Evil Break

Chapter 210: : Time Still and Armistice

The moment the wooden door was pushed open, Hu Feng saw that the man in the blue suit was standing behind the wooden door, holding the camera in his hand and facing himself.


A white flash of light burst from the camera, and Hu Feng closed his eyes involuntarily.

Opening his eyes again, he found that he was already in a strange hall, and the original corridor and room had disappeared.

There was nothing in the hall, and the light was extremely dim. Only a candle placed on a wooden table in the center of the hall exuded a light.

There was a whisper of sorrow, and then there was a moan of men and women.

"Ah ... ah ... um ..." This moan sounded dull and meaningless, as if from the ceiling. . .


Well, there is no ceiling anymore, because the moaning creature has fallen off the ceiling.

The monster's body is composed entirely of wooden puppets. The four puppet legs like a table support the puppet's body wrapped in countless pieces of flesh and wires.

The monster's head is a retro-styled old-style camera, a huge box-shaped main body, a long rectangular black rubber lens protruding in front, and a round lens at the end.

"Allow me to introduce you to you. This is what I've been stuck here recently. Because I'm bored, I'm a good friend, dark box."

The man's voice rang again, echoing in the hall without any exit.

"I hope you won't die so soon ... Damn it! What monster are you! Stop it!"

Hu Feng was not listening to him at all, but directly turned on the second form. The huge body of more than three meters in height appeared in the hall. The whole room instantly ignited a blazing evil flame, and the dark green light would be adjusted. The space is very bright.

Not to mention that the dreadlord is huge, but the speed is extremely agile. He rushed towards the monster in front of the dark box, then stretched out his right hand, grabbed his slender neck, and lifted it up.

"Ah ... uh ..." The dark box groaned again, and the long lens in front of him pointed at Hu Feng, and then snapped a picture.

Hu Feng instantly felt that he couldn't move. A feeling as if time was still filled the entire hall, and even the burning flames were frozen.

The situation is a bit weird.

That's right, Hu Feng was fixed. That's right, but the dark box in his hand also couldn't break the shackles of the evil claw, the four puppet legs struggled constantly, and the retro camera on the head kept twisting. , Just cannot get out of trouble.

"I ... grass ... you ... milk ... milk ... big ... chicken ... legs ..."

Hu Feng, trapped in a slow motion infinitely close to the end of time, expressed his thoughts at this moment. Because of the speed of being slowed down infinitely, the sound sounds extremely thick.

The evil energy was tumbling in the body, and a tyrannical emotion impacted Hu Feng's thinking.

Brutality is the source of the devil's power. A seemingly inexhaustible brute force sweeps the whole body, and the evil flame in the eyes of the fear demon rushed a large amount.


A sound of shattered glass sounded, Hu Feng broke free from this slow motion, and the evil flame in the hall returned to its original shape again, tumbling and burning.

"Aren't you going to take pictures? Come again! Take another picture and show it to Lao Tzu!"

More than a dozen evil energy chains slammed together, firmly binding the dark box monsters in their own evil claws.

"No photo, right? You also need to restore it, right? Skill CD, right? Then you will turn gray for me."

"Stop it, stop it! Don't kill him! That's my good friend! It's not easy for me to collect all the materials!"

The man's voice rang again, and the next moment he appeared in the hall, holding the camera in one hand and a long dagger in the other.

Later, he found that he couldn't make a gesture of waving his hand because he was holding a long dagger, so he placed the dagger on a wooden table, raised his right hand against Hu Feng, and kept waving his hand.

Hu Feng Wenyan glanced at him and grunted.

"Give me a reason, you pervert and your perverted creation. I want to use the appearance of the flesh and blood ghost that I saw just now as an exhibit. Why ca n’t I kill your creation and kill it again? You? "

"Uh ... because you took one of my cameras and one of my works, so we evened it?"

Hu Feng snorted a few times without answering immediately. After thinking for a while, he threw the dark box out of his hand and slammed it against the opposite wall.

"Several questions, I ask you to answer, and then I leave, too lazy to take care of you."

"Can you leave? Can you really leave? Thank God, today is really my lucky day, I have stayed here to explode."

Hu Feng recovered his human form, frowning at the words.

"You don't know where this is? Refuge 0, can you tell me anything?"

The man in the blue suit coughed, and the surrounding scene was distorted for a while, and then turned back to the wooden door that Hu Feng had pushed open.

"Introduce yourself first, my name is Caristien Juno, from Italy, a journalist and photographer."

Hu Fengwen Yan laughed a few times again, "Reporter? Photographer? It seems that you are doing a good job. Where did you buy your SLR camera? I'll buy a few to play with."

Caristien also smiled, but the pervert, even if it was a friendly smile, looked distorted.

"As for the Refuge No. 0 you mentioned, I have never heard of it, and there is No. 0? Haven't refuges all over the world started with No. 1?"

"Well, please tell me, where do you think you are now." Hu Feng stared at this perverted foreigner with the eyes of caring for the mentally retarded. How do foreigners in China say that Chinese is smoother than the other.

"Now? Endless Road Refuge, where else can you be? Are you crazy? No, how did you come in? I thought you were a prey that was put in regularly." This round When Carristian looked at Hu Feng with a mentally caring look.

Hu Feng opened his mouth and did not know what to say for a while. It seemed that the situation was not as simple as he had imagined.

"Okay, what can you tell me about this endless road refuge? Hey, you don't have anything to eat or drink here, let's just stand here and talk?"

"Come with me, inside my private residence." Carristian will beckon and beg Hu Feng to follow.

"It seems that you really know nothing? The Endless Road Refuge, simply put, is a special refuge that does not know who built it, is not in the establishment, and has no official number. It is used for detention. Those unusual prisoners ~ www.readwn.com ~ like me. "

Is this the truth of Refuge 0? Hu Feng immediately denied the idea.

First, evacuation number 0 is not a special refuge outside the establishment, but no one knows that there is a refuge number 0 before then.

Second, they should have been fooled by Refuge No. 0. They seem to have a super long-range ability to instantly transfer objects and even creatures, and they can create any illusion that is confusing.

Third, the "Endless Road" special shelter should not be as simple as it seems on the surface. Just because the main corridor is exactly the same as Refuge 66, can it be inferred that there is such a coincidence? All the details are exactly the same?

"Have you been to the main corridor outside?"

As Caristien walked down the retro wooden corridor to the depths, Hu Feng asked.

"I've been there several times, but the time is limited. I was forced to return it after a few minutes at most, and only opened my door at a time."

"What does the main corridor you see look like?"

Hu Feng stopped, staring at Caristien and asked.

Caristien turned to look at Hu Feng, his face puzzled.

He did not understand why Hu Feng asked such mentally retarded questions.

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