Evil Break

Chapter 234: : Killing intention and spoiled killing intention

The 126th floor. . .

"It's all over! Grandma's big chicken legs want to exhaust the old man! Void maiden, where are you!"

With Hu Feng's roar, the surrounding flesh and blood walls wriggled and changed, and then formed a square space like an elevator.

Hu Feng stared at the flesh elevator in front of him for a long time without a word for a long time. . .

"Play with me, right! If you have an elevator, don't say it early! Let me just go downstairs like a fool, is it interesting!"

He scolded into the flesh and blood elevator, and as the flesh closed, Hu Feng instantly felt that he was roaring and falling down.

A few minutes later, the Ancient God brand flesh elevator shook violently, and then stopped, the flesh in front of it spread out to the two sides again, revealing the huge super huge hall in front.

This should be the deepest part of the endless road, because the hall is dark, the void is surging here, and the energy is so extreme that it seems to be materialized.

This should also be what Sister Void calls the heart of the small void, she fled here long ago, turning it into a mini artificial void core for healing and recovery, but at the same time, because I am the embodiment of the Void Will, so at the same time I am also bound here and cannot go out again.

However, the turbulent void is extremely unstable at this moment, and it seems to feel a fragmented feeling.

Sister Void stood not far away, frowning, her expression very painful.

"What's the matter, how can you look like a sorrowful prince of the void?" Hu Feng walked over and squeezed her round buttocks.

All are on. . . Take care of her!

"The void core I created is very unstable. After all, it is not a true void heart, so I must stabilize this fluctuation on time, but at the same time I also need to expend huge power, so this also caused my injury to recover extremely. Slow ... um ... "

Sister Void, speaking here, groaned painfully, and Hu Feng immediately discovered the abnormality.

In the tumbling dark sky, the dark golden energy mixed with silk is like the morning light, like the dawn of dawn, burning all the time, even assimilating the void, and the energy of the assimilated void instantaneously betrayed and started to attack in reverse Their original master Void Majesty.

"Dawn Titan Sarodar's void **** has surpassed us, the heart of the void has betrayed us, and now he takes orders from him."

Sarodal. . . The name Hu Feng also has some impressions, it is the fellow fellow of the traverser he saw in Sargeras' memory scene at the time.

Speaking of this, it is also blame for Sargeras and the Void Majesty. You do not take the initiative to find things to kill others. As for others, there will be aberrations, so you learn to master the two energies of void and evil energy.

But this can't be said to the void sister in the side, otherwise the little girl must turn her face again.

"So you are now affected by this dark golden energy, making your old nest extremely unstable, and causing your injury to recover very slowly, right?"

Hu Feng looked at Yu Jie's instability, hugged her immediately, and ate a few more tofu.

"Yes, the devastation I have suffered takes a lot of time to make up. The Void Core must exist, otherwise I cannot recover from the injury."

Hu Feng heard the words and fell into a moment of contemplation.

Do you really want to help her? For the fellow of the traverser, everyone is an earthman, and he can also follow this point to speculate his thoughts.

The reason why chasing these emptiness lords is not letting go, a posture of annihilation, it certainly shows that the existence of the emptiness lord is extremely dangerous, and it is always thinking of the crazy and evil existence that makes everything belong to nothingness.

Do you really want to save this universal enemy? If she was allowed to return to full prosperity, she would definitely be unable to control her. By then, she would be unable to stop what she wanted to do.

Seemingly feeling the change in Hu Feng's attitude, Yu Jie turned around in Hu Feng's arms and looked at his eyes.

"I sensed hostility and killing intentions, not against the dawn, but against me. You are biased towards the Titan of Sarrod, right?"

Hu Feng heard his words, and stared at the void sister in her arms.

"You are dangerous, so yes, I was just thinking about whether to kill you immediately while you are in an extremely weak state to prevent future troubles."

"You can't beat my servant of the ancient gods, you have no chance." Sister Yu's expression was plain, and it seemed to temporarily suppress the pain and weakness.

Hu Feng shook his head, "You have a secret, I also have a hole card, your servant of the ancient **** can't stop me."

"Is that ghost spirit body immune to void damage? It is indeed a threat." Sister Yu replied.

Hu Feng sighed, still staring at the elder sister in her arms, groping his hands up and down, swearing to the sky, this is an instinctive response!

"Refuge 0 has already begun operations. They are gathering troops to fight the southern ruins. Although I don't know where the entrance and exit of the Endless Road is, they know, and they are coming to open the door."

Speaking of which, Hu Feng carefully observed the look of Yu Jie.

"Once they open the door, they will begin to implement a plan to control you. They have mastered an irresistible whisper education, which is more effective than the whisper of your ancient god. They will educate you and make you into them. Help. "

"No one can control me, and those low-lying flesh ants will never be able to ..."

Hu Feng immediately interrupted the sister's fart impatiently.

"Do n’t talk about these things. I ’m still using them in my heart. If you are in this bird state, it will definitely affect you. Even a very slight impact, but it ca n’t stand 24 hours a day. accumulation."

"So ... you will definitely be controlled by them, you will be reduced to the tools of the low-lying blood-cart ants in your eyes, irony is not it, generally the more self-righteous existence, the easier it is to fall into the end of failure and destruction Because you simply do n’t understand the potential of mortals and what they can do. "

"So these two reasons add up, are you ready to fight against me, ready to kill me here?" Sister Void still had a dull expression, and it seemed that nothing could lift her interest.

However, he said cruel things on his mouth, but his body was very honest. At the moment, he was rubbing Hu Feng's little brother with his lower body.

Hu Feng's rubbed heart was hot ~ www.readwn.com ~ But he desperately controlled it and nodded with difficulty.

"Yes, I'm going to kill you. Those who are destined to perish, they should be destined to perish. Don't struggle needlessly. You have already failed and there is no hope of turning over."

"Hmm ..." Sister Yu didn't seem to listen to Hu Feng's speech carefully, but closed her eyes and gave a very tempting moan.

Hearing this moan, Hu Feng couldn't help it anymore, and pushed Yujie down to the ground.

"Fuck, Lao Tzu must make you feel so good this time to ask Dad to beg for mercy!"

With that, he took out a lot of special toys from the space ring, and those uniforms, and picked out a set of student uniforms and a pair of black silk that exposed certain areas.

"Come on! Lao Tzu wants to wipe out your evil villain on behalf of justice!"

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