Evil Break

Chapter 209: : Photos and Artworks of Death

Walking down the corridor towards the depths, Hu Feng was not worried at the moment. A small portable quantum transmission device was placed in his space ring just to cope with the current situation.

Specially checked, and found that everything is normal and fully usable.

That being the case, all of you have come, so let's explore this refuge 0.

The endless road seems to never end. There are two iron doors in the refuge room every ten meters on both sides of the corridor, but all are closed and locked. Hu Feng tries to burn it with evil flames. However, the iron gate seemed to be protected by a layer of energy, and it didn't move at all.

I don't know how long I walked, the fog in front suddenly disappeared, and a downward staircase appeared in front of me.

But it was impossible to move on, because there was also a heavy shelter door at the end of the downward staircase, which was also tightly closed.

There is a computer next to the gate, which is in standby mode at the moment, the screen is black, but the indicator light is on.

Shake the mouse at will, and the screen immediately lights up, displaying a line of text: "Under the Road, the lower area, status: blocked. Unlock method: unknown."

The screen seems to be locked in this interface, no matter how close or minimize, you can not return to the desktop.


There was a loud noise behind him, and Hu Feng immediately turned around and saw that an iron door in the corridor suddenly opened, and then returned to calm again.

Evil flames ignited in both eyes, and both hands became claws of evil energy. Hu Feng stood alert to any enemies that might appear.

But after waiting for a while, no follow-up happened.

Walking slowly, Hu Feng saw the scene inside the door. It was still a corridor, but this corridor was extremely retro. The wooden floor and walls looked a bit old, and there were rows of rows hanging on the walls on both sides. Photos framed with wooden frames.

Walking into the wooden corridor, while slowly advancing, looking at the photos on both sides under the dim light of the warm orange chandelier.

The contents of these photos seem to be meaningless. Some of them are an eyeball, which was taken at a very close distance.

Some are wooden dolls, wearing various costumes and posing in various strange poses.

Others are flesh-ghost monsters among various ground ruins.

Wait a minute. Looking at it all the way, the contents of the photos are different. In short, they are extremely strange and meaningless. I can't see any sense of art.

Finally came to the end of the corridor, here is a very retro-decorated hall, classical European-style decoration, thick and long red curtains hung on the walls around, dragged to the floor.

In the center of the hall is a square area surrounded by exhibition fences. A strange statue is erected in the area without a base. The statue is so quietly suspended in a low altitude less than ten centimeters above the ground.

This is a female sculpture in a tattered dress that is about to turn into a piece of cloth. It is cast in white marble, and it poses in a posture with the arms open to fly in the wind. The head looks like it had just been cut off recently.

Hu Feng recognized it immediately, it was the head of Sadako.

On the two hands of the statue, three thin long lines are carried, and the end of each long line is also fixed with a **** head of a scorpion.

After watching for a while, Hu Feng made a loud noise and shook his head.

This kind of perverted thing is put here as an art exhibition. What exactly do you want to express? What kind of experiment plan does Refuge No. 0 have?

However, Hu Feng's only certainty is that the Endless Road is definitely not the whole of Refuge No. 0, and there must be other areas.

Bypassing the exhibition statue, the back wall is empty, not covered by the red curtain, and there is nothing on the wooden wall.

A SLR camera is fixed on a tripod in front of the wall, and the lens is facing the wall.

There was no way to move on. I went back to the endless road and looked at it. The countless iron gates were still blocked.

Coming back to the hall again, Hu Feng thought for a moment, then walked to the SLR camera, leaned down, and aimed his eyes at the observation hole.

Looking forward through the camera, the solid wooden wall turned into a corridor at this moment. Looking up again, it was still a wall.


With a flash of light, Hu Feng took a picture against the wooden wall.

Get up again, the wall in front has become a corridor where you can move on.

The SLR camera also seems to have its own instant printing function. The photo I just took slowly popped out from a gap below. Hu Feng picked it up and looked at it. He compared the corridor that appeared in front and found something different.

There was nothing in the hallway in front of him, and there was a man standing in the hallway in the photo. He was wearing a dark blue suit and also holding a camera in his hand. The Westerner's face was vaguely smiling, with a A strand of brown bangs covered his left eye.

Hu Feng narrowed his eyes. After thinking about it for a moment, he turned and picked up the DSLR camera on the tripod, and decided to confiscate it.

"Hey! That's my personal belongings! You rude prick!"

A man's voice was heard immediately in the corridor, and he seemed extremely dissatisfied with Hu Feng's behavior.

Sure enough, there was something there, Hu Feng said with a shrug of his shoulders, "Laozi just took it, how come, come and bit me."

The man's voice was silent again, no longer talking, Hu Feng pouted, and relying on his own evil body protection, he continued to march forward.

Fear of eggs! It ’s a big deal, I ’m sending him home, I have hearthstone!

No matter how mysterious you are, it's not the same to be deflated in front of high technology!

The two sides of the corridor were still full of photos. At the end of the corridor, Hu Feng found a different photo.

That is yourself.

In the last hall, I leaned over and fiddled with the camera to prepare the photo.

Your grandma is a spicy spicy beef fart! Candidly shoot Lao Tzu, become abnormal!

Ok. . . Goose plucking hair, leaving a memorial.

Hu Feng took this photo framed in a wooden frame off the wall and put it in the space ring.

Yes, it was confiscated.

The scene in the second hall is extremely weird. It is a circle of light composed of blue energy, forming a circle with a lowest-level twisted flesh and blood ghost in it.

The most weird thing is that this female ghost is suspended in mid-air at this moment, repeating the scene before her death in very slow motion ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was a long dagger, it seemed that this dagger was A very fast speed was inserted into the female ghost's forehead. The huge impact directly lifted the female ghost and fell backwards in the air.

But she could never fall, because she was caught in an endless loop, repeating this scene before death over and over again.

Mortal, that is, not yet dead.

Stepping into the blue circle, Hu Feng immediately heard the roar of the twisted flesh and blood ghost, which was also introduced into the ear in a slow motion, as if everything had been pressed, and then repeated again and again Repeated all over.

A pleasant burst of background music sounded at the same time, but the speed of the music sound was extremely normal, as if to highlight this death scene.

Grass your uncle, you will also be equipped with a background BGM, right?

Listening to the background music with a Western magical epic style, Hu Feng felt a pain.

Standing in the blue aperture is also unaffected. It seems that only the twisted flesh ghost and the long dagger have been slowed down and are caught in an endless loop.

Walking out of the aperture, Hu Feng found that a door had appeared on the opposite empty wooden wall.

Looking at him again, the hall when he came was still there.

Shrugging, Hu Feng walked towards the wooden door.

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