Evil Break

Chapter 222: : Hu Feng and the fierce battle

The scene at this moment is a little weird. Hu Feng glared at the bald man who interrupted his confession twice before, and the latter also stared back at him.

"Don't you want to know who beat me, who caused all this!"

"I said I don't want to know! Is it related to me!"

"Your inferior flesh creature with no curiosity!"

"Haha, you scum that was hit by someone else's fart!"

"Who said you were beaten by the fart! You said who was the scum!" The bald man was furious.

"Say you! You're just a little scum! Little spicy chicken! Why don't you beat you back! How can you keep yourself in this small pit like a dog!"

I have to say that Hu Feng's talent is very tough, and when he said that mouth, he directly exposed others' scars.

"Ahhhh! You hate death! I'm going to kill you and bring your soul into the endless road, tortured forever!"

"Oh, I hate death. I'm going to take out my mother-in-law nail polish and dress my flourishing jade hand." Hu Feng immediately sneered, repeating the bald man's sentence, "You hate death, by the way." There was a fire.


The rusty iron door leading to the lower floor was blasted from the inside, and behind the door was a dark void, with countless eyes all over the void, staring with anger at the Hu Feng in the corridor.

"Uh ... are you angry? Then what ... that's it. Isn't that how to communicate with each other? How can you be so angry ... you say goodbye!"

Hu Feng looked at the sharp eyes scattered in the void behind the door. The feeling of palpitations came again. It seemed that some invisible things were screaming and rushing towards him, and he did not hesitate immediately, and immediately contacted in the spirit. Yingli, run decisively.

The snowflake-shaped space appeared turbulently, and Hu Feng instantly returned to the supervisor's office of Refuge 66, and then exhaled for a long time.

The monster looked like a stubborn stubble. He didn't prepare for a while, and he didn't know if he could pass him.

Wait a minute. . . What do you run yourself? Isn't she still attached to Ying Li? The Doomsday singer is absolutely invincible!

Hey, I ’ve been counseled, I ’m going to get it back!

"Ying Li, I'm going to fight for a while, and give me his shit!"

Spiritually contacted Ying Li, Hu Feng once again prepared for single vector transmission.

"Leave you!"

Endless Road Refuge, the rusty iron door just re-closed, and Hu Feng's figure appeared again at the other end of the corridor.

"Grass your uncle! Lao Tzu is back again! Come here, come and single out!"

There was a twist behind him, and the figure of the Doomsinger slowly emerged, raising his head and staring coldly at the rusty iron door at the end of the corridor.

The bald man was still there, Wen Yan turned and looked at Hu Feng.

"Dare you come back! You are going to die!"

Wow! The rusty iron door was blown open again, and Hu Feng had some pity on the door that was being abused.

Dense eyes popped into the void, and the familiar palpitations struck again.

"Yingli, can you see it?" Hu Feng asked loudly.

"La la ... la ha ha giggling ..." The Doomsinger suddenly flicked away from Hu Feng and flew towards the front with both hands with sharp nails, grabbing the invisible object.

The black hair opened, revealing the mouth like a black hole below, and began to swallow it.

The bald-headed man's face changed greatly, and he rushed up immediately, with sharp tentacles of emptiness condensing on his hands.

"Haha, you come and fight with Lao Tzu!" Hu Feng also rushed up, using his right hand turned into a claw of evil energy to directly disperse several tentacles of void energy in front of him.

At this time, the eye of the void at the end of the corridor began to shoot a thick beam of void towards Ying Li, trying to stop her from swallowing.

But there is no doubt that there is no use of any eggs. The void rays are like hitting cotton, and disappeared in the moment of hitting the Doomsday singer.

The invisible object began to slowly appear, and it was a very thick barbed tentacle, extending directly from the void at the end of the corridor.

"What the **** is this! How could my endless void be useless?" The bald man is unbelievable. It seems to be the first time that there is a presence that can be immune to the damage caused by the void.

"Zanez, you useless waste! I brought you out of the void core, not for you to be swallowed by others!"

The bald man stopped Hu Feng's cleavage of the evil energy blade condensed from his claws, stepped back a few steps, and then turned his head to roar at the tentacles.

Hu Feng smiled. He felt that the strength of the enemy in front of him was not as strong as he had imagined. Either it was really hit as he just said, or he had been bluffing, and he was a parallel.

Well, it may be because there is no battle with the body. After all, the monster's body is still deep in the endless road at the moment.

But listening to his words, it seems that there is not only him alone in the Endless Road, it seems that there is also his subordinate named Zanesi, and the giant tentacles caught by Yingli are part of that Zanesi.

I close it when I see it. Hu Feng is not going to be too stiff with this monster now. He really has to tear his face completely, and he will never be able to return to the refuge of the Endless Road in the future.

"Ying Li, let go. The squid must be unpalatable and will diarrhea."

Yingli released the barbed tentacles obediently, and the latter quickly retracted into the dark void of the lower area.

"That's not a squid whisker! You stupid demon! That's a tentacle of Zanes, my servant of the ancient god!"

Although the bald man immediately roared back, he stopped the attack.

I was hit hard now, and even this strange demon could not be killed for a while.

Coupled with his ghost, what is it? Even immune to void damage!

"How did your spirit ghost be immune to void damage?" The bald man stabilized his emotions and asked again.

Hu Feng heard Yan Hey laughed a few times, "Everyone has a secret and a hole card, now you can't kill me, I can't kill you, I really want to tear my face and hit hard, I can leave at any time, so why not shake hands and talk? There can be someone who often comes to accompany you, you see how much you earn, right? "

The bald man stared at Hu Feng for a while, as if still gritting his teeth for what he had just said.

"Oh, let's get rid of it, as for why can't you make a joke." Hu Feng opened the strong word mode.

Are you kidding me that much! what! Too bad for hurting feelings!

"This lowly flesh-and-blood body makes me sick, and I can no longer stand it anymore!"

The bald-headed man said nothing, and a fierce flame of darkness in the body sprang up, quickly burning the bald-headed man's body and the soul in it to ashes.

The void in the lower area was violently tumbling at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that this monster is condensing its incarnation.

Just like your bird, the incarnation can be good. . . it is good. . . amount. . .

Hu Feng looked at the beautiful elder sister who came out slowly from the dark void, and gave a few chews.

"Are you still a mother? Oh, this is embarrassing. It turns out that you are not a mother gun, you are a mother ..."

The dark energy of the sky leaps in Yu Jie's eyes, and from time to time diffuses from the periphery of the eye socket, like blood flowing along the blood vessels.

But well. . . The monster didn't seem to be ashamed or irritable, and he didn't know what to wear, so he just came out naked.

Ok. . . Sure enough, they are two high mountains.

Hu Feng sucked his nose and stared at Yu Jie's chest with a critical look, thinking so.

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