Evil Break

Chapter 204: : Iron-faced Tigress and Demon

In New Paradise Island, the giant construction site is under construction day and night. The demon construction team cooperates with the angels of the Aletya Legion to assist, so the overall progress is called a rapid one.

But recently a female manager with an iron face came, and the tigress was miserable.

"Don't you demons understand people? I said that the layout of the building here can't be done like this. It was demolished and rebuilt immediately! As the main building of the company, the gates you made are not atmospheric. Are you still a man in your eyes? "

"No ... This is the construction drawings given by Master Hu Feng, we are just ..." The demon foreman tried to fight for his reason.

"I don't listen to these reasons and explanations, I don't want to make excuses! If I want to continue to work, I will immediately remove it. This place needs a long piece of marble to engrave the company name. Here, this circle will be surrounded by flower beds, and This place ... I said you remember, can you just remember everything? "

The elder sister in a black professional attire is full of aura, pointing fingerlessly on the construction drawings placed on the table.

"This is the new executive officer dispatched by the master, so do it! Otherwise, I will skewer the souls of you lower demons on my long sword and eat them!"

Behind the elder sister stood two pure female demons with a height of about two and a half meters. They were saboteurs, also known as the gandhal demon priestess.

This kind of fierce figure, a demon with a mature face of the elder sister is not as mediocre as the succubus. Their six slender arms are holding six evil rune swords, even if they are frontal hard **** demon guards or doomsday. The guards are completely worthy.

There was also a meniscus-shaped metal decoration on their heads, and a fierce fierce flame was burning in the middle of the sky, just like their eyes.

The Gandhal Demon Priestess is a high-level member of the Burning Legion. They are responsible for the role of the priest of the evil. They rarely fight in person. Instead, they tend to spread fanatic beliefs in the legion and maintain the high fighting and destruction of the demon soldiers. And can use the magic recovery spell to heal wounded demon soldiers.

Fel healing, this is the unique way of using the evil energy of the Gandhal Demon Priestess. It seems to be an innate racial talent that can transform the evil energy originally used for attack into softer healing energy in the body. .

Of course, it can be used not only on demons, but also on other creatures, as long as you do n’t worry that you will be gradually corrupted by evil energy.

The higher-level demons are more racially discriminatory. Don't think that they are the priests who rescue and heal the wounds in the demonic legion. They will be amiable like human priests. But they also have the name of destructive demons. This name has everything.

The demon foreman shivered, and this human woman was enough for the tigress, plus the two female pure demon behind her, and whether the devil would live!

Human demons don't know the destructive demons. After all, the earth was only the ordinary partial army of the Burning Legion. The highest status is a fear demon Varimathras. The rest are either demon guards or doom guards or succubus. The demon never appeared.

Hu Feng is derived from the **** of the darkness God Sargeras, so he still retains the ability to continue to pull people from the Burning Legion, and the spirit spirit wave that is almost the same as Sargeras, let the demons basically mention Can't afford to be disobedient.

It seems that Mr. Sa has always turned a blind eye to this, holding a completely indulgent attitude.

This group of Gandhal Demon Priestess was only recently brought in. The number is very small, only about twenty, so all of them are extremely precious, delicious and delicious hospitality, and then they have signed soul contracts, long-term Staying on earth is Hu Feng's life.

However, this female high-level devil's character is divided into two different extremes, or it is the one that follows Hu Minghan, the character is extremely serious, unrestricted laughter, and an iceberg attitude.

The other is extremely soft and charming, with a distorted maternal radiance, and hangs words such as "baby" and "mother".

The class above the destructive demons is called the XXX mother, XXX is their name, I heard that they have a great mother named Shahras, who is very famous among the demons, countless destruction The devil strives hard for her.

In this group called by Hu Feng, the leader is called Mother Moyas, just an ordinary little mother. Their small group prefers to go to other worlds than stay in the world of evil energy of the Burning Legion. Dangling.

All in all, Sister Hu Minghan, who had seriously put into her new job just after taking office, took her two destructive bodyguards and walked around the island to inspect the work, not even the Aletya Legion. Ever.

"What are you two doing? You don't have to work anymore? Are you angels? Are angels doing nothing at all?"

Sister Yu stared at the two angels sitting on the sidewalk playing a harp on a horizontal piece of wood, with a dissatisfied expression.

The two angels were stunned. You look at me and I look at you. For a time, I was shocked by the kind of aura that suddenly appeared.

Sister Yu lowered her head and frowned, looked at the tablet in her hand for a moment, then raised her head and walked to the angel, grabbed the harp, and officially announced the confiscation.

"According to the information I got, the construction progress of your angels is also under my management. Get up now and go help!"

The world can learn! The angels have always lived a peaceful life. They usually hunted the devil, and sat down to entertain themselves when they were fine. There is no concept of time.

Now that Hu Minghan took office, the angels instantly added a 24-hour shift work system, which was almost heartbroken.

"No! We don't obey your orders. We are soldiers under the command of Alettoya. We will only assist the demon construction team when we are idle. We ..."

"Shut up! Everyone here has to work. You have no privileges. Since I chose this position, I will take responsibility. If you have any dissatisfaction, let your regiment leader come and talk to me. Now, Go to work!"

Julier's face was full of anxiety, and he took a lesson in a hearty way. Finally, he was gloriously defeated. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ Grievingly took the angels to work.

"Look what you look like, you pure demon, I know you, Gandhar Demon Priestess, Destructive Devil ... The evil pastor of the Burning Legion, don't think you can just follow this wicked tigress ...

"Shut up! Hurry up!" Hu Minghan stared at the scolding male angel in front of him.

"I am going to complain with Master Aletya today, and Hu Feng. You are not respecting our angelic tradition. Why do ordinary humans order us, the will of the Holy Light is wailing, we ..."

As the angels walked farther and farther, the sound of broken thoughts gradually became inaudible.

On the other side of Hell, there is gloating and scourge.

The new iceberg tigress is simply squeezing the labor force, but with a beautiful face and **** body, there is a desire to make her ruin her and make her beg for mercy.

And many demons are playing this idea in their hearts, but after learning that this human woman is Hu Feng ’s aunt, and the relationship is still very close, they have died.

I still don't want to be chased by the famine knight, and the two female high-end pure demons who don't know what kind of breed, it seems that they are not good.

After all, for pure demons, the mentality of human demons has always been a complex psychology of fear and resentment.

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