Evil Break

Chapter 272: : Female Hero and Old Chinese Medicine

Fel nest, private top floor.

A strange crackling sounded, it was Hu Feng and Hu Minghan playing a special small game.

Hei Si was torn open, Yu Jie was lying on the bed flat, under the constant deep impact of Hu Feng pressing on her back, biting her lips deadly, she didn't yell, at most she kept biting the bed sheet Humph.

She stretched her head forward and looked at the state of Yujie. At this moment, she rolled her eyes for every impact, and because of the influence of famine, the black long legs twitched constantly.

Kissing the right face of Sister Yu Yu, by the way, she bit her right earlobe again and exhaled.

"Your perseverance is very strong, and no one can hear it. What are you afraid of calling out?"

As she went deeper, Yujie immediately rolled her eyes again.

"not called..."

"Dare you say that I am a needle, dare you touch me again?"

His legs were hooked on Yu Jie's long black silk legs, and she felt the smooth feeling. Her hands were not idle. She stretched in from under Yu Jie's body and pinched two hard small stones.


Hu Minghan, who had bitten the bed sheet tightly, immediately raised his head and shivered violently, making a shout.

Hu Feng expressed his satisfaction at successfully finding the sensitive core.

"It's better than satisfying yourself, hehe."

Kissing the elder sister's smooth and tender neck, Hu Feng kept talking nonsense, and her hands kept turning.

After some fierce fighting, Hu Feng lit up the iconic hindsight.

The man is really an animal thinking about his lower body. How should he talk to Ming Jing? . . Will your sister be your sister in the future? Estimated to be killed on the spot.

And the old man Hu Yihan, who finally lived up to his expectations, ate all his two daughters, and did not know whether the old man would pick up a kitchen knife and hack himself.

"What do you think?" At this time, Hu Minghan's voice came from the bed, and Yujie finally came back from it.

Hu Feng, sitting on the windowsill, looked at the past and smiled.

"Thinking about how to be responsible to you."

"Sister doesn't need you to be in charge, thank you. I just want to experience the difference between the real thing and the toy." Although Sister Yu said something incomparably social, her face was still much softer. After all, no one really could Be as sturdy as the mouth says.

"Okay, stop talking, let me think of a countermeasure."

Hu Feng pouted, saying that the younger sister-in-law is the brother-in-law, what about the older aunt? It ’s estimated that it ’s not too bad, it ’s brother-in-law. . .

"I don't want you to be responsible for any countermeasures. I can't grab a man with my sister. Chen Xiaopin and you are unclear. If I look like this, is it right?"

"You're talking about lightness, oh, after patting the **** and walking away, and then asking you to find someone else? Sorry, my person is very possessive, and I haven't been able to retain it before, and I don't have the qualifications Who, but it ’s different now. "

With that, seeing Hu Minghan's tangled appearance, it seemed to be preparing to say something, and immediately waved her hand to stop her.

Then the old formula and old formula: drag! There was no opinion until everyone dragged on, until everyone was too lazy to bother and think!

"All right, I didn't force you to make any decision. We still get along the same way. Let's take a step by step."

"Like Chen Xiao Pian? Walking and walking will become your little lover, right? You're just trying to deceive others, and want to deceive my sister? Really don't be too **** ... um ..."

Before Sister Yu finished, she was rushed to the bed again by Hu Feng.

My conspiracy was seen, no, I had to decisively distract my attention.

As the saying goes, with the first time it is easy to have a second time, once wrong, it is easy to go wrong again.

With the attack on his chest area, Hu Minghan fell again. Thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger. It is most appropriate to put it on a woman.

Actively catered to the second shock, the brain was blank, and I no longer thought about anything.

"Have you brought it ... ahhhhhhh!"

"I didn't bring it. I'll finish it with my chest or feet."

"You ... ah! Perverted ..."

"It's called fun, you know a grandma ..."

One night without words, when he got up the next day, Hu Minghan felt that his legs were straight and soft, and the pain below was hot, and it seemed to be a little swollen.

After looking at the key parts worn on his legs, there were holes in the legs, and some black silk with mysterious liquid remained on his feet. Then he pinched Hu Feng, who was lying next to the bed, and the latter immediately snorted from the bed. Jumped up.

"You want to strangle me!"

"You pervert, this is what I just bought shortly, very expensive, lose money!" Yu Jie stared fiercely at Hu Feng.

"What? Oh Heis, I said, it feels old, and it doesn't look like a roadside goods at first glance, tweeting.... Buy more pairs in the future ... ah! Don't pinch, stop!"

Seeing Yu Jie not covering up, she stood beside the bed and changed her clothes. Hu Feng was keenly aware of her unnatural legs.

"Come, come and lie down, and the old Chinese doctor will treat you."

"Don't make trouble, I came so many times last night, and still want to come now?" Yu Jie opened Hu Feng's hand.

"Fuck, you misunderstood me! I'm going to help you ease the following. It's not right to see your standing posture."

Hu Minghan heard Yan Feng staring at Hu Feng with a suspicious look, and seemed to be thinking whether this was Hu Feng's trick, and finally he lay back on the bed slowly.

"I have such an unbearable impression on you, I am really drunk ..." While shattering his thoughts, he extended his right hand and pressed it on the part between the legs. The soft golden light flashed suddenly, quite a kind of Mary. Artistic conception of the Asian Son.

Hu Minghan put down his doubts, well, it seems that it is not a deceitful trick of the cannon, a warm current flows down into the body, and the original fierce swelling began to subside quickly.

"This is the Holy Light? Used by you for this, the angels know if they will kill you."

Hu Feng heard the words and laughed a few times, "Who stipulates that the Holy Light cannot be used in this way is for justice."

With that, he looked at Hu Minghan's face as usual, "Sister, you are really a heroine in female school, you are not shy at all."

"Is it clear what you see?" Hu Minghan asked calmly.

Hu Feng looked down at the private part where the golden light shone.

Ok. . . See nothing.

"I warn you, don't take the opportunity to start messing around again." Feeling Hu Feng's hand began to be unreliable again, Yu Jie glared again.

Hu Feng said in a pretend that he wanted to push Hu Minghan down again, and he still has a long way to go.

At the end of the treatment, Hu Feng looked at the elder sister dressed neatly, somewhat tangled.

"Hey, I said you didn't take it seriously? Don't care at all?"

Sister Yu was taking care of her big wavy long hair, and she glanced at Hu Feng with her words.

"What do you care about? You are willing to take what you need. Why are you still like a little brother who just fell in love?"

Lying trough Nima, this seems to be my first time gone!

Hu Feng opened his mouth and finally didn't continue to say anything.

"Okay, just think what you like."

Having said that, he also began to dress in silence.

"Why, angry?" Hu Minghan looked at the silent Hu Feng ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a strange expression.

"No, okay, then go back to Paradise Island." Hu Feng replied lightly.

Hu Minghan continued to stare at Hu Feng for a moment, then. . .

She leaned up and kissed Hu Feng's right face.

"Okay, are you satisfied? You, a straight man with advanced cancer, don't want your sister to coax you? Go away, grinning, like a woman."

Lying trough Nima? Lying trough Nima!

How do you feel that the identity of men and women has changed?

Hu Feng was stunned for a long time, and the strange feeling lasted for a long time, as if he was the woman who had just disappeared for the first time.

But having said that, by Hu Minghan so coaxing, his straight male cancer seems to have a lot of emotions. . .

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