Evil Break

Chapter 201: : Change Step 1 and Split

Walking on the beach, Hu Feng was relaxed and happy.

"It's comfortable to step on the sand barefoot. I'm going to build a chain store of Seven Virtue Holiday Hotel in this coastal area, as well as a chain-locked branch dedicated to high-end customers. If the angel of your legion comes to play in the future, the consumption will be 50%. Fold, haha. "

For the first time, Aletya walked barefoot on the soft sand on the beach, trotting for a while, feeling the feeling coming from the soles of her feet.

"Yes, this island is very pure, without any pollution, it is very suitable for building our new paradise on the ground." Then, the girl angel looked up again and looked at the white high height on the hill in the distance. The main body of the tower.

"That is, but here is close to Somalia, Africa, and there are many pirates floating in the nearby waters. When you are stable, you can kill them."

Aletya nodded, "This island was Stanley's property before? I am a little bit difficult to accept things from hell, not to mention the agreement, I can't go to the crossroads to hunt the devil in the future."

"Oh, the rules are dead, people are alive. Since you live on earth in the future, go into the village and keep up with the times. To be honest, the demons of **** are advancing with the times. In many ways, they are better than angels. You Do n’t be reluctant to listen. That ’s the fact. Those high-tech companies and cheap supermarket chains in Hell actually bring benefits to mankind. ”

"I understand that I am not a rigid and stubborn person in heaven. I also want to change this, but I don't know where to start." Aletya was worried and entangled.

She often comes to the earth, especially after knowing Hu Feng, some of the old stereotypes inherent to the earth and human beings, even demons, have changed greatly.

Of course, she also knows that the demons of **** are not at all like the angels in heaven thought. The thoughts of those people still stay in the period when the two sides were just born decades ago.

The demons follow the progress of the times, lurking in human society, living together with humans, and engaging in some soul trading from time to time to earn extra money.

As for chaos, destruction, and killing, Aletya was surprised to find that the demons now hate these traits and labels that were originally theirs even more than humans.

The demons of Hell now want stable development, perfect lurking and disguise, and expansion of their companies and forces around the world.

In this society's big dye tank, money is omnipotent. In addition to soul trading and killing that trader ten years later, the demons are busy engaged in development and business, and then make money for luxury.

So this is the biggest reason why the devil hunters would rather unite with the devil than face the angel rather than let the angel win.

At least demons are helpful to humans, and their companies provide countless jobs for humans. Demon hunters kill demons, and demons fight demon hunters. This is a new natural rule, and neither side has any opinions.

And what about angels?

Alettoya couldn't even think of an angel's help and development for mankind.

Heaven prides itself on being the embodiment of justice, the spokesperson of light, and the executor of the will of the Holy Light, determined to bring order, light, and purity to this world.

But how have they helped humans? Except for the very few devout fanatics, the angels do not respond to any Christian believers at all, and they are too lazy to disguise that the **** God is a real existence.

As for starting a company to engage in technology and chain people's livelihood. . . Ha, the angels regarded humans as a low-level, weak creature from beginning to end. How could they lean down and do this kind of worldly thing?

Demons come from humans, so they understand humans.

The angels are from Naru, so they are incomprehensible.

"Since we will continue to live on earth in the future, counterattacking heaven is also a long process, so I want to take my legions to make changes to cater to this world, and to coexist peacefully with the demons before they do evil. , This is our first change, but next, I do n’t know how to proceed. "

Hu Feng Wenyan smiled and patted the shoulder of the girl angel. For this action, Aletya was very uncomfortable from the beginning, and now she has become accustomed to it.

"Relax, I will help you as before."

"I know, I believe you, I don't worry when I wait for the resurrection, because I know you will find a way to help me, but I have never been able to help you."

"Why should it be so clear, that's how I saw it. I have known each other for so long. Who will talk to whom? Hahaha."

A few days later, on New Paradise Island, a strange, radar-like steel machine stood up.

Refuge No. 66 is honorably produced, quantum communicator, compulsory receiving version.

This thing is facing the sky at this moment, Hell is very happy to contribute the coordinates they have about the subspace of heaven.

As long as the shaggy birdmen can be blocked, the demons are willing to pour money.

A roar sounded, and the long iron coil at the center of the radar began to emit blue light, and a buzzing sound was produced.

The new heaven on the ground harasses the phone, launch!

Is the boss buying a house? Does the boss want a loan? Boss, we need new financial products here. . . Cough. . . Again.

Heaven, since Aletya and her sacred legion were exiled, this sub-space filled with golden light returned to peace again, and the angels continued their great cause of justice with enthusiasm.

Aletya is already dead, and was killed by Heaven's hunter squad in an extremely weak state after falling into the sky. The crime is collusion with the apocalyptic knight Hu Feng.

On the same day, when the envoys were responsible for their duties, and each was doing their own thing, a compulsory communication spread through heaven ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am Alettoya the Archangel of Light. Already established, we welcome any compatriots who have self-thinking and have their own doubts and doubts about the present to come together and build our own new home. "

"We are not war machines. We are independent individuals. We can fight for the justice of the Holy Light, but we are not slaves at our discretion."

"I hereby declare that Rasha the Purifier and Morian the Punisher are all degenerates who have betrayed their unity and faith. The new heaven will be hostile to any angel in the heaven who is loyal to them."

"I voluntarily accepted the exile and expulsion for the unity of heaven, but for their own power, they sent a hunt team to attack me, ignoring the possible consequences of the division that may result."

"If the fallen want war, then I will give them war."

"We are the wings of freedom. From this moment on, we entered a war with Rasha the Purifier and Morian the Punisher. If they represent heaven, then heaven is also our enemy!"

The compulsory quantum communication echoed over and over again in heaven, and every angel was listening quietly, with different thoughts in his heart.

In any case, heaven is divided.

The civil war has begun.

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