Evil Break

Chapter 275: : Destruction Witch Society and Aletya

Africa, Nigeria, dry plains.

A large number of tents have been set up around the excavation site, and various armed Hummers or armored vehicles parked on the periphery, forming a simple circular defense line.

"Quick, keep digging down and speed up! I will see something before dark!"

Hu Feng kicked the excavator beside him scoldingly, and the demon sitting on it nodded and ordered his life.

In fact, Hu Feng does not need to personally supervise the work. After all, the doom guards holding the burning whip have perfectly assumed the role of foreman. At this moment, they are flapping their wings and wandering in the midair of the excavation site. Roar, and then hit the human devil with a long whip burning evil flame.

The angels who came along to help the handle naturally did not need to do the coolie. At this moment, they were watching around a few pure demons in twos and threes.

"Go away, you shaggy holy birds, and you will kill you again when you block the road!" A punishment guard over three meters tall, covered in dark gray barbed rune armor, couldn't help the angels. Their onlookers whispered, and they always felt like monkeys in a zoo.

The punishment guard is a high-level infantry or special soldier of the Burning Legion. Each of them has four arms, each holding a long sword or a giant axe, and its combat power is much higher than that of a basic infantry such as the demon guard.

The housekeeping skills of this group of high-level demons are four arms swinging weapons wildly, setting off a burst of evil energy in front of them, or forming a circle of evil blade storms. The group's lethality is extremely terrifying. It is a pure melee type of demon. soldier.

"Ah, don't be so rude, what a lovely group of little angels, they will be very interesting after their souls are twisted and fallen." A two-and-a-half-meter tall figure is extremely hot, wearing an extremely three-point destructive demon to stop this natural penalty guard Roar.

Osala, mother of the night, one of the four members of the Witch Witch Society.

These are the four pure high-level demons with the highest status summoned by Hu Feng up to now.

Osara, the mother of the night.

Nora, the mother of flames.

Tima, the mother of the shadow.

Suraya, the mother of the universe.

These four extremely powerful Gandhal Demon Priestess constitute the Witch Destroyer. They are Sargeras' most fanatical believers and the highest-ranking evil priests and preachers of the Burning Legion.

These four destructive devil mothers, each possessing a field of abilities that are extremely good on the one hand, use this to torture their captives and distort the will and spirit of their playthings.

Their torture methods are endless, their torture is all-encompassing from the soul, and even claim that as long as they are given enough time, even the will of the gods will succumb and twist.

Hu Feng has been wondering why this is why the Burning Legion is responsive to themselves. It stands to reason that they should have known for a long time that they have become independent from the will of Sargeras, the Lord of Destruction. Although the connection is still close, they are completely two. The existence of individuals.

This is simply the rhythm of who wants to give it to yourself. I have communicated and twisted the spiritual call of the void. I have never missed it. Except for those low-level basic demons that may explode thorns, those high-level demons agree to sign each without saying anything. This kind of contract is refreshing.

The four high-level gangsters recently summoned have a status far higher than that of the abyss lord who practiced his demon army day and night in the end of the ruins, and have become the head gangster and high-end combat power of his pure devil forces.

To listen to their meaning, the four sisters of theirs originally lived a happy day on the Burning Legion ’s old nest Agus, responsible for guarding the inner area of ​​the burning throne of Antorus, the proper iron rice bowl, and then was boss Hu It was pulled over, and General Zap personally stamped it.

"What's your name, beautiful little angel, let mom take a good look at your soul."

The other three Destructive Mothers also wriggled their waists at the moment, and each of their six arms held their proficient weapons.

The Heavenly Penalty Guard immediately bowed and slowly retreated, and the scene turned into four destructive demon bosses watching these female angels with some tension and obvious body tension.

"Four good sisters, don't you want to scare others, this is an ally, don't do anything to other girls, or Aletya wants me to work hard."

After inspecting the excavation site, Hu Feng came to the four Demon Demon Mothers and waved helplessly. For the Devil Demon like Demon Demon, especially such high-level mothers, you can't show their master's tough attitude to them. Order them, you have to learn a special way of communicating with them, so that you will get more.

Otherwise, even if they are forced by the contract and restraint, they will obey the order, but in the end they will suffer or even lose their lives, and must be the master of the devil.

Oh, Hu Feng's situation is special. It is estimated that Hu Feng is abusing them every day, and they dare not do anything to Hu Feng.

"Our little host is here and said to my sister, if you want to get that female angel, your sister will help you realize it, you just need to bring her to us."

The four devils immediately disregarded the female angels who surrounded them and turned to surround Hu Feng.

Hu Feng heard that there was a pain in the egg, and since the four mothers had been called to come to themselves, they had been urging themselves to seduce and distort Aletya.

"Four good sisters, I brought you out to let you relax, relax, and learn more about our world, so don't bother you to bother. Okay, Aletya is good now."

"Oh ... Really considerate little host, come to my sister and let my sister hug it." Ms. Suraya immediately made a tempting voice and crouched down to use her three-pointed cloth to reveal her fullness The chest rubbed Hu Feng's face.

"Don't do that ... I'm not that kind of person ..." Hu Feng tried hard to break free from his mother's arms, and looked helpless.

A sound of flapping wings sounded, Aletya appeared beside Hu Feng, and looked at the eyes of the four devils. She was very disgusted, and Aletya was not good to say more about the more pure demons around Hu Feng. Just told Hu Feng to make sure they are under absolute control.

Seeing that shameless Surya Mother rubbed Hu Feng's face on her chest, Aletya was very uncomfortable. Anyway, she wanted to prevent this from continuing.

"Let him go, shameless demons!"

Suriaya's mother heard the girl angel Aletya who was glaring at herself and hugged Hu Feng in her arms more tightly.

"What do you want to do, pitiful little angel without a chest? It's a pity that the little master likes the **** of her sister."

This is pure flirtation, of course Aletya has a chest! And it is not Wangzai steamed buns, but it is far worse than the damaging devil's mother.

"For the last time, let go of Hu Feng."

Aletya's eyes began to shine with golden light ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is the energy transfer before the attack.

Upon seeing this, Ms. Suraya slowly let go of Hu Feng, who was breathing between her pair of peaks.

These four mistresses are naturally not afraid of Aletya, but their little host does not allow them to do anything to Aletya, plus they are very satisfied with the little host, so they naturally obey the order.

Is Hu Feng, Xiaozheng too, really independent from the will of the Supreme Divine Lord? The character of the two is simply a world difference.

But for women, this little master is more pleasing than the ruthless former master of destruction, how considerate, the four destructive mothers have been on the earth very comfortably.

"Your little angel is jealous. My sister will hurt you next time, my little master." Ms. Suraya stood up again and returned to her three companions who were eating melons and watching romantic dramas.

Hu Feng rubbed his squeezed face.

Ok. . . The touch is really good.

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