Evil Break

Chapter 185: : Skyfall and Aletya

Under the pretext that he was going out to answer a very important call, Hu Feng ran down the stairs to the rooftop of the building and looked up at the sky.

Thunderstorms one after another, it seems that the thick clouds will flash a few times like lightning.

Poor premonition was filled with spirit, and Ying Li's figure also emerged from behind Hu Feng, staring curiously at the sky with her head raised.

"what happened?"

Hu Feng shook his head without answering. Don't be like he had guessed. . .


A sound that seemed to explode and shatter violently spread through the clouds.

At the next moment, meteorite objects dragging golden flames quickly fell from the sky. The number of them suddenly showed that there were hundreds of them just in the area of ​​Guangzhou.

But Hu Feng knew very well that it was not a **** meteorite.

That is an angel.

Each angel dragged a long golden flame behind him, and each angel kept his human form and fell head down.

Their white wings were burning violently at the moment, wrapping their entire bodies in flames.

The angels are falling.

Through the vision of evil energy, Hu Feng found that these angels had a unified mark on their foreheads. He was very familiar with this mark, which was a sign of the Legion of Aletya.

Suddenly, Hu Feng felt the devil's breath again. The huge dark smoke screamed from the distant clouds. It seemed that he wanted to seize this opportunity to annihilate or capture these angels.

"Hey, anger, immediately summoned the seven deadly sins, immediately summoned all the demons under your command, and all of them left to save me! Don't ask the bullshit! Alettoya's angel army suddenly fell to the sky! Now **** The group of dogs want to fish in muddy water, go ahead! "

Hang up the phone, quickly open the interface of the news app, and find that many latest news about angels falling into the sky have been temporarily updated.

"If there is a large-scale meteor shower in Guangdong Province for ten thousand years, make a wish!"

"Shocked! The golden meteor shower hit Guangdong without warning!"

"Meteor shower caused many fires and building damage, beware!"

Hu Feng exhaled for a long time, opened the space ring, took out a bunch of steel parts and began to assemble on the spot.

This is a portable quantum transmission device, Hu Feng was originally placed in the ring just in case, I did not expect to use it so soon.

As soon as the assembly was completed, the blue current light began to flicker violently, and the opposite side seemed to be sending something here.

The blue light suddenly spread, and a soul crystal appeared on the transmitter.

Hu Feng immediately took it off, then slammed a crack on the crystal surface, and countless thick black smoke roared out.

"Go! Search the city, look for any landing angels, and bring them back to our base. Remember to indicate your identity in advance, and don't cause misunderstanding battles! Seeing the demons of **** immediately expel and resist direct attacks, quick go with!"

The iron gate of the rooftop was pushed open from the inside, and Chen Xiaopin walked up anxiously, seeing the unhurried Hu Feng suddenly relieved.

"Are you okay? Suddenly there is a shooting star ... what are you doing?"

Hu Feng Wenyan looked at Chen Xiaopin, "It's a bit of a situation, this meteor shower is not as simple as you think. I will have to rush back to Shenzhen in a while. Will you come back with me or a few days later?

Chen Xiao Pian opened her mouth, but she did n’t ask her questions now, and nodded. "Then I will go back with you. Let me talk to my mother first. By the way, she will not be in danger." ? "

"Relax, as long as you don't go out, you won't affect ordinary people. You just need to pack up and come directly to me, just go."

With that, Hu Feng raised his right arm and hooked his finger.

A few seconds later, a black streamer came rapidly from below, wrapped around Hu Feng's index finger and turned into a deep purple gemstone ring.

The mobile phone began to ring constantly, and all seven crimes came to report the situation.

An angel rescue operation started so vigorously. The demon army on the side of Hu Feng was looking for the falling angels of the Aletya Legion across the province, while preventing the demon of **** from muddying the water.

It seems that the situation is not completely out of control. At least all the angels of the Aletya Legion are concentrated in Guangdong, which shows that Aletya can still give orders to them.

After all, Hu Feng ’s power is in Guangdong, so he can respond immediately.

Ordinary angels landed abruptly, smashing the ground into huge pits billowing with thick smoke.

Their look was confused, and they were horrified to find that they could not return to the real form of the giant war machine. They were imprisoned in human form.

But then again, there is an incidental small welfare. Ordinary angels who could not condense the human body now automatically have a human body of their own.

I tried to stretch my wings, and the scene that appeared at the next moment simply collapsed them.

The white wings on both sides are like bare feathers at the moment. The countless burning cracks are still sparking with electricity and sparks. Only a small part of the white or golden feathers are still falling down from time to time.

This is the price of forcibly falling into the sky. Their tight energy link with heaven is completely cut off, and they can no longer get the energy recharge from heaven. After losing this energy connection, they can no longer return by positioning teleport. Heaven.

Before they could recover from the overwhelming and collapsed, a breath that made them extremely disgusted came from afar, and the number was so dense.

"Ready to fight on the ground! Get together! The evil demons are coming!"

The angels scattered around this area forced themselves into a state of combat and vigilance, but the power they can exert at this moment is called a little pitiful.

"Unable to contact Master Aletya!"

"What about Captain Julier?"

"It is also impossible to contact ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that all of our spiritual communication channels are directly blocked by heaven!"

"Ahhh! Rasha the Purifier, Morian the Punisher! You **** fallen!"

The dark smoke plummeted down, condensing into a human black-eyed demon wearing a black suit, holding a submachine gun in his hand, and a grin on his face.

"Ah, look, isn't this a powerful angel? Why, has the wings started to fluff? Hahaha ..."


At this time, there was another thunderous thunderous noise in the sky, and I saw an unusually dazzling golden light like a miniature sun, falling fast towards the ground.

It was a holy angel of light.

Aletya fell to the sky.

At this point, Heaven officially declared split.

Although there was no civil war, the other two archangels still did not let Aletya off.

"Holy Aletya, after the ruling of the meeting, the results of your trial are as follows. Your relationship with the demon Hu Feng has caused you an irreversible depravity. You are no longer qualified to continue to be a glorious member of the Holy Light Council of Heaven But remember your contribution to heaven, exempting the death penalty and imprisonment, the punishment method: eternal expulsion from heaven, effective immediately! "

As the mallet knocked down, the flames of heaven instantly ignited.

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