Evil Break

Chapter 224: : Things are going on and things are going on

Hu Feng felt that he had made a wrong decision, that he had an undesirable existence, and that this was the first time that people were so fiercely anti-guests. . . Afterwards, he tasted the sweetness of the horse, and wanted to use her poor body to pass her boring time in the endless road.

Moreover, this elder sister did not lie to herself. They are indeed a big man, but they have been hit hard, so the overall strength is temporarily extremely weak.

But the only thing that makes Hu Feng feel gratified is that he is not a monster. In case their Void Majesty's body is a giant Roshan monster or something weird, then I really want to cut it. Tintin has kept his integrity.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Void is the embodiment of the will of the Void, there is no specific real form, so he can only be regarded as anything possible. . . Wait a moment, why do you think so, but it is more sad?

"I tell you, you are not allowed to change into other forms anymore, especially you can no longer occupy male creatures, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless, and immediately turn your face!"

"Is there any point in this point? The existence of all things in the universe is meaningless. Only when all things are attributed to the original nothingness is the true essence. The inferior creatures like you are blinded by the aesthetics of the flesh and blood race, which is really sad." Sister continued to start her long talk while staring at Hu Feng with contempt.

"Yes, yes, I was blinded by the superficial aesthetics. Okay, all in all, it's not good, you don't think it's okay anyway, so there are a lot of adults, don't argue with me ... hey, you are definitely a female Is n’t it? I ’m not philosophical, right? "

Sister Yu frowned and frowned, and she felt that talking with Hu Feng was not fun and meaningful.

"Yes, according to your concept of lower flesh and blood creatures, I am indeed a woman, but this is simply ..."

"It doesn't make any sense at all, I know, I don't need you to say it, I will ride on horseback!"

Hu Feng waved his hand indifferently, and walked to the door of the lower area, curiously put a few eyes inside. At this moment, the dark void had dispersed, and the unfinished corridor on the second floor appeared in front of him.

Sure enough, after a shot, Hu Feng felt that he could no longer mention the hostility. This void sister was different from the red scorpion, which was completely just for fun. People said that they were also driven by themselves. Bu, and whether it is appearance or figure, the Sister Void is superior, exuding a kind of cold and temperament that is thousands of miles away.

Oh, it's not a state at all when it comes to piston movement. . . Cough.

"Will the second floor be your area?" Hu Feng asked, turning his gaze back and turning to look at Sister Yu.

I do n’t want to go on like this. After all, I do n’t trust this void prince, even if there is a relationship between them, after all, this void prince just regards that relationship as a way to get pleasure and Means to talk about feelings? Haha, that's nothing.

"Yes, Zanes, my **** of the ancients, and his faceless people, who are loyal to me forever, and execute my will firmly."

"So your body is at the bottom, and your subordinates are distributed in the upper layers, right?"

Seeing Yu Jie nodding quietly, Hu Feng got the information he wanted.

Under normal circumstances, Sister Void always seems to have a very calm and indifferent expression, as if all things in the world can't lift her slightest interest and curiosity, all she wants is to make it all belong to the original nothingness.

"Okay, I have no problem, but I still can't let your will go out. I don't want to talk to you about the conditions or what, but your thinking and perseverance are too dangerous. If I let you go, I'm not sure to stop the plan. What do you do, your kind of thinking that wants to wipe out the world is a lunatic, so sorry, you have to stay here. "

Speaking of which, Hu Feng saw that Sister Void had frowned again, and seemed to want to start publishing her long articles again, so she immediately waved her hand to stop her.

"And not only for this reason, you see, you are in an extremely weak and seriously injured state. Refuge No. 0 is also planning to control you. Although I do n’t know what method they plan to use to control you, they must be I am very confident and confident about this, so I dare to encourage me to open the door. "

"So be good, you continue to stay here to recuperate, the body is the capital of the revolution, right? In case you are out of this weak state and controlled by them, they order you to build a harmonious world, you do n’t just Is it ignorant, so listen to me, I study a lot and won't lie to you. "

"And ... seriously, you can just wear a dress, okay, like you, my chicken can't rest at all ..."

Sister Void ignored the last sentence of Hu Feng, frowned and considered for a while, then nodded reluctantly.

"Well, what you said is not impossible. I must now step up to restore the injury and the loss of energy, and the priority of diffusing my will. It can indeed be ranked behind." Said, Yu Jie also showed a pair of anger And an expression of hatred.

"It's all because of that Titan Sarodar! We should have stepped up our efforts at that time and killed him before he was born, otherwise it would not fall to the present end."

Hu Feng heard that a sudden thunder burst in his mind. He knew what the Void Majesty was. Just knowing the name just now, he had been wondering why he was so familiar.

I saw it in the illusion of memory in the past when I was independent from the will of Sargeras, the **** of darkness.

The fellow of his traverser seems to have become a Titan, turned into a planetary egg, the Void Lord wants to corrupt him, and Sargeras wants to kill him.

As a result, not only did they fail on both sides, but they also created for themselves a natural enemy who controlled both the void and the evil energy, Dawn Titan Sarodar.

In the end Sargeras was recruited and joined the new Pantheon, and the Void Lords were estimated to be miserable. Even his hometown was penetrated, and he began a career in escape and hiding.

Looking at the Sister Void in front of her, she was one of those Void Sovereigns that year, and now she is on her own, um. . . It seemed to be a big event.

This is when thinking is interrupted, and Hu Feng, who has come back to his mind, sees Sister Void taking off her clothes.

"Hey! What are you doing! I'm not ashamed or irritable, I'm not coming! How long has it passed, no, stop! Let me slow down! Help me !!!"

Pushing Hu Feng down to the ground, the Sister Void stepped up, lifted her plump buttocks, took hold of Boss Hu's second brother who was already standing upright, and sat down directly.

"You can get mine, but you can't get my heart, you can't unlock more new postures, you are doing this ... um ... it's so tight, I'm so cool ..."

It seems that the avatar's physique is extremely sensitive, or maybe the Void Sister raised her sensitivity to make it feel more intense.

All in all ~ www.readwn.com ~ The cold attitude of Bingshan Yujie disappeared. She rolled her eyes and raised her head while moving her body quickly. It seemed to have been in an extreme state.

"Well ... as you are cool, you know who you are, don't rely on ..." Hu Feng said, teasing the towering mountain in front of Yu Jie's chest.

Sister Yu groaned and groaned unconsciously, and ignored Hu Feng at all.

"Quick! Call Dad!" Hu Feng squeezed the two small stones at the top of the mountain. The sister immediately twitched violently, and a transparent liquid was sprayed from the white tiger's big secret.


Ok. . . This time I seem to be really doing things this time.

Looking at Sister Void, who was so cool that she didn't even know what she was talking about, Hu Feng felt a sigh for her tragic fate.

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