Evil Break

Chapter 202: : Public Opinions and Meeting

Alettoya ’s declaration of war has been echoed in heaven for several days, and after finally stopping, before the angels breathe, a new round of public opinion bombing begins.

"This is a new paradise on the ground, we are the wings of freedom, we still implement and execute the will of the Holy Light, but we will no longer be controlled by Naru, no longer controlled by any existence, our will belongs to ourselves, Every angel should learn to live with his own will and thoughts to solve everything he encounters. "

"The new paradise on the ground will be a place of freedom. Everything here is the same as paradise, but it is different everywhere. We will integrate into this world to accept new things and understand the new style of behavior. We will live together with humanity. Spread the will of the Holy Light and let humanity participate in the cause of justice together. They will be our believers, our comrades-in-arms, and fight with us together to purify all the evil in this world. "

Various similar publicity advertisements scrolled one after another in paradise. Purifier Rasha and Punisher Morian were furious. At the moment, they were urgently looking for ways to block communications.

What puzzled them most was that Aletya was not dead!

Through the eyes of the hunting team, they clearly saw the sharp awl specially used to assassinate the sky, directly inserted into Aletya's chest, and burned all her.

Although that kind of weapon would not kill the archangel, Aletya was in a state of extreme weakness at the time, not much different from ordinary angels.

Before the evacuation, the hunting team also confirmed that Aletya was indeed dead, which is no dispute.

Can Hu Feng resurrect angels?

This new possibility shocked the two archangels extremely.

What method did he use? And how could he understand the internal structure of an angel, let alone an archangel.

As for whether Aletya let him study voluntarily, this point was directly rejected.

Except for the Naru Creator, there is no deep core that can enter the angel, unless the angel is killed, and the angel is completely split in a very short time without explosion or burning, and the core is not automatically destroyed. May see the true face of the angel within a moment.

Angels are not the kind of old and outdated light-cast mechs. Angels are the most advanced intelligent war weapons. They are so sophisticated that even the Naru creator cannot mass-produce them.

But now is not the time to consider these. Alettoya declares war on heaven. Although most of the angels in the heaven are against Aletya, they are not allowed to have a few heretics who long for corruption and freedom.

This situation must be stopped. The paradise of the heresy fallen on the ground is simply a sinful place indistinguishable from demons!

Ok. . . In this regard, the two archangels are not mistaken to some extent.

At present, the publicity advertisements circulating in heaven are all written by demons, and then the angels follow the instructions.

Hu Feng and all the employees of Hell conducted a round of literary youth selection competition, and finally stood out a group of literary demon youths who were determined to play the pen. An angry text of orthodox heaven.

Hiring the army to scramble for public opinion, the demons played smoothly.

You heaven is not bullish, scold you!

All in all, the civil war between the angels of the two parties officially began from the battle of saliva.

Hu Feng's recent bitter days are still not over. He reincarnated helplessly to become the messenger of the Holy Light, sending warmth to the angels of Aletya.

On the hillside, in the small square in front of the White Tower, Hu Feng opened the third form, which turned into the light of Naru suspended in mid-air, and enjoyed the worship of the angels.

Damn it! The Creator appears!

The angels of the Aletya Legion were in a great mood, and were full of enthusiasm.

A Naru creator appeared in their new paradise instead of going to the orthodox paradise in heaven. What does that mean? Explained that they are the justice of the destiny! The group of compatriots in Orthodox Paradise, as the commander of the army said, are all fallen!

So all the worries and doubts were thrown into the sea, beating them!

Oh, on this point, it is the advice given by the demons ’marketing and promotion consultant team, so that Aletya should not publish Hu Feng ’s old background, and use this to build momentum and achieve her own legitimacy and legitimacy.

Next is the time for Hu Feng to install the magic stick.

First, let the angels line up one by one to fill them with the energy of the Holy Light, and their bald wings, which are constantly losing hair, are finally full again.

Then began the brainwashing speech.

In summary: Aletya is the only orthodox archangel and the only good girl the Naru admitted. The other two bands are all depraved. To kill them, I am Naru. , So it won't lie to you.

Anyway, the atmosphere at the time was like a MLM gang opening a meeting. The angels were all emotional and enthusiastic. When they mentioned the purifier Rasha and the punitive Morian, they all gritted their teeth.

"Sleep on the floor today, and be the boss tomorrow! Fight back to heaven, turn over and take the lead! Now develop a justice downline, and your contribution will be remembered. When you return to heaven in the future, all your development downline will be your subordinates! If you do n’t want to be the commander of the army, it ’s up to you to work hard! "

If there is an uncle of the police in Tianzhao at this moment, absolutely nothing to say, just handcuff to Hu Feng, and bring him back to the bureau to drink tea, by the way, a complimentary luxury prison theme tour ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Anyway, the angels of the Legion of Aletya are full of energy, full of state, full of enthusiasm, and they are waiting for their fellow citizens in heaven.

However, at this moment, the angels of the two parties are only in a war of words, and there is no substantive conflict.

The angels of Aletya ’s legion are still busy building their new home. They are still a big construction site at this moment, without the idle time of fighting.

As for the orthodox paradise, they are busy appeasing the restless angels, looking for a way to shield that quantum signal.

As for taking the initiative to attack, they did not have this plan. After all, the gains were not enough. They still had to focus on destroying demons and purifying the world.

Well, do n’t put gold on their faces, in fact, they are worried that the conflict with the Legion of Aletoa will cause a lot of casualties, which is something that they do n’t want to see for the two archangels who have just completely controlled heaven.

Coupled with Hu Feng's famine knight who ran to the island of Aletya in three days, a pair of Lao Tzu wanted to protect her posture, who would desperately fight with anyone who came.

Therefore, in order to stabilize his power, he did not want to fight against Hu Feng, a famine knight with a tendency of terrorists to explode, so even if he declared a war, he did not fight immediately.

The day just continued to make ends meet, and everyone stayed together for the time being.

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