Evil Break

Chapter 206: : Joining partners and black profits

Looking at all the information, Hu Yihan was moved, and the temptation of interests made him unable to refuse.

"Hu Feng, can you guarantee that everything written here is true?" Hu Yihan put down the material and took a fierce breath, then asked Hu Feng seriously.

In this thick material, Hu Feng's plan was introduced with pictures and text, and a large number of real photos of the island were attached.

Arms smuggling will begin after the construction of New Paradise Island is completed.

On the island, Hu Feng not only built a building to engage in high-tech companies, but also had many side industries, which together formed a large and complex science and technology park.

Beside the company's headquarters, there will be plans to build more than 20 large warehouses and various Russian weapons and firearms production lines, from AK-47 to RPG to various armored vehicle tanks, and even SCUD missiles, all of which are impressively listed.

In addition to the AK-47, a timeless sharp weapon, other weapons that are extremely outdated on the outside are sold out in Africa.

Of course, with the exception of the few African countries that the dynasty is supporting and the countries that have close ties with the West and are already in peace, these places are naturally unsaleable.

As for Hu Feng's production lines for these weapons and equipment, Hu Yihan wisely did not ask, he did not want to know, nor did he dare to know.

Then, the finished products will be stored in more than twenty large warehouses, and the next time is the time for promotion and sales.

As a partner of Hu Feng, no matter how much it is sold, it can be divided into five and five points. Although half is lost, the profit is still scary.

All I have to do is send someone to Africa to be a salesperson to contact the customer, and then rent a freighter to take care of the delivery.

In the chaotic waters around Somalia and Kenya, there are countless cargo ships that pull black goods, and domestic laws are not so wide. I am still an honest, honest and law-abiding businessman in China. .

This is all money, far more than many times more than the foreign trade and customs declaration business I do now.

What is this, sideline business is more profitable than main business?

And not only this one, the profit of the second black business in the data is even higher than this.

Drug trafficking. . .

Also after the construction of New Paradise Island was completed, Hu Feng would send people to the Golden Triangle area, according to the channel he did not know where to get it, to contact the local drug warlord drug lord to establish a stable supply channel To the endless stream of high-purity drugs.

Drug trafficking is an extremely dangerous errand, not only in strict domestic laws, but also in the world.

However, Hu Feng's plan directly skipped this most dangerous link. Two points and one line erased the middle line.

Quantum Teleporter, Hu Yihan does n’t know what this is, and Hu Feng is much lazy to explain in the data, as long as he knows that this thing can directly transfer items from one point to another.

All they have to do is to establish a temporary storage point in the Golden Triangle, and then use this instrument to transfer it directly to the warehouse on New Paradise Island.

Without the potential danger of transportation costs, this is a huge investment, and it can still be sold at the same price on the market, which makes profits soar again.

Hu Yihan's heart moved, no one would not heart.

Why is it so hypocritical? If such a black business has an absolutely safe method of operation, who will continue to hang those hypocritical principles and so-called justice, and then refuse?

Smuggling arms has caused more bloodshed, which is inhumane.

Drug trafficking makes people die, not by people.

Yes, it is true, but has it affected your country? Or is it that the Virgins are so wide and do not see these things happening on the other side of the world?

What's more, under the lure of such crazy profits, and under absolute safety and security, how many Virgins can still maintain their persistence.

"Relax, uncle, it ’s guaranteed to be true, and there will be no problems, but if you really plan to do it together, those who are sent to Africa will have to choose it, and everyone needs to do it on New Paradise Island first. Firearms training to ensure personal safety. "

Hu Yihan nodded, his heart bursting with laughter.

New Paradise Island, the name is really ironic.

Listening to the Demon Hunting Club said that it was the new home of the angels who fell to the sky some time ago, and they are going to build a new paradise on the island. This matter has caused a sensation in the world of demon hunters and caused a lot of discussion .

And led by Hu Feng, a new famine knight of the apocalypse, together with the demons of hell, the three parties jointly participated in the construction.

As for the reason, there is a lot of news to prove that Hu Feng has a very close and ambiguous relationship with the angel of the sky-falling angel, Holy Light Archangel Aletya. Humans are the creatures that most like to spread gossip. The current version has become a big one Angel Aletya was trapped by love, and came to stay with Hu Feng, so she took her angels directly to the sky and accompanied Hu Feng.

Hu Yihan is not very familiar with what is a famine knight, but every senior demon hunter is very afraid of this. In short, it is an extremely high-grade stubble. If you want to make an analogy, it is almost the same as the leader of a country. Level.

Then the situation changed to what it is now. Under the operation of Hu Feng, the new paradise island, which should have been illuminated by the Holy Light, and justice spread everywhere on earth, will soon become a huge warehouse for arms smuggling and drug trafficking.

But this also proves from the side that Hu Feng and the fallen angel leader Aletuoya are indeed very good, so that the angels can tolerate Hu Feng to establish his black empire at the foot of the new heaven on their ground.

After a long thought, Hu Yihan finally gritted his teeth and nodded at Hu Feng.

"The uncle will lend you Dongfeng, and the specific cooperation matters will be as you and other partners have stipulated. They are all a family, and I will not send someone to negotiate with you."

"Okay, no problem, I can't hang uncle you." Hu Feng also smiled and nodded.

"But Hu Feng, as uncle, I still have to nag you ~ www.readwn.com ~ no matter what you do outside, it is your freedom and decision, but don't do anything that harms the country, otherwise you will really lose your conscience Now. "

"That's necessary. To be honest, I never think of myself as a demon. Even if it's a demon, it's a demon that grew up in China. I can be kidnapped, murdered, and set on fire all over the world, but I will never do this on the land of my country. Do, I love this country, here is my root, or even if I lose my conscience, my parents will kill me first. "

Hu Yihan nodded with satisfaction, "That's good, we can do whatever we do outside, but we still need to be honest and decent when we go back to the country. Your parents are now in Shandong, are you in good health?"

"Okay, I am going to take over my family for fun next year. My grandparents are also old and have always wanted to receive the South to provide for their old age."

"Yes, the weather in the south is suitable for the elderly to care for the elderly, this ..."

"The meal is ready, don't you two sit in the living room and chat, come over for dinner!" Hu Mingjing's voice interrupted the conversation.

"Okay, let's go and eat, oh right, don't tell your aunt and Ming Jing about this today, I'm afraid they are worried."

"Relax, uncle, I understand."

Hu Feng nodded with a smile, got up and went to the restaurant with Hu Yihan.

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