Evil Break

Chapter 205: : Black Business and Occupation

Hu Yihan's mood is very sad recently.

Previously, her little daughter followed Hu Feng like a fart. It was estimated that Hu Feng was the best animal, and she was very happy.

Well, seeing you as a successful career now, I endure it, and my little daughter is in love with you and I am not against it.

What is the situation now? It ’s not enough for you kid to take one, and you have learned to pack it, right?

The eldest daughter Hu Minghan worked as a branch governor in the bank and did a good job. Now he is resigned by Hu Feng and ran to follow him! What's the matter of treading horses!

Her eldest daughter is very opinionated, even if she opposes it, it has no effect. Once she makes a decision, the eight horses will not be able to pull back.

I heard that what high-tech companies are engaged in, and what angel construction projects are there, so I didn't elaborate, so Hu Yihan is not very clear.

Well now, just like my two daughters, they also followed Hu Feng to go to the angel and demon heap, and they could n’t see an ordinary human around him all day long.

At this time, a voice came from the gate, interrupting Hu Yihan's thoughts.

Looking up, my little daughter came home. Of course, she followed Hu Feng and his wife was talking to them.

"Once you go and talk to your aunt, I will find some things to do with my uncle, then I will go to the aunt first."

"OK, stay here at noon for dinner, do you like shrimp?" Hu Mingjing's mother asked with a smile.

"If you like to eat, then trouble your aunt. I haven't had home cooking for a long time, haha."

Hu Feng then entered the living room and nodded to Hu Yihan who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

"Uncle, are you busy today?"

No matter what you think in your heart, Hu Yihan's face is naturally a kind smile, after all, Hu Feng can't afford to be honest now.

"Not busy, how did Xiao Hu think of coming to me?"

"Haha, naturally looking for you to send you a happy event."

happy event? Isn't this kid deciding to marry Ming Jing? Hu Yihan's heart went up and down, in case this is really the case, then how should he go back. . .


The clapping sound interrupted Hu Yihan's imagination. Two demon in suit appeared behind Hu Feng, watching Hu Yihan stunned.

Hu Feng sat on the sofa opposite Hu Yihan and waved his hand. A demon immediately took out a thick document from the suitcase and handed it to Hu Feng respectfully.

"Uncle, this time, I found two very profitable businesses overseas. In the family's mind, I can't leave you behind. This is specific information. Please see it.

After all, Hu Feng put the information on the table.

Hu Yihan doesn't care about Hu Feng's family problems anymore, because he picked up the information and turned to the first page, and the content in it made his hands tremble.

Arms smuggling! Drug trafficking! To the African continent!

Hu Feng, the boy's courage, is getting fatter and fatter, and he is now starting to do these things. This one is not good, but he has to queue up to eat a gun.

Yes, making money is indeed making money, and it is still extremely profitable, but this is not to be told by Hu Feng, who does not know these things to make money!

"Uncle, look, now our country is vigorously supporting the black African brothers in building. As a patriot, I naturally have to respond to the call of the country and make a contribution to the African people ... this matter, Now the Hong Kong businessmen on Uncle Hong ’s side have decided to participate, and Xu ’s foreign trade company has also decided to follow me. Now it ’s up to you to see if you are interested. After all, it ’s all people around you who can make money together. "

Are you patriotic? Do you respond to national calls? Do you contribute to the African people?

Is arms smuggling a contribution? Drug trafficking is contribution? What you are riding on is really "warm and sincere" to the African people.

But later, Hu Yihan was not surprised that the gang of rich Hong Kong businessmen came in. After all, they did a lot of smuggling.

Why did the Xu family agree to follow along?

"Xiao Hu, tell me the truth, is the Xu family okay?" Hu Yihan recalled the relationship between the Xu family and Hu Feng that changed suddenly during this time, and it seemed to have thought of something.

Hu Feng smiled and said, "How could there be something wrong? I just had a friendly exchange with the father and son of the Xu family. They are now changing their ways. We are now good brothers and friends."

The two suit demons behind him also laughed a few times at this time, and they were all smiles with bad intentions.

"You have them all attached?" Hu Yihan asked directly.

"Why should these things be so clear, uncle, as long as you know, if you have any difficulties now, the Xu family will definitely ask you for help in return, and I will do the same, how to say you are also my elder, otherwise Ming Jing will definitely scold me. "

Hu Yihan exhaled deeply and shook his head.

Hu Feng, the devil's means of eliminating dissidents, is really straightforward and rude. When he saw Xu Jiajie and himself grabbing Mingjing, he even took his whole family directly and possessed it. No wonder Xu Jiajie seemed to have stabilized a lot overnight. The wind is even better.

"Hu Feng, I asked a question, and you have a thorough understanding. If my family did something that you did not want to see, would you do the same to us?"

Hu Feng immediately shook his head, "Uncle, you really think too much, I have said that I'm not that kind of evil lunatic, you and aunt are Ming Jing's parents, so even if you do anything against me, I won't What do you and your aunt do ~ www.readwn.com ~ Aunt is so good to me, I still have a conscience, so you can rest assured. "Hu Feng said seriously, then took out the cigarette case and took out one Hands Hu Yihan.

"So I tell you the truth, I also know what you thought at the beginning, your company is very important to you, and I want to find a reliable and capable son-in-law to pick up your class and take you I understand that this foreign trade company is bigger, so I will come to you as soon as I have the opportunity this time, but this is a great opportunity for you to develop overseas, so you first look at the information carefully to ensure that It ’s safe, even if something goes wrong, it ’s also outside, and it wo n’t cause trouble to our country. I was born in China. Even if I want to engage in arms smuggling and drug trafficking business, I certainly ca n’t harm our own people, you are right. "

"So your kid wanted to punish Africans?"

With Hu Feng's sincere assurance, Hu Yihan also relaxed a lot, at least confirmed that Hu Feng will never treat his family.

Re-take the information on the table and look through it carefully. In fact, for this black business, if there is an absolutely safe method, then no businessman will decisively refuse.

After all, as long as there is a 100% profit, the capitalists dare to trample on any law in the world.

Not to mention the current business, the profit can be far more than 100%.

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