Evil Break

Chapter 221: : Appearance and Farewell!

Hu Feng looked at the extra information records and pondered for a moment.

Finally, there is information about Refuge No. 0, but this kind of information is not as good as it is. Isn't this more disturbing?

The ghost of time? Ghosts that never dissipate around humans?

Refuge 0 is a spirit? So the boss's refuge facility can also become a ghost? Isn't this nonsense! Or is it just a description and metaphor of the recorder?

"Hey bro, ask a question, how much do you know about Refuge No. 0?"

After thinking for a while, Hu Feng raised his head and looked at the big rusty iron door in front of him. He asked, but he said something weird to the door.

Crunch. . .

There was a sound of door opening in the rear corridor. Hu Feng looked back and found that the iron door of a cell had been opened.

A bald man about 1.8 meters tall came out. His left eye was covered with a scar and was tightly closed. There was a stream of dark purple energy flowing on the scar.

"Refuge 0 ... Did that organization give you the door opening device?"

Hu Feng shrugged, "Who is talking to me, you or him?"

The bald man Wen Yan looked down at his body, "Ah, this is just a temporary borrowing. This kind of cheap and fleshy tissue, I feel very unbearable every second."

"Oh ... It's another creature that thinks higher than humans." Hu Feng shook his head and snorted.

"Humans, Naru, angels, and you demons are all just ignorant and pathetic inferior creatures. Your tiny brain can't understand the true meaning of the universe at all, and your flesh and blood body is just my snack dessert. Or a small toy. "

"Ah, I'm so extreme. I'm not so extreme. I found that you are suitable to be the protagonist. So cynical, speak well, speak people, don't be like a **** stick."

Hu Feng took out the cigarette case, lit one, and threw it to the bald man in front of him, who frowned.

"This is an addictive little thing humans use for spiritual pastime? I don't need it, my will ..."

"Your will is not as important to me as a pancake fruit. Shut up, okay! Can't you answer my question properly? I said where did you come from so much bullshit, and it's been shut down for a long time below, leading to abnormal thinking? Right? Hey wait a moment, do you still know Naru? The guy is good and knows a lot. "

"Of course I know. I know everything. Naru is nothing more than a sad group of delusions. Their so-called holy light is nothing more than an illusion used to deceive the weak."

"Um ... at least found one thing in common, and I have a good time talking with you. Since you are not going to tell me about Refuge No. 0, then I will withdraw it. It ’s time to go home for dinner. My mother wo n’t let me I have been playing outside for too long. "

Hu Feng pouted his lips, and this cudgel-filled stick was too difficult to communicate.

"Wait, you should respect me! My power is endless, I know everything ..."

"The last chance, Refuge No. 0, come back to this topic, otherwise I will leave immediately." Hu Feng stared at the bald man in front of him.

"I don't know this Refuge No. 0, only know that they deliberately release me and then control me, I have not seen them."

"Grass, then you step on a horse and you have a face that says you know everything! So I hate **** gods like you all the time. I know Blind Bibi all day long. I really ask what I know and I do n’t know! Lao Tzu Time ... "

The bald-headed man heard an angry expression at first, and then remained silent for a while.

"I have used countless methods to explore this refuge 0, spied on countless possible futures, but have not found any information about them. They are as if they do not exist at all. There is no past, no present, and no future. "

"Sounds like a hang, but unfortunately, Refuge No. 0 is real, otherwise my forced door opening device fell from the sky."

Hu Feng finished smoking a cigarette, threw it on the ground and stepped on it, then looked up at the bald man.

"So to sum up, I still ca n’t let you out. First, you said just now that Refuge No. 0 wanted me to do this, and then they can control you, although I do n’t know that they always think about it. Control what your **** stick does ... "

"Second, I think you are extremely dangerous. Since you have been kept in the endless road below, there is naturally a reason."

"No! You stupid demon, I'm not kept underneath. I entered voluntarily!" The bald man immediately retorted angrily.

"Yes, yes, you voluntarily, you voluntarily, okay? Then you voluntarily enter, can't you voluntarily come out?"

"This is the problem. Once I enter, I can't free myself!"

"Now that you know this, why did you even run in fart at first? You are not stupid ... beep ... what?" Hu Feng stared at the bald man funny, now he found out to tease the two The same magic stick is quite interesting.

"I'm running away from the pursuit of a powerful enemy ... He destroyed our birthplace and shattered the destruction there. My remaining compatriots and I can only hide around, the void core ... already belongs to him."

At this time, the scene of the Endless Road was twisted and transformed into a very dark and deep void, where the black air was tumbling, as if here is the final place where all things in the world belong to the void.

But at this moment, the so-called Void Core is surrounded by dark golden energy, like the maggots of the bones, and like the flashing lightning, making the sound of Zrazra.

It's broken here, like a cracked glass, with space cracks everywhere.

At the very center of this void, there is a tall banner with a dark golden light, like a dawn dawn.

"In order to escape his pursuit, I spent a lot of power, left the main timeline, came to this branch timeline, and found the endless road, which also has the essence of the void, but it is also like the void. The core is average, while sheltering me, it also binds me in it. "

The illusion dissipated, and Hu Feng returned to the long corridor of the Endless Road Refuge.

"So, if I help you open the door to a refuge, you can escape from the depths of the endless road? Isn't it more nonsense?"

The bald man shook his head ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course not, but if I do this, I can influence the world and let this completely become a new essence of the void, spreading my will! "

Hu Feng heard a word, little by little.

"Understood, to put it bluntly you are chaotic evil, I am lawful evil, you really are a madman who wants to destroy the world. Although the old man is evil, but he does not want to be with you, go home to eat, leave!"

"Wait! I feel that you also have the essence of the void, don't you want to see a space filled with the essence of the void, and let you ask for the space?"

"No, I long for milk and money, long for money, and long for a bunch of daughters-in-law. We have different ideas, so I don't want to talk to you, say goodbye!"

"Wait! Think about it, if you help me ..."

"I said you have never finished! Farewell!"

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