Evil Break

Chapter 261: : The parallel world is terrible, I want to go home


A sound of explosion came from his supervisor's office, blasting the entire office into an underground ruin, giving Hu Feng the best reason to renovate.

Hu Feng smiled as he watched a large number of robot fire brigade rush towards the accident site to organize fire fighting.

Sure enough, the brain container man still exploded, and some unknown self-destructive device was installed in the body. The monarch found that the brain container man got rid of the supreme education, so he was killed directly remotely.

At this point, Hu Feng knew that he must have become a target of suspicion. After all, it was an enlightenment from himself. The monarch must be doubting his enlightenment status at the moment.

However, Hu Feng did not intend to hide it for long, playing anything deep into the enemy camp, after all, it was no good.

The technology of Refuge No. 0 is in the hands of the monarch. There are no records and backups at all. All are ordered by the monarch, and the brain container people follow suit.

According to the information written by this brain container person, the giant steel creation in the army of education is called the ground harvester, which is a subspecies of the harvester. It also has extremely high intelligence and thinks better than humans. Even smarter, whoever the scarlet laser eye looks at will be influenced by the highest education, but his sturdy fighting ability masks this.

Speaking of cultivating Hu Feng, he is relieved. The cottage version of his goose plucking hair has only two caps. It is not like a cultivator here, but there is no upper limit.

However, it may be because the skills have not been upgraded. After all, I have just entered this industry, and the technology is not perfect. It is completely derived from my God ’s rebellious physique, just like the Holy Light I have mastered. Used to hurt people and kill people, there is no effect to heal allies.

If you want to upgrade, it is estimated that you must catch a harvester alive, or bring in a corpse for research. If there is a soul that can be used to swallow, it will be better and more stable.

Erotica was let go by Hu Feng, he did n’t want to waste a quota. After all, the **** girl was very loyal to herself, and she did it a few times. How intimate this relationship is. . .

As the influence of enlightenment slowly dissipated, **** shook his head hard, his face puzzled, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

"Boss, you actually used me to test your new ability!"

The **** kicked and pinched against Hu Feng. The kind of bird-like expression just now was completely gone.

"Aren't you refreshing yourself? I'm so sorry to blame me!"

"Well ... It seems to be the first time that it was so easy to climax, okay ... I'm not angry anymore." Seyu recollected for a moment, shrugged, and continued to greet his female slave **** The team walked towards the central teleport room.

To be honest, all the information given by the brain container has been backed up and copied in real time, so the office explosion did not lose this information, so Hu Feng also learned more information from it. Although not much useful, but at least Have a general understanding of this mysterious enemy.

All human believers have been voluntarily transformed into the form of brain container people, and their brains have been greatly blessed through the technology of harvesters, that is, the blue lines and catheters.

Speaking of the brain, it is more like a high-end processor. They can copy, delete, or modify the knowledge and memory stored in their brains as if they were operating a computer.

Useless memories can be deleted completely, or thrown into unused storage locations, putting useful memories and knowledge at the forefront, maintaining a state of mind that is always clear.

Their blood vessels were also replaced with blue catheters, converging on the heart of the heart wrapped by the wire.

The brain container person can simulate any morphological mode, add various ability accessories to himself like changing parts, and adjust his brain to the corresponding mode at the same time.

Need to hold a laser sword for close combat, then add external armor and power assist, the blue catheter inside the body will automatically pierce the skin and extend, connecting with the armor and power assist for integration.

Need evil energy or holy light, then the heart transposition of the devil is seriously polluted by evil energy, a heart with a lot of soul essence, or the deep core of the angel is replaced by the blue catheter in the body Drive, at the same time adjust the brain to the corresponding state of thinking simulation.

This is simply unreasonable super black technology. The harvester's technology is like a super virus that can infect anything, control and deceive it, and continue to inspire corresponding capabilities.

The method of making steel spikes that they got was also messy, and the active twisted corpses transformed from spikes, they all accepted the order of the monarch. Unless the monarch ordered the leadership to be temporarily handed over to a subordinate, how much they transformed themselves That is how many soldiers were given to the monarch for free.

But this is not a big problem. Hu Feng has created a steel spike, and ordered his demon scientists to start reverse research and cracking.

I thought you would play high-tech, right? It's a naughty man, buddy I'm a native of the heavenly people, give me a thing, and soon I will get you a similar one, even better than your original function!

Well, as for Refuge No. 0, I have tried my best to open the Endless Road Refuge and release the Sister Void. Hu Feng now also understands the reason through the information of the brain container person.

They knew that there was an ancient **** named Zanesi under the command of the Void Lord, and the extremely large flesh-and-blood creature of the ancient **** could also whisper, and it had a great collective influence.

If you successfully educated the Void Majesty, then you can also attach such a signal base transceiver ~ www.readwn.com ~ to spread the influence of high education to a large-scale collective communication.

The existence of Void Majesty, the reaper is not very clear, but just made various speculations and calculations to evaluate the various abilities of the strange creature such as Void Majesty.

At present, I only know that the emptiness is the embodiment of the emptiness and the black hole of the universe. It is an extension of the will of the emptiness. It has a tendency to extinguish everything to nothing and think of ways to put the universe back to the state of nothingness before the Big Bang.

This is the biggest conflict, so do n’t worry about the bad thoughts of the reaper, but they do n’t want to let the universe go to nothingness, but they shout to be protectors and guardians.

Therefore, the current plan is to open the refuge of the Endless Road, to provide continuous all-weather education to the Void King, and turn it into a powerful help for himself.

It would be more perfect if we could study a new type of reaper compatriots according to the ability of the Void Lord, or carry out various corresponding ability transformations.

The reaper is very confident in their own technology. They firmly believe that their technology can transform the void prince after being successfully educated. After all, the blue catheter line has never failed.

No matter how powerful a creature is, it can be transformed into a semi-human and semi-mechanical existence.

What else can Hu Feng say about this?

The parallel world is terrible, and it is still the comfort of its own main world.

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