting on the living room sofa, Hu Feng nodded with a smile.

"Oh, yes, I drove all the way. Auntie, you are in good health now. Uncle has no way to go. You can't break your body again because of this, so Xiao Pian is also worried in Shenzhen, you said right."

"I understand, thank you for your concern, Hu Feng ... Did you blame us for the things that happened?"

Hu Feng immediately waved his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Auntie, you really think too much, I am not the kind of person who only thinks of myself, think about it in a different way, I understand what you and uncle thought at the time, after all At that time, I did n’t want her to marry me if I had a daughter, so I never blamed you and your uncle. "

Chen Xiaopin's mother nodded and smiled.

"You can think of it like that, Auntie is very grateful to you, don't blame the reality that Auntie thinks, so now I will not interfere in the matter between you and Xiao Pian."

Hu Feng nodded with a smile, got up and took over the teapot brought by Chen Xiaopin, and poured a glass for her mother.

Turning his head to look at the sky, he was puzzled.

Today, it seems that the sky is darker than usual, and it is already somber at four o'clock in the afternoon and five o'clock in the afternoon.

The restlessness brought about by that kind of spatial tremor is getting stronger.

What is going to happen?

Thunderous thunder came, and it seemed that sometime there was a large cloud in the sky, which made the already dark sky even darker.

The ringtone of the phone's incoming call suddenly rang, but after two rings, it returned to silence.

He took out his phone and looked at it. A missed call was made. The contact was Aletya.

I called back immediately and only heard the sound of shutdown.

What happened?

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