Evil Break

Chapter 290: : 3 hits 1 and magic earth

In the recent period, the dark world can be said to be crazy. Together with the demon hunters around the world, they are frantically searching and questioning the local monsters, collecting any useful information about purgatory.

In particular, both sides of the civil war in **** are desperately chasing various local monsters.

Stanley naturally needless to say that his army of **** swayed all over the world, arresting any native monsters who exposed their identity, and brought them back to **** for torture interrogation.

Hell's prince Asmoth's method was even more fierce, and he was caught by the demon under his hands. The last one was called the one who just asked to die quickly.

It seems that the two sides of the civil war are more competitive, and the closure of purgatory is regarded as a way to draw people's hearts and fight for more demonic support for themselves.

The angels of heaven are also unrelenting, searching for local monsters and Leviathan everywhere, catching them as much as possible, and then bringing them back to heaven to be rigorously interrogated in order to pry out any information about purgatory.

Times have changed. Once the ignorance and ignorance, sacrificed lives to various local monsters, in order to keep the weather going.

The current situation has been reversed directly, and even the human demon-hunting organizations have begun to catch local monsters.

Technology has brought mankind not only a loss of awe, but also brought them powerful force, so that they no longer fear any existence.

The demons under Hu's hands are also arresting the local monsters, trying to get more information about purgatory, and the Xiuli Society, who has been ordered, naturally took action.

Therefore, in the surrounding areas of Africa and Europe and Germany, boss Hu's power is very popular, not letting go of any monster whose identity has been discovered.

The East is naturally calmer. In countries such as the Celestial Dynasty and Japan, the Oriental philosophy is pursued. Everyone is basically at ease, and at most, they can communicate calmly.

Thailand and India are religiously prosperous countries. The situation is also stable and peaceful, but there are no decent local monsters and demon hunting organizations in India.

All in all, due to the auspicious relationship between the apocalypse, all forces in the dark world are busy chasing, so their corporate industries on the bright side have been quiet recently, and there has been no major movement, including Hu Feng ’s Ambrella the company.

They did not move, but the Leviathans made a big news.

"Time Weekly's cover figure, the world's top 500 entrepreneurs, a leader in successful learning, Dick Romain appeared in front of the media in high profile, and began a new round of big acquisitions."

"The story behind successful entrepreneurs."

Waiting for the news to occupy the world media that lacked headlines for a while, this American entrepreneur was in the limelight.

Then there was news from the demons that it was a Leviathan, and it seemed to be a high-ranking Leviathan, probably the Leviathan leader who ran out of purgatory.

After the unrestrained American Demon Hunting Association repeatedly confirmed it, it began a violent attack without hesitation. The American demons also bite this group of companies that were fully occupied by Leviathan.

The only thing the Leviathans did not expect was their appearance, which would make the chaotic world where you beat me and kill you suddenly turn into a situation of unanimous externality.

Now they want to do something, get some more disguise, and as a result, they are directly beaten into dogs.

American companies can't be guaranteed, so they began to move strategically, and Leviathan around the world began to migrate. Their goal: South Korea.

This is also the result of many internal discussions among them. The Leviathans who were hit with a stick in the head learned to be smart and recognized the reality.

Now they are public enemies of the world, angels, demons and humans are all looking for them everywhere, and they are trying to put out a way to close the purgatory channel from their mouths.

The Leviathans are very confident in their own strength, but they are not fools, and they know that they ca n’t do the same thing.

So after their first temptation ended in a fiasco, they decided to reduce it to nothing and lurking in human society again.

Europe and the United States and Oceania can't stay, where the devil hunters, angels and demons are frantically hunting them.

Africa? There seemed to be the site of Hu Feng, the knight of the apocalypse, which made them very puzzled. A knight of the apocalypse who was not willing to initiate the apocalypse ceremony? And they chased them like other people? This is not scientific!

Therefore, it is only possible to go to Asia. Of course, Heaven cannot go there. The demon hunters there are almost mad, and they have launched the vast ocean of the people ’s war, sweeping around with X-rays.

The Demon Hunter used the news media and gave an unassailable reason: Recently, there is a newly popular disease that will deform the body and also spread to the surrounding people. The portable X-ray scanner can accurately The disease is monitored.

This is about to die, and Leviathan in China has been devastated.

Especially in the great capital, a group of mysterious people named Chaoyang District caused terrible damage to Leviathan.

This group of mysterious people is out of sight, you do n’t know when you ’ve been scanned, and then you just report it, and then the staff of the demon hunt will smell the wind, and the efficiency is simply terrible.

In other areas, a group of mysterious groups called Aunt Square Dance also devastated Leviathan.

This group of aunts walked through the streets, swept you when they saw people, reported them when they were there, and then didn't need to say anything.

The last patch was a few deaths caused by Leviathan poisoning. I do n’t know if they ate strange things or people who ate. In short, Gaba died of chemical poisoning. The final test result should be because Unsatisfied with water and soil, ingesting excessive additives and causing death.

This country is neurotic! The Leviathans immediately excluded the Celestial Dynasty.

Don't go! Never go to death!

Russia is also excluded, the reason is very simple, but they can't.

The group of old Maozis who have drunk too much vodka are crazy and even fat brown bears are chasing and beating, don't say eat them anymore, it's good if they don't eat you!

Oh, about eating, another important reason why Leviathans do not go to the heavens is to add a group of terrible groups called Cantonese demons.

It ’s just a metaphor for Lao Maozi to eat them, but the Guangdong Devil is really eating, and the Guangdong Devil is very serious about eating.

what? Leviathan? Is it delicious? Try it!

The Leviathans in Guangdong simply wanted to call the police, and the group of Guangdong demons actually used themselves to make hot pots!

Use the latest ingredients to try it out.

So Leviathan first became extinct in Guangdong, and then combined with the various factors mentioned above, Leviathan completely withdrew from China.

The Guangdong demons expressed their regret, because they found Leviathan was still very delicious, especially when it was used for teppanyaki or steamer, the meat was crunchy and refreshing.

So do n’t, do n’t go! Leave us a bit! Get a farm or something!

Hu Feng, as a person who has lived in Guangdong for more than ten years, has long developed good habits.

"Come, hind legs, lean meat, remember to dip this sauce to eat ~ www.readwn.com ~ tonic nutrition ... Xiao Pian, is that Leviathan bone soup done?

On the top floor of the private, boss Hu set up an iron shelf with a Leviathan turned into a beast form.

After tearing off one hind leg, it looks like the roasted leg of lamb. It is sprinkled with cumin and handed to Hu Mingjing.

Thanks to purgatory, you have provided a new ingredient for the little friends on the earth, and the taste crushes the beef and mutton.

or. . . Do n’t turn off the purgatory?

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