Evil Break

Chapter 262: : Melee and enlightenment

It was another fierce and glorious battle. Hu Feng put on his clothes breathlessly, and put on the clothes of the Void Royal Sister, who was still in the aftermath of the climax, twitching her eyes, and lit a hindsight.

Rather than let you teach, it's better to teach myself.

I thought about doing it, so Hu Feng returned to the endless road refuge again, but the mentality to do the right thing soon changed under the auspices of the Void Sister Zazan, and began a glorious melee.

Then Hu Feng found that the enlightenment really worked. The slow, continuous covert enlightenment is eroding the thoughts of the Sister Void.

It may be that the Void Majesty is in a severely damaged state of extreme weakness, or it may be that the elder sister has almost no mental defense ability during the nonstop climax.

And the initial change was also visible to the naked eye. Sister Yu hugged Hu Feng, and her **** made her thinking blank, but she actively catered under Hu Feng and raised her head tightly against his chest.

A special connection is sprouting, which is completely different from the soul contract signed before. It does not have any binding force on the Void Majesty at all, but the elder sister promises Hu Feng, so she is too lazy to erase it.

The enlightenment directly affects the overall thinking of Yujie, and changes it to have a clear tendency, which generates a sense of dependence and blind trust and loyalty to the brainstorming of Hu Feng.

In this regard, Hu Feng's secret path is very dangerous. Cultivation can really have an impact on this void elder sister. It is dangerous that she will get a moon first near the water tower, and come before the refuge 0.

After sensing for a while, I found that the speed of enlightenment was obviously slower and weaker at the moment. As Yujie gradually eased from the climax, her will was already resisting this enlightenment.

Unless the first stage of enlightenment reaches a peak, so that the sister no longer rejects this influence and change, as a habit and nature, then it is truly stable, otherwise in the current state of resistance, the current enlightenment The degree is likely to be reversed.

Then. . . Ok. . . . dry!

Turned the sister lying on the ground like salted fish, lifted her **** to herself, lifted the cheongsam, and then. . . Cough. . .


The elder sister who had not completely retreated was suddenly attacked at this moment, and her head was raised immediately, and a loud cry was made.

This is also her own death. Who made her experience the pleasure in order to better and stronger, so she adjusted her body sensitivity to the highest level, coupled with the famine origin, the effect is almost doubled.

The blooming chrysanthemum was also attacked at the same time, and Hu Feng took out the strange vibrating device prepared in advance and put it in.

Yu Jie ’s thinking became blank again, her eyes rolled up, her mouth was drooling, her moans wafted, her hands moved around the ground meaninglessly, her lower body instinctively catered to Hu Feng Impact.

Sure enough, after the mental resistance disappeared again, the speed of enlightenment was immediately raised again, and it was smooth all the way.

Hu Feng this time is considered to be a **** hard work, and he will never give up until he reaches the goal of the first stage.

Sister Void is quite refreshing this time. When it comes back, it is in a state of semi-shock. Don't say anything that makes everything go to the great ideal of nothingness. It is estimated that one plus one equals a few now.

As the saying goes, as long as the kung fu deep iron pestle is ground into needles, only the exhausted cattle have no cultivated fields. . . Cough. . . No, it ’s not this sentence, it ’s not appropriate.

As the saying goes, Kung Fu pays attention to people. After a long period of long-term saw-and-saw fighting, this is how to stop and stop, and stop and stop. As the effect of enlightenment becomes more and more obvious, Sister Void begins to restore her will The resistance is becoming smaller and smaller, and the natural and habitual thinking is gradually being established.

Hum, the reaper of Refuge No. 0 does not have this unique advantage of Lao Tzu, let them teach it, the speed is estimated to be less than one tenth of his own.

This is just over half a day, and the first stage has already been reached.

By virtue of the mutation effect of his God, when Refuge 0 opened the door of the refuge, they would be pleasantly surprised to find that they were facing an education that had already been educated, and unless Hu Feng voluntarily quit, it would never be possible. The Void King re-educated again.

Besides, a beautiful royal sister who is so beautiful, killing Lao Tzu will not give you a hand!

Looking at the Void Queen, who was paralyzed and twitching on the ground like the same mud, Hu Feng nodded in satisfaction and lit a real hindsight.

Finally, the first stage of enlightenment has been a complete success. The Void Lord ’s will no longer resists the change in thinking brought about by this subtle instinct. It has been regarded as a habit becoming natural, and thinking naturally.

There will be no resistance to the next progress, and it will only take time. As the influence of enlightenment deepens, the speed of enlightenment will become faster and faster. After all, his own thinking has been completed from resistance to passive acceptance to active acceptance. Transformation process.

Sister Void was waking up warily, stood up from the ground, frowning at Hu Feng for a while.

"You have exerted some mental influence on me? I feel that I have a different attitude towards you now."

Hu Feng was embarrassed for a while, and Lord Void was indeed not an ordinary creature. No one else could find this subtle change, and Yu Jie immediately noticed it.

"Then what is this, this is an experiment. You always think that Refuge No. 0 can't affect you. Now see if you are wrong. I used the kind of supreme education that they didn't have. Any relationship. "

Sister Void said that her brows were tighter when she heard the words, "It is indeed my estimation error. If they affect me in this way, it will be difficult to resist with my current injury and weakness."

"That ’s why, so I ’ll affect you in advance, so that even if they come later, I wo n’t be able to teach you a second time, and you feel it yourself, I did n’t ask you to be loyal to me or want to order You, we are guns ... cough, friends, so I'm helping you, at most it just makes our relationship closer, I won't hurt you, you won't hurt me , How harmonious. "

There is indeed no loyalty, but as the level of dependence and trust continues to deepen, in the end, there is actually no difference. Hu Feng will naturally not be stupid, he said.

Because at this moment, I am full of good feelings for Hu Feng, and Sister Void does not have too much trouble with this problem. Anyway, I did not touch my bottom line. Hu Feng, a demon ant, is still useful to himself, so I will give him the status of his friend. .

"I reluctantly accepted it." Sister Void regained that very calm look again ~ www.readwn.com ~ nodded at Hu Feng. "But when they open the door to the endless road, what shall I do, expel them or kill them all?"

Even Sister Yu didn't find out that now she started to ask Hu Feng's opinions and ideas habitually, instead of making her own decisions as before.

"As you are pleased, I said that I was only advising you as a staff officer. In the end, it is still up to you to make decisions. Try to kill them as much as possible. It is also a scourge to keep the group of people."

What she said did not affect the decision made by Sister Yu, but what she said was to help her make a decision, but it sounded good.

Sister Void nodded and was satisfied with the decision she made.

"Okay, then kill them. Any ants trying to control me to influence me will be swallowed by the void."

"Yes, that's right! You are the King of the Void, how could a mortal be qualified to control you!" Hu Feng nodded fiercely, and then pulled out a furry artificial tail from the space ring, and a small vibrating end. ball.

"By the way, I have a new gameplay and new posture. Do you want to try it? Just listen to my command. Get down first, right, that ’s it ... Then I will put this in ... Raise the point. "

So, the Void Majesty, who will never be controlled by mortal ants, and Hu Feng, mortal ants, once again started a new round of melee combat.

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