Evil Break

Chapter 236: : Complete possession and memory of number

He signed a soul contract with the Void Lord Zazan, but in fact Hu Feng did not get much benefit.

Yes, I can now have a full body fit with this elder sister, but what's the use? I can't take it with me. This is the healing ground of the Void Majesty, and also her prison.

But there are still some gains. At least now, Zazan Yujie barely agrees to temporarily let go of her insistence on corrupting the world and destroying the world. Even if the door is forcibly opened, she cannot spread her will without Hu Feng ’s consent. To bring endless void corruption to the ground world.

"Ying Li, you come out first, I'll close the body with this big sister first."

Sister Yu looked at the flashing female ghost Yingli and hummed indifferently, as if she was immune to the void and hurt herself, not Yingli.

"Come on, let's fit together, not that kind of fit! Can your mind be more pure! It's possessed fit!"

Sister Yu Yan shook her head with regret, and seemed to be dissatisfied with her failure to continue the second fight.

The dark sky in the giant hall immediately turned upside down. Looking at this scene, Hu Feng was not sure if he could possess it. After all, it was a whole lot of essence void.

Endless Void began to quickly integrate into Hu Feng's body, and Yu Jie's incarnation slowly dissipated, turning into a void essence into Hu Feng's body.

A feeling of absolute invincibility came, and it seemed that he had endless power, which could easily crush all things in the world, and the deep void followed his orders, allowing any enemy to be attributed to eternal void.

There was also a hot burning sensation, the dark golden dawn light also entered his body, extremely dazzling, extremely sharp.

This time, the physique of God's Rebellion doesn't seem to want the geese to over-pluck. This may be that this dawn is too special, so it can't absorb assimilation.

This is better, Hu Feng does not want to become a big trash bin. What kind of energy walks from him will leave a seed to take root.

Continue to do this, when the dark green evil energy in his left hand, and the black void in his right hand, the dark golden dawn light burning in his eyes, the whole flower-like green and green gourd bird-like, still alive.

Hu Feng began to guide this dark golden energy through his divine counter constitution as a conduit, trying to expel it outwards, allowing him to dissipate.

This plan has indeed succeeded, and the traces of dark golden dawn are slowly being guided and separated.

A violent burning sensation swept through the body, trying to force out this divine power, which caused Hu Feng to suffer extreme pain.

Whether his current behavior is to help the villains recover their strength, when they are known by others, they must not hate themselves, Hu Feng thought with pleasure.

"Grass! Look at how much laozi has suffered for you, and thank me very well in the future!"

A spiritual message was conveyed to the Void Sister Zazan, whose mental state seemed to be extremely pleasant. She also felt that the morning light of dawn, which seriously affected her recovery and kept disrupting herself, was slowly decreasing.

"It seems that I underestimate you, you demon can not only bring me physical pleasure, these special abilities of you can really help me, I will leave you a good place in the void , You will be my most important servant. "

"Is it difficult for you to say thank you so much ..."

"Thanks are meaningless. I just promised more than gratitude."

"Sorry, thank you for being nice. No one likes your kindness."

"The ambitious demon, okay, Void will thank you." Yu Jie's voice came again, and finally said a rare thank you, but it always sounded strange.

"I don't want to thank you in the void, I want you to thank me!"

"Your requests for rudeness are really annoying me. I thank you. Is that okay? Now, concentrate on driving me out of the dawn! Hmm? I found something interesting in your memory ..."

Void Majesty of Dog Day. . . I'll wait to see how I'm going to clean you up when I'm back!

After more than an hour, the last dark golden dawn light was discharged from the body and dissipated into a hazy golden mist.

Hu Feng took the initiative to end his possessive state, sitting on the ground panting.

The dark void seemed to be fuller, filling the entire super-giant hall, dense eyes floating in the void, their eyes extremely cold and sharp, as if the existence of everything in the world was a great boredom for her.

Sister Yu's incarnation slowly came out of the dark void, and her body became fruit again. The clothes she had worn before seemed to have been wiped out.

A tight-fitting black cheongsam quickly appeared on her body, and now Yujie finally knew she had to take the initiative to wear clothes.

"Very well, without any interference, the Void Core has stabilized, and I can concentrate on recovering from the injury. You did a good job. Perhaps the decision to make you my exclusive waiter is correct."

Just let me be alone, let me be alone, so euphemistic, and also a dedicated waiter.

"Remember, the soul contract is not allowed to be erased without permission, don't always think that you are invincible, and it is good to have another insurance."

"It also limits my corruption to this tiny planet. You are the first to dare to do this kind of thing, but since you live here, you can bring me that kind of pleasure, so I am kind Just let go of this sad little planet. "

"Yes, yes, I thank you for my whole family." Hu Feng greeted Yingli to rejoin her body, and then turned to say to the elder sister.

"I just saw some of your special memories in your mind, and I am very interested in this." Sister Void thought for a moment, and seemed to be remembering something.

"Is the joyful posture in the memory scene numbered VRTM-263 more pleasant than normal posture?"

"Grass! You spy on Lao Tzu's precious memories! They also spy on cats! You told me you didn't save!"

"As my waiter, I find that you seem to pay more attention to the clothing of some mortal ants. It seems that this can increase your selling power, is it?"

Saying that, the sister's black cheongsam twisted and changed, and quickly changed into a uniform of a policewoman's short skirt, and the legs were still wearing dark black silk.

"This avatar can simulate the state of that drug ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can you make me feel more happy?"

Sister Yu's face was flushed, apparently in a state of some mysterious little powder.

grass. . . Unexpectedly, you are such a void prince. No one can die her!

I really don't understand how such a high-end talent, that Sarodal has been so hard to pursue them.

In the second round, go to war!

"Call dad!"

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