Evil Break

Chapter 237: : Ashetha the Prince of Hell and the New Sheriff

Unknown location, new **** refuge.

The new **** refuge, the exclusive refuge of the demons, is a very huge mega-refuge, which was built by the demons before they reveled, which cost a lot of financial resources and social relations.

After the apocalyptic ceremony, heaven and **** also suffered devastating effects, two subspaces collapsed, and angels and demons were forced to live in the world.

The angels are rigid and inflexible, so they have a hard time.

But the demons are different. All elite demons of **** are transferred to the new **** refuge and their overall strength is preserved.

As for the ordinary demons on the outside, well, let them die, after all, space is limited.

Now the new **** is reopened to the outside world, and the announcement on the public communication channel, the call is still sensible, and still has not forgotten that their traditional demons come to flee.

But their competitors are equally strong, and the Hell Colony is doing the same thing, arrogantly recruiting demons who are still rational.

Stanley, the king of hell? This group of demons from parallel worlds, their king of **** is Stanley's inferior soul sales little employee? This is ridiculous. Stanley on his side does not even have the qualification to enter the refuge!

But you can despise others, but you can't deny their strength. Hell colonies are now really robbing business with the new hell, not just gathering demons, but also trading souls, and a big piece of cake is directly swept away.

All in all, plus an eschatological hunter who sees who fights whom, the three parties are fighting in the endless ruins of the south.

A middle-aged uncle in a white suit walked into the subway station without stepping on the ruins. He had thick golden wavy hair and a carefully trimmed beard.

In the subway station, several demons who were patrolling outside the gate of the shelter immediately spotted the uninvited guest and surrounded him with vigilance.

"Unfamiliar demon, you are not on our invitation list, look at your dress ... from the parallel world?"

Well, to the creatures on the end of the ruins, the world on Hu Feng's side is a parallel world.

The middle-aged handsome uncle still smiled, his eyes habitually kept slightly squinting.

"Notify the people inside that a new sergeant will soon be ushered in the new hell, and I, the prince of the hell, Asmody will lead you to grow and develop."

The seven demons of the new **** were stunned, and then sneered.

"Prince of Hell? I really haven't heard this title for a long time. Only those garbage who failed to fight for the king of **** and can't fight back will get this title. Why, they failed in your world, so I want to come to us. Playing with prestige? Hahaha ... "

"Have you lost to the Stanley on your side? Hahahaha, the bottom soul trader, who doesn't even have the qualification to step into the new hell, really ... uh ..."

Before the demon had finished speaking, they closed their mouths and their bodies floated involuntarily.

Asmath still smiled, glancing around the struggling demon, and then snapped his fingers.

Bang Bang Bang!

The seven demons exploded in an instant, and turned into a slowly floating black powder.

"So I am not preparing for the counterattack now, you IQ things."

After adjusting his whole white suit, Asmore stepped into the gate of the shelter where the cave opened, and now there was already a great alarm bell.

Speaking of Stanley's old bastard, Asmoth was a bit of resentment, that old thing broke the usual rule of the Hell King's campaign: strength speaks.

He knew that his strength could not beat Asmoth, so he changed his campaign.

He used the so-called corporate management method to lure and buy the demons of hell, promise them a bright future, and promise that each of them will have room to rise.

Under Stanley's rule, **** is gone. They only know that starting a company to make money in human society will turn the crossroads soul trading into a performance competition.

His own strength has been weakened indefinitely, and now **** is just a group of maggots who only play tricks on the mouth, love enjoyment and luxury.

As a traditional demon, Asmoder could not tolerate this status quo, he was determined to change all this and put **** back on track.

Unfortunately, there was no chance before. Stanley's tentacles were everywhere. The demons of **** were brainwashed by him. He was loyal to this way of his rule and he had no entry point at all.

The opening of the parallel world gave Asmothe the opportunity to find a new **** here, he could control the demons here, and then he started to counterattack, so that the sad old **** of Stanley could clearly understand that his own strength is important It is still important not to do business properly.

Soon, **** will return to the orthodox way of thinking when it was born, no longer engage in **** companies, no longer mix with humans, and will not have any sales performance!

In the new **** refuge, screams kept coming.

Asmat went all the way to the depths, and all the demons he encountered along the way were suspended and imprisoned, struggling in vain in midair.

"Who is the ruler of the new hell? I, the prince of the hell, Asmothe will immediately participate in the election. There will be no more kings of hell, only the prince of hell!"

More and more demons have surrendered and surrendered in painful torture, and they are willing to become voters and supporters of Asmodah.

With the lead party, the new **** instantly collapsed from within.

If the demons are united in their minds, arguing for the loss of assassination, and assassinating him with a crowd of people, then this prince of **** can only escape.

But demons, everyone understands this kind of creature.

The demons have no guts for fighting and civil war within the same race, and implement the concept of who is stronger and who can bring greater benefits to himself.

Oops, this is not an outsider, he has the ability so he is arrogant, then he must be the king of hell, what can we do, we are also desperate!

The **** demons in the ruins of the ruins still maintain that tradition, which is very different from the philosophy and thinking of Stanley's corporate hell.

In the supervisor's hall, Asmoder looked at the strange, angry demon in front of him, and pouted his lips in disdain.

"The new **** was built by us! You never want to take away our achievements, I am ..."

"I'm not interested in your name. Look at your skinny, politician who is blessed ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's awkward ... it really makes me sick, you are like Stanley Play tricks and use your position in human society to draw the devil's waste. "

As he said, Asmotai raised his right hand and shook his hand violently. The middle-aged demon in front of him slowly floated up without any resistance.

"So ... the new sheriff is now in power, and all of you waste will be dead."


The middle-aged blessing demon blasted out from the inside and turned into a black particle smoke.

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