Evil Break

Chapter 233: : Return to the endless road and meet at 1 moment

In the supervisor's office, Hu Feng frowned and walked back and forth.

If the kind of high education in Refuge No. 0 really works for the Void Lord, even if it is only extremely slight, as long as it is affected by all weather all the year round, it will succeed one day.

As for what their supreme business is, what monarchs and adults will bring the world back to life, Hu Feng scoffs at it.

If they really want to control the Void Majesty and restore it to its heyday, what will happen to this world? It is not up to them.

"Is that kind of enlightenment scope or single goal?" Hu Feng continued to ask at this time.

"It should be of a single nature, otherwise they don't need to transform the corpse through that kind of steel spikes at all. If they are directly collectively indoctrinated, there will be nothing."

Hu Feng nodded, relieved in his heart.

At least this kind of enlightenment is not so omnipotent and unsolvable, and can only enlighten one goal at a time.

And according to Carristian's feelings, the extremely unnatural whispering whisper is likely to be emitted through some kind of equipment. If it is also in the outside world, it is better to say that I am afraid that the equipment is located in Refuge No. 0 Within this, there is no way to start.

"You inform me, you want me to inform the other forces of the endless ruins in the south? Warn them that there is an extremely special force to fight over? You are too idealized, except for the **** colony I am sure, other forces are very likely. Will not believe what I said. "

Karistian shrugged, "It's better than not to say, at least give them a bottom, especially the kind of education, unless like me, the persistence of art is unparalleled, otherwise it is likely to be Successfully educated. "

"Don't say so nice, you just can't teach you because of the pervert and the madman." Hu Feng glanced at him.

For another moment, Karistian was ready to leave and continue to engage in his artistic creation.

"I brought the news. How to act is your problem. This canvas has been ruined. I don't want to see my canvas disappear because of the second disaster."

Watching Carristian leave, Hu Feng stood thinking for a moment, and then decided to go to an endless road shelter,

A blue light flashed through, and the long corridor of refuge appeared in front of me. After all the illusions were removed, the original appearance remained here.

"Hey, chick, if you're not home, I'll come to you!"

Suddenly, Hu Feng found that he didn't know the name of the Void Majesty, which was a bit embarrassing. After two or three visits, he didn't even know the name.

The door leading to the lower area was shaken for a while, and then was suddenly opened from the inside, but the figure of the Void Sister did not appear, and the dark darkness that originally diffused behind the door, and the densely scattered eyes in the void also did not emerge.

Ok? This is a bit weird. The girl even rushed out without hunger and hardened herself?

Hu Feng stood in front of the lower iron gate for a while and decided to go down and see for himself.

The refuge corridor on the second floor was only half built, and the doors of the already-built rooms were all sealed tightly, and I did n’t know which rooms had prisoners in them, let alone live.

The second half of the corridor has become a rough rock wall, and various building materials are piled up on the ground in a mess.

At the end of the corridor, that is where Hu Feng saw the illusion of the number 0 and the downward arrow. At this moment, it is naturally empty. Hu Feng also knows that there is no refuge 0 below.

The overall style of the third floor has changed greatly. The entire corridor and walls are covered with a thick flesh, and from time to time, a few tentacles are stretched out, which is the flesh of the ancient **** Zanesi.

Rows of rough rooms were also opened on the third floor, and the blood of the ancient gods served as the door.

It seems that the Sister Void was extremely bored because she was trapped here, so she caught a lot of prisoners she thought were interested in, or could torture playing, to pass her time.

Although the special shelter gate of the Endless Road blocked the will of the Void Army from spreading and eroding, in this long time, the Void Lord has cut out many small holes to release his pole A small amount of power comes to catch toys for yourself.

Going down continuously, I have walked a dozen floors, and haven't walked to the end yet. Every corridor along the way is completely fleshy style, and I'm tired of looking at it.

66th floor. . .

Hu Feng counted angrily and stepped into the corridor on the 66th floor.

It is still a corridor of flesh and blood, and the ghost knows where the ancient **** Zanez came from so much flesh and blood, how big is he!

However, although this layer is still not the bottom, Hu Feng found a different place.

That is a special iron gate.

The iron gate is inscribed with countless complex patterns, and the center of the pattern is inlaid with a red diamond gemstone, which makes the entire iron gate very delicate, as well. . . magic.

Above the door, there is an elongated bar-shaped observation port, which seems to be able to see the space on the other side.

Hu Feng walked over and put his eyes on the observation port, trying to see the other side of the door clearly.

Opposite it seems to be a very large space, the light is a bit dim, so the view is vague. It seems that there is a round pool in the center of the room. The pool is scarlet and should be blood.

Many figures in brown robes collapsed on the ground next to the pool. The robe was embroidered with sharp eyes, and there were ripples embroidered around the eyes like the light from the eyes.

What is this. . . Lying trough!

Suddenly, an eye appeared in the observation port opposite, just like Hu Feng, looking at the other side of the door.

Hu Feng froze for a moment, and then decided to talk.

"Can you hear it?"

There is no echo, although there is only a door, but it seems that the voice on the opposite side cannot be heard, nor the voice on the opposite side.

The two sides of the door seemed to be different spaces, and Hu Feng also could not sense any situation on the opposite side, as if nothing.

Never mind. . . If the communication fails, just like that, I still have something to do.

Leaving this door, Hu Feng continued to walk toward the depths of the corridor, continuing his downstairs career.

"What are you looking at? Can this door be opened?"

On the other side of the door, a girl wearing silver-white armor and wiping her silver sword raised her head and asked.

The man by the door shook his head and turned around.

"Unable to open, it seems that the other side of the door does not belong to our world. There are too many secrets in this broken place of the Endless Road, and there is not much more than this one. Well, take a rest and continue to kill. On the first floor, is the space in this ghost place bigger than the first floor? Www.readwn.com ~ At this moment a special energy wave came, and the man immediately turned around and saw that the iron gate was slowly dissipating , Turned into an ordinary wall.

"Why is there such a broken place under the site I occupy, and it makes people feel better! Joan, what are you doing?"

The young girl known as Joan of Arc stooped to find a gray key from a corpse and turned to look at the man in front of him.

"The key to making lead is their people."

The man looked at the key and narrowed his eyes. "It seems that they have also penetrated. Under my fortress, there is no tolerance for enemies to nest here."

Having said that, he greeted Joan of Arc to continue walking deep into the hall.

The two protagonists met their eyes at this moment, and then parted ways again, and there was no intersection.

(Let the protagonist of Lao Hu's third book show his face, hahaha ~ When the book is finished in the future, the second part of the Liming series will immediately follow up.)

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