Evil Break

Chapter 225: : Magical Earth and Electronic Corruption

"Okay, this is a quantum router and a signal adapter. If you connect it with your mobile phone, you can connect to the internal network of my refuge, and then connect to me through the signal repeater there. The network on the other side of the world, oh ... in your words, the main timeline is it. "

Hu Feng made several trips back and forth, installed network equipment in the Endless Road Refuge, and deliberately went back with a mobile phone.

You have to reverse this vain lord's thought of annihilation, this is the first step. . . Let's start with the corruption from electronic equipment.

Generally, this kind of lunatic who wants to destroy the world all day has autism or speculation, so it is necessary to contact the outside world more.

"This position is a bit strange. It seems that the lowly human flesh ants like humans still have some research on the pleasure of the body." Sister Void stared at the screen of the mobile phone in front of him, and there was a strange moan and yell from there.

"Can we stop watching cats first ... Wouldn't it be good to watch now when I next time." Hu Feng got up and walked over, reaching out helplessly to turn off the playback page.

At the strong request of Hu Feng, Sister Void finally made a small step: she agreed to wear clothes.

A set of tight-fitting black cheongsam appeared on the body of the elder sister. Although it was still sexy, at least the chicken could temporarily leave.

"Now, this is WeChat. In the future, if you have something, just send me a message. My phone number exists in this place. You can call in emergencies, but it is estimated that you have nothing to worry about."

"I sent you a text message on this mechanical gadget and called you to serve. Will you receive it immediately?" Sister Void snorted and seemed a little curious.

Serve. . . Hey, okay, let's talk about it. I don't like men to fight against women.

For this relationship of service, Hu Feng also accepted his fate, who would let his hands be cheap.

Ok. . . I'm just pretty cool.

Hu Feng then pulled the WeChat of Sister Void into a strange group chat called "Magic Earth".

"Introduce, the newcomer, a void prince who hangs the sky, but is in a state of serious injury."

After looking at the dark head picture of Yu Jie, Hu Feng shook his head. "Can't you change the head picture? Learn from this Aletya, and change the old head picture like flowers and grass. What a great thing."

"Void Majesty? I have seen information about them in the memory of the Holy Light. They are the most evil and powerful evil gods in the universe. They insist on the annihilation of all things. Their void can corrupt any creature, even the planet. , Hu Feng, while she was injured, immediately kill her! "

Aletya immediately replied in a group chat.

"That's so powerful? Hello, I'm Stanley, the current king of hell. I think we will have many common languages."

Stanley was removed from the group chat.

"Naru's angel of light? You are just a group of sad mechanical creations. The light you believe cannot save you. Your creator Naru will only be corrupted or die forever in front of us."

Sister Void immediately went back.

I seem to have invented a new way of fighting? Winning or losing against spraying? Hu Feng looked at each other in the group chat one after another, and some pain.

The other people in the group chat watched these two keyboard men in full power.

"The Holy Light will surely purify you the existence of the void, and your void cannot resist the will of the Holy Light!"

"Stupid angel, you make me sicker than flesh ants, wait, the void will soon devour you!"

"License application, pass to the sewer, cure corns ..." Anger was inserted at this moment.

"Support the Lord of the Legion, you filthy and evil voids, I will kill you all!" The radical sprayer Uriel joined the battle.

"You are all rubbish, holy light is rubbish, void is rubbish, evil energy is eternity, you all go to death!" Cranky arrogant also joined the battle.

"Hahaha, this little video is so funny ..." Hu Mingjing sent a small video of a cat in a group chat.

"Strictly speaking, you are all intruders, which seriously disrupts the development of our human society. The Devil Hunter will continue to implement the central idea of ​​harmony and stability, and will eliminate you as always." Li Lao habitually started the news hookup mode.

"Hu Feng, you're going to be a shopkeeper all the time, right? Give me back, a lot of things in New Paradise Island are still waiting for you to make a decision!" Hu Minghan Aite gave Hu Feng a look.

Stanley joined the group chat.

"Long live **** !!!"

Stanley was removed from the group chat.

Watching Sister Void's firepower fully on, her hand quickly turned into a residual image, and she quickly slammed against Aletya, and Hu Feng rubbed her forehead.

Does this count as the cultural output of my Datian Dynasty?

No matter which country you are from, which planet you are from, you have to honestly type Chinese characters and speak Chinese, otherwise we will isolate you!

"Hey, then I will go first, and come back to chat with you in a few days ... um ... and do that."

The Void Sister waved her hands impatiently, as if catching flies.

"Do you remember what you said when we cracked?" Hu Feng finally asked tentatively.

"I don't remember, I didn't say anything. I adjusted the sensitivity level of this avatar to the highest level, so I can't remember it."

Sister Yu did not raise her head and continued to look at her phone.

The terrible electronic demon from the main world has begun its unstoppable corruption, and even the Void Lord cannot resist this mysterious corruption, and can only obediently lower his head.

"Ah, by the way, you can only do that with me. You are forbidden to pull a prisoner inside to vent your animal desires." Hu Feng patted Yujie's **** again.

Sister Yu Yan finally raised her head and stared at Hu Feng.

"Is it because of the possessiveness of you lower creatures? You have to figure out, it is you who serve me, how dare you forbid me to do anything?"

"Don't talk to me about it, either it is not allowed, otherwise I will kill all the prisoners in these rooms now!"

"No one can order me! No one can threaten me!"

"I didn't order you. This is a request. If you agree, I will give you some new tricks and new ways of playing next time. How about it? I'm satisfied with you."

Sister Yu Yan thought for a moment, finally nodded and agreed to Hu Feng's request.

Hu Feng was relieved when he saw this, at least the Void Majesty was still disdainful of playing nonsense.

"Okay, I promised. Seeing that your service brings me pleasure, I will kindly satisfy your sad possessiveness and remember your promise."

"Yes, yes, you always want to think about it, you just want to be happy, just go away, it took too long here."

A burst of snowflake-shaped space turbulent, Hu Feng disappeared.

Sister Void looked at the place where Hu Feng disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then he turned around and continued to type while lowering his head while walking back to the lower area.


The large iron gate in the lower area closed again, and the corridor of the Endless Road Refuge was silent again.

On the other side, Hu Feng, who had returned to his personal top floor, immediately whip up and go to work.

"Navigation ... nearby adult supplies store, set path ... confirm ..."

Sitting on the Rolls-Royce transformed from the famine ring, Hu Feng drove towards the nearest adult store.

He was going to sweep the goods, what uniforms, toys, mysterious little potions and the like, all equipped.

Oops, it's so beautiful!

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