Evil Break

Chapter 274: : Death and Plague

On the top floor of the White Tower, here is a circular hall, still in the solemn and solemn ancient Greek style, with a fine relief carved on the wall, and the relief of Shanghai flowing with golden light.

However, as Aletya ’s private area, there are naturally some modern human products, such as the soft velvet bed, such as mobile phones and tablets placed on the table, and the charger charging line.

At the moment Aletya is standing by a stone platform in the center of the hall. The surface of the platform is a layer of smooth material like a crystal mirror. At the moment, it also emits a golden light.

Seeing Hu Feng coming over, Aletya nodded to the angels around her, indicating that they could leave.

"You're here, come and see, we found an important message that you should be interested in."

Aletya waved to Hu Feng.

"How about, are you still used to living here? Apart from not floating in the sky, is it not worse than your paradise?"

Hu Feng walked to Aletya with a smile and talked casually.

"We are very satisfied here. Heaven has no hydropower or internet. I find that we are now relying more and more on these human inventions, which makes me feel a little worried that angels will become vulnerable."

"Come on, accepting new things is fragile? Then you just look for a cave and a cat, and put another layer of animal fur on it to be a savages, how strong it is." Hu Feng answered jokingly.

Aletya nodded, "What you said makes sense. Human technology does make us easier in some ways."

"Okay, what's the matter with me? Is this your war sandbox of angels?" Looking at the crystal mirror platform in front of you, the golden holy light flowing above constitutes a map of the world, many glitter dots and golden lines Changing position in real time.

"Yes, through this I can monitor the movement and status of our expatriate angels in real time, and any traces of evil that are found will also be marked on the real-time map."

With that, Aletya raised her head and looked at Hu Feng, "This time I came to you because we found a strange place on the African continent. According to my speculation, it should be the seal of a knight of apocalypse. cage."

Hu Feng Wenyan suddenly came to the spirit, the demon under his own search for so long, did not find the second seal cage, but was discovered by the angels of Aletya?

"What a strange way?"

"We were able to find there because two of my patrol soldiers sensed the fluctuation of the light energy below when passing by, and they were extremely rich, but if they were not very close, they could not be noticed at all, as if they were deliberately restricted. Range, "Alettoya said, frowning.

"Huh?" Hu Feng waited quietly for her following.

"Then I took a look in person and sensed more things. The place where the light of the light fluctuated was accurately located deep underground. This is very consistent with the characteristics of the seal cage you said before, but this time No hexagram trap was used. "

"As for more things, I sensed a trace of other energy in this extremely rich holy light, a very evil and dark energy, as if it came from the original source, but I could n’t sense which specific , But at least I did not cause any damage and conflict, so I can eliminate the war knight. "

Hu Feng nodded, thinking for a moment.

"So, if your guess is correct, the seal is either the plague knight or the death knight. The plague knight is better to say, the death knight ... I honestly have no assurance."

The impact of eternal and silent death is extremely difficult to parry and resist. After all, how do you defend against the invisible and dead soul?

Death If you want you to die, you may be choked to death if you drink.

So this is another gamble, betting that the cage is the plague knight, then Hu Feng can devour another source of apocalypse.

Although the plague is equally difficult to parry, it is at least far less mysterious and powerful than death. At least it can make corresponding defenses against the plague.

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to devour the Apocalypse Knight there? I'm willing to help." Alettoya looked at Hu Feng who was considering and asked.

Hu Feng finally nodded, "Go, but after we enter, if it is found to be dead, then immediately withdraw, stop the plan, I am not sure yet to release the death."

"Okay, then I will call the angels now."

"OK, then I will also gather my people, and then let them arrange defenses around the periphery, lest heaven or below will get the news, and then run over to mess with me."

Don't look at the fact that Hell is fighting in a civil war. If Stanley finds that there are benefits, he will definitely shoot.

Sealing the prison cage of the Apocalypse Knight, if the rune constellation understands the principle and then mass-produces it, then it can be used effectively, at least the angel must not want to run away, even if it is Hu Feng, it is estimated It takes effort to break the seal from the inside.

Africa, Nigeria area.

Hu Feng stood on a hillside, looking at the barren and dry plains not far in front of him, struggling to sense and distinguish the strange energy mixed with the energy fluctuation of the Holy Light.

It ’s the origin of the apocalypse, and the quality of this seal cage is good, and the range of energy fluctuations can be perceived from the outside world is very small. If you fly through the sky, even if you fly a little faster, you will not notice anything below the difference.

Aletya teleported here with Hu Feng, and the Archangel's ability to teleport at will after lighting the map is practically practical to the explosion.

Coming to the plain, Hu Feng began to place his base car. . . Ahem, install your own quantum teleporter, ready to teleport the reinforcements already waiting on New Paradise Island.

When the quantum transmitter began to work, Hu Feng and Aletuoya circled around the place where the energy fluctuated, and finally determined a place that should be the core, where the energy is the most concentrated.

"Is it necessary to have a few excavators come here? The seal cage does not know how deep it is underground. I always feel that this cage is much larger than the cage of the Famine Knight."

Aletya didn't answer immediately, but frowned, as if trying to receive some information.

After a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ The girl angel's expression is very solemn.

"This time carefully sensing the fluctuations of Holy Light, I found that it contains a message message that keeps looping."

"This is the crystal fortress of the Verdika of the Lights Army. We use ourselves as a prison to seal this evil existence forever. If you are a soldier of the Lights Army, please leave immediately and do not try to excavate us."

Hu Feng nodded with his mouth curled.

"So ... the seal cage underneath is a Naru spaceship, I understand that right?"

Alettoya also nodded slowly, "Yes, and according to the initial time of the message, it is earlier than the birth of our angel."

"Well ... maybe it's related to the dead Naru in the Alps bunker and the Void Corruption Angel, maybe it's the same batch."

As for the warning, I'll blame you.

If it were a death knight, it would be a big deal and I would bury you back again.

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