Evil Break

Chapter 207: : Household robots are equal to everyone

After a meal, Hu Feng was happy. For her future mother-in-law (it should be no problem), it was a flattery and a unique gift from the end of the world.

"Auntie, you are too busy at work, Ming Jing is too lazy to do these chores, so ..."

"Who are you lazy, you bastard! Why can't I do housework! Strangle you, don't allow you to eat shrimp, go eat potato shreds!"

"What housework do you do, what housework do you do, auntie is so hard every day."

"I ... I'll wash the dishes!" Hu Mingjing racked his brain and struggled for his reason.

Hu Mingjing's mother looked at the clamoring two with a smile and shook her head.

"It's not hard, Hu Feng, you have the heart. I usually get help from the nanny. I'm not tired either."

"There are so many negative news about babysitters now, so this time I will bring a little gift to my aunt."

With that said, Hu Feng released a transparent transistor from the space ring, inside which was a metal skeleton robot.

"I brought this robot from the parallel world. It is produced by my own home. The quality is absolutely quack, and the safety is not mentioned. I can help you do housework and cleaning. I can also guard the safety of my home at night.

The transistor turned on slowly, and the eyes of the robot's skull flashed for a while, and it turned on successfully.

"Unit VR-127765 completed the self-test, and I'm happy to serve you, waiting for the order." A sound of metal sounded, and the skeleton robot stood quietly beside Hu Feng.

"Come on auntie, you have to press a fingerprint, enter a pupil scan, and then the robot will completely obey your orders, a super babysitter who will never rest or pay, haha."

Hu Yihan was stunned for a long time. He saw this robot for the first time. It seemed to be quite intelligent. Hu Feng, the kid, got a lot of benefits from that parallel world.

"Hu Feng, can you mass-produce this kind of robot, not going to sell it?"

Hu Feng is helping Hu Mingjing's mother to confirm the ownership. Wen Yan shook her head at Hu Yihan.

"It can be mass-produced, but it is not ready to be sold to the outside world. The higher it is, the better our world is not ready to accept robot labor or the military. This will definitely cause countless people to lose their jobs, and conflicts and wars will definitely be big. increase."

"The truth is ... I naturally want to keep the good things. The other business is enough to make money. I am not a gift boy. I am not so noble."

"Wow wow wow! I want it too!" Hu Mingjing kept circling around the skeleton robots, feel there and look there.

"You need a fart, it's only useful for your aunt. What do you use it for? Yes, aunt, get it done. Now you can order it. Rest assured, you can do all the housework. At night, you let it. Turn on the security patrol mode. "

Seeing the robot's hands constantly reorganizing, it became a vacuum cleaner, a mop, a brush for washing dishes and other things, and two muzzles of black holes. . . Cough.

"Oh, rest assured, it has been transformed into an anesthesia gun in advance, and usually does not need a real gun for vigilance defense."

Looking at Hu Mingjing's mother who was shocked, Hu Feng immediately explained.

At this time, there was a shock from the phone, and took it out to look at it, and a blue light flickered on the screen.

Hu Feng's mobile phone has been magically modified by researchers at Refuge No. 66, adding a quantum communication function that can receive real-time messages of the end world in real time.

"Supervisor, please go back quickly, some situations require you to deal with in person."

Looking at the message sent by the cyborg, Hu Feng nodded to Hu Mingjing's mother in an apologetic way.

"Auntie, I suddenly have something wrong here. I can't finish this meal. Mingjing, please accompany your uncle and auntie. I will go first."

"It doesn't matter, you have more to worry about now, hurry up and come to eat next time." Hu Mingjing's mother nodded with a smile.

"I'm going to another world, and I want to see it." Hu Mingjing pouted, ready to start coquettish mode.

"Now it hasn't stabilized yet. I'll take you to travel as soon as it's stabilized. It's true. I'll leave first with my uncle. We will start talking about it in a while. I will notify you. "

He nodded to Hu Yihan again, and then a wicked flame wrapped around Hu Feng, and disappeared in place the next moment.

"All right, everyone is gone, don't stand and watch." Hu Mingjing's mother said to her daughter with a smile, then turned to look at the skeleton robot standing beside.

"Can you help drag it down?"

"Receive the order and act immediately." The robot's eyes flashed a few times again, one hand became a mop, the other hand became a water storage tank, and began to perform its first task.

End of the World, Office 66 of the Refuge Supervisor.

A burst of snowflake-like space emerged turbulently, Hu Feng slowly appeared at the desk, Ying Li got out of possession and floated out to wander around.

Seeing the arrival of Hu Feng, the female cyborg already waiting in the office immediately bowed, "Hello supervisor, welcome back again."

"Well, what's wrong, is there something wrong with the construction of Virtue Town?" Hu Feng waved his hand and signaled the cyborg to go directly to the topic. What he is most concerned about now is the metropolitan integration of the ground and the underground. Happening.

The artificial man shook his head when he heard the words, and then brought Hu Feng to the central monitoring room. There was a garbled character on the computer screen at that moment, and the large number 0 on the central screen was extremely dazzling.

Hu Feng frowned as soon as he saw it. "It's this **** refuge No. 0 again. Why, it started to affect us?"

"It ’s not ~ www.readwn.com ~ It ’s just a little different this time ... This kind of electronic interference that ca n’t be traced to the source has lasted for half an hour, and it was only a few minutes before. According to our preliminary decoding, We found a message. "

"The interference this time is a bit special. This Refuge No. 0 sends me a message, which is the location and information of a refuge."

Hu Feng heard the words suddenly more surprised and puzzled.

This horrified refuge 0, which is like a ghost, will forcefully transmit information to its own forces, and it is still an extremely precious refuge accurate location.

But the question also arises. How did Refuge 0 know the location of other refuges?

In the last days, everyone knows that Refuge No. 1 is the absolute center, which stores detailed information and specific locations of all refuges in the Tianchao area. This so-called Refuge No. 0 simply cannot exist.

but. . . If Refuge No. 0 really exists, what is its experimental plan?

"Which refuge was the location and information passed on?"

Shaking his head, temporarily leaving these puzzles behind his head, Hu Feng looked at the female cyborg and asked.

"It is Refuge No. 50, and the experimental plan is absolutely fair."

"Codename, everyone is equal."

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