Evil Break

Chapter 273: : Wordy and Bad Angel

"Remember to eat on time. I am not worried about Mingjing. Anyway, eating is a great pleasure for her. It ’s you. Do n’t stop working as soon as possible. If you need anything, contact Xiuli. In case of any danger, you Also ran to the site of Xiuli, remember? "

"You're a big man who's verbose, I know, I'm like a kid about to go to kindergarten." Hu Minghan put a small suitcase on the ground and pulled out the lever above the box.

The elder sister is going to run to Munich, Germany again. It seems that she was invited to attend a business banquet. She was invited by a group of female entrepreneurs in Europe. After all, Embrera is now known as a female friend in Europe, Hu Ming. Han, the chief executive, was naturally welcomed.

"How do I feel strange between you two? Hu Feng, did you do something bad to my sister?" Hu Mingjing, who was sitting on the side, stared at Hu Feng with some doubt, and then turned his attention to On my sister.

"You think too much. My sister and I have the purest subordinate relationship, very up and down, um ..."

Hu Minghan stared at Hu Feng secretly, and thought of the fierce battle between the two last night and the kind of irresistible feeling. A scorching heat flowed through the body, and he seemed to be addicted. Pa, the elder sister scolded herself in a perverted sentence, but there was another stimulus.

"Okay, let's go, don't you still have class today, don't you have any business today? What do you rely on me for?"

Sister Yu started to catch up with others, successfully covering up her psychological fluctuations.

Hu Feng just remembered that he still had something serious. The girl angel Aletya looked for herself and said that she had found some important information.

"You two also remember to eat on time, hey, Xiao Pian, did you forget what I brought to my aunt?"

"It's all placed on the other side in advance, so don't worry about these things. Busy go, let's go, Mingjing."

In front of the quantum transmitter, Hu Feng began to talk to his real girlfriend and little lover, Chen Xiaopin pulled Hu Mingjing into the station, and the transmitter began to flow blue energy flow.

On a normal working day, Hu Mingjing naturally goes back to class, and Chen Xiaopin has recently been on vacation, so he plans to return to Guangzhou for a few days.

Hu Feng, who had once again become a lonely man, pouted, turned around and took the elevator downstairs, preparing for a new paradise on the ground in the middle of the island.

The air in the island in the early morning is extremely fresh. Although it is located in Africa, the sea breeze is still very cool.

Leave the company park along the coastal road and head towards the new paradise.

The coastal road is a circle-shaped road built around the entire island. Like a highway, there are many ramp entrances and exits in important places.

The new heaven on the ground built around the small hill in the middle of the island belongs to the cleanest place on the whole island. There are no humans and demons here, and there is not much traffic. The sky-falling angels of the Legion of Aletya unless they come out Smart entertainment, the rest of the time still live in accordance with the habits of the past.

The white high tower standing on the top of the hillside is like looking at it with energy vision, and you will find that the top of the tower shoots a very rich golden holy light towards the sky, which will not disperse for a long time.

Around the tower is a circle of paradise-style buildings. Well, the so-called paradise-style is actually similar to the innumerable buildings with ancient marble leaks in ancient Greece.

However, because of the increasing assimilation and influence of human beings, the angels also began to build fully enclosed buildings, and then connected them with water, electricity, and networks, and built a soft bed to enjoy a colorful and modern life.

Although they can't change back to the form of the war machine body up to a few hundred meters at this moment, the angels of the Aletya Legion are not as extreme and crazy as the angels in the end of the ruins.

The Nalu form that Hu Feng transformed into was the first dose of cardiotonic, which greatly stabilized the angels' original confusion and restless emotions.

Next is the subtle influence of human society. In fact, it is not too bad to maintain human form for a long time, is it? At least you can still stretch your wings and use the Holy Light energy.

So sometimes extreme or not, just lack of correct guidance.

In front of the gate of the White Tower, two angel soldiers stood like sculptures. When Hu Feng came along the steps, he bowed and saluted immediately and gave way.

Now the angels under Aletya believe that Hu Feng is the incarnation of Naru, so the attitude is called respect.

"Aletia is there?" Hu Feng asked the two angels with a smile.

"Ah, Lord Legion is at the top of the tower. You are welcome to the new paradise." The two angels answered immediately.

The interior of the White Tower has a classical European palace decoration style, but the main colors are all holy gold. This gold is different from the vulgar local gold. The gold of holy light gives a holy feeling.

As soon as I entered the tower, I heard a beautiful chorus in unison, it seems that the angels are singing daily songs.

Yes, it also comes with b background music, it really is tall and magnificent. . .

In the new paradise, the angels naturally do n’t wear that kind of camouflage black suit, but wear a golden and white armor. The male is a full-covered heavy armor, and the female is the light one, only covering The light armor that lived in the vital part seemed to have no sense of temptation in an alternative uniform.

At this moment, three and two angels are scattered around the hall on the ground floor of the tower. Most angels did not hide their furry wings at all, and fluttered from time to time.

All the way to greet and walk up, this is the first time Hu Feng has come to the interior of the white tower after the renovation.

The angels did not install an elevator, all up and down the stairs, or fluttered their wings and flew directly, Hu Feng tired, and they tried hard to climb the ladder of the thirty-story tower, and they kept talking.

In the middle area of ​​the tower, Hu Feng discovered the old acquaintance of charge captain Julier. At this moment, the young man was leaning against the guardrail of the ring-shaped hall with a woman who was obviously an ordinary human.

The captain of the charge has been playing wildly recently, and the human girlfriends have found one.

Hu Feng shook his head as he looked at Julier's salty pig hand that was not touching the little girl.

It's really the world's wind ~ www.readwn.com ~ Morality is degraded, even angels are broken, which makes us can't help but ask, what is going on in this society. . .

"Remember to take precautions, otherwise a hybrid of human and angel will be born, and some of you will toss." Hu Feng passed by Yulier and patted him on the shoulder.

"Hu Feng, are you here? Haha, of course I know that, I prefer Okamoto 003 ..."

"I've done it, stop it, just make a face, don't you think you're a serious angel, uh ..."

Looking at the woman next to Uriel with a flushed face, he twitched the angel who didn't have a door in his mouth. Hu Feng made a loud noise and continued to climb upstairs.

Devil and man have children, and they are born devil.

What will be the birth of angels and humans? A bunch of small mini war machines?

This philosophical question suddenly popped up in Hu Feng's mind.

This book and the uncut version, please join the genuine readers group to read, as the welfare of genuine readers!

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