Evil Break

Chapter 291: : Great migration and buying money

Returning to the topic, since the Celestial Empire cannot stay, the reserve choices of the Leviathans are ready to go to Japan.

There is nothing wrong with this choice. After all, compared with the comprehensive strength of the demon hunter organization, the comprehensive strength of the local monsters, and the power of the angels and demons here, they are all better than the weak of the heaven.

Although the people there are somewhat unique in their hobbies, they are at least as scary as the demons in Guangdong and the masses in Chaoyang District.

Then go to Japan!

Then there is a big embarrassment, you can't get in.

It seems that a private agreement was reached between the Japanese demon hunter and the local monster Yuyuzao. Before Yuzao, which was supported by a large number of soul essences, with the assistance of Fengshen Yilianlian, he launched a coverage of all Japan. Very large range of spells.

Kamikaze protects, this kamikaze that wiped out hundreds of thousands of troops of Yuan Dynasty at that time, now the goal is only for Leviathan this kind of group began to take effect.

Although not as tyrannical as the ten-year-old monsters hiding in the ravines of China, the strength of Yuzao is extremely powerful in the local monster. It is still extremely powerful, and it also has some unique spells.

After catching a live Leviathan, Yuzao got the sample before, without hesitation, immediately launched the second kamikaze.

So Leviathan can't go to Japan anymore. You float halfway through the ocean and sink to the sea to feed the sharks. This is also a game!

The small broken ravines in Southeast Asia, the Leviathans did not look down on them, and they suffered when they went.

As for India. . . Forget it, I heard that the male creatures there don't want to be bogey, and love it, fearing that the mother Leviathan in her own family will be ruined.

Thailand, the local monsters of Thailand also do not welcome them, and each one is either a Buddha or a Bodhisattva, and it hurts when they go.

Speaking of which, it is not only the human demon angels that are hostile to Leviathan, but even the local monsters everywhere do not wait to see them.

This is not surprising. You Leviathan is a foreigner in purgatory. You have to come to the earth to make trouble and disrupt everyone's low-key and comfortable life. Now everyone who is engaged in it is blown up together, don't hate who you hate!

Okay, there is no choice. Go to North Korea and South Korea!

There are no threats on the sticks. The sticks on the north are clamoring to threaten the world every day. They are going to play nuclear bombs. The sticks on the south are playing plastic surgery and entertainment. They are busy inventing the universe and snatching the cultural traditions of the dynasty.

There is nothing worth mentioning on this magical peninsula. The angels do not like to come here. The local monsters and demons are also half a catty. They have no fighting power.

So the Leviathans started to move, and since the first wave of blatant buttocks was hit, they decided to go there to implement the second step plan.

After figuring out the intentions of the Leviathans, boss Hu jumped out and jumped.

"Okay, let them go! Why stop them, go! Go ahead with confidence! The sticks there eat as much as they like!"

"Oh, we need to be hospitable, Leviathan....... .. well, it's also a good comrade, so there's no need to slay them out. Let's give them a chance, let them prove themselves. If the mud ca n’t hold the wall and eat all the sticks ... cough, it ’s not too late for us to stop it if we do something bad and sad. "

Well, when everyone saw Hu Feng say this, they all gave him a face and let Leviathan migrate collectively.

Anyway, it was n’t on our site anymore. The beasts loved it, but when did Hu Feng suddenly change his position and become a Leviathan protection organization?

All in all, this group of imperialist veterans began to appease the law, leaving Leviathan to the Korean peninsula. As for themselves, they continued to search the world for traces of the return of the dead and to close the channel of purgatory.

The beasts always have a big appetite. In this way, the Leviathans who are migrating in groups seem to have seen a little bit of it. Boss Hu, the pure demon of the apocalyptic knight, seems to be in the dark world of heaven and **** and the demon hunt organization. The three major forces have a say, so they began to send people to contact Hu Feng.

"Um ... do you think the Korean peninsula is too small to feed you? Do you believe that I will roast you now?"

Hu Feng stared at the Leviathan messenger in front of him, spitting at his face, not knowing whether it was because of excitement or greed.

The Leviathan messenger wiped the saliva on his face calmly, "Master Hu Feng, you all misunderstood us Leviathan, we are not only aware of the killing beast, just like we announced the establishment of the group in high-profile before, but also to integrate into this The world, it ’s a pity that you do n’t give us this opportunity. Now, we are still reconciling sincerely, and we are only seeking a prosperous area. ”

"Oh, the eloquence is good. Did you eat a lawyer or a diplomat? Or did you eat a MLM leader directly?" Hu Feng sneered a few times. "You foreigners who run out of purgatory, we are now willing to It ’s already the kindness of heaven to give you a place for you to survive, and you still think about it? Do you know that I ’m a famine knight and a plague knight? I ’m curious if your Leviathan can stop the apocalypse plague. ”

"In Purgatory, you can randomly choose five powerful souls and change to another area," Leviathan replied calmly.

Ok? Is this guy still on the road?

"I'm very excited about this proposal. In fact, I found that you Leviathan is still pretty cute ... Wait a moment, I will help you to contact the friends on the next road, let us get together and negotiate together." Hu Feng looked sad Wei Guangzheng.

Three days later, friends on the road gathered in the conference hall of the main building of the Embrera company and started a dirty meeting of interests.

"So, my proposal, Leviathan gave everyone here the soul essence of a thousand monsters, every force has it, and then they want another area that will thrive, I will help you make it Lord, give them the Philippines, and then the Leviathans will help us grow bananas and mangoes, which is great. "

Li Lao looked at Hu Feng with a smile, and the two had already passed the air in private. As for the noble youthful patriotic sentiment of boss Hu, Lao Li followed him.

"Heaven has no opinion." Purifier Rasha said nothing, glancing coldly at Aletya sitting beside Hu Feng, and the girl angel also stared back at him without any signs of weakness.

Now the discerning people can also see that Aletya and her sky-falling angels are estimated to never go back to heaven. They are determined to build their ground. New heaven is mixed with Hu Feng. Although the angels of the two parties are still in a state of war, at least they did not have the kind of irresistible and **** fighting that began at the beginning.

After all, the most essential conflict has disappeared. Angels in the sky no longer want to go back to heaven, and angels in heaven do not need to worry about the possibility of them coming back at any time.

"Hell has no opinion." Stanley nodded immediately, wouldn't it just break the Philippines, let the Leviathans go, it was a thousand soul essences!

"The orthodox **** has no opinion." Ashe, the prince of hell, nodded as well, immediately causing Stanley's cannibal glares.

"Heavenly Hunting Demon Club has no opinion ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Lao nodded.

Looking at the European and American regions, as well as Japan's Demon Hunting Club representatives nodded in agreement, Hu Feng nodded in satisfaction.

The splitting conference went smoothly. In order to survive on the earth, the Leviathans had to spend their blood this time, and the amount of life money was naturally indispensable.

As the initiator of the conference, the Leviathans secretly promised that Hu Feng would go to purgatory to select five powerful souls, which is regarded as an additional condition.

"Very well, since there are no comments, sign a contract!"

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