Evil Break

Chapter 294: : Dark Press Conference and Monopoly

Hu Feng has also been busy recently, and his Embrera company is currently preparing to launch the first business product aimed at the dark world.

Make money on the bright side, and make money on the dark side!

A very low-key press conference without any reporters ’media presence was held as scheduled in the conference hall of the headquarters of Ambrella Corporation in New Paradise Island. Chief Executive Hu Minghan, after Hu Feng ’s soft and hard foam, was finally willing to continue to serve as this dark product Explanation of the conference.

The scene at this moment really called a friend from all over the world to gather together, and all kinds of fairy monsters participated in the exhibition.

"As we just said, the world restarts the plan, and we are willing to rent and sell quantum transmitters for you to travel to the parallel world, and provide a coastal area as a temporary stronghold. After you are fully prepared, you can float across the ocean and go to Everyone corresponds to the region in our world. "

Hu Feng controls the way to the end-of-life parallel world in the ruins. This is not a secret among various forces, and has always been very jealous.

That ’s another earth. Although it ’s completely engulfed in the destruction of the apocalypse ritual, it ’s useful to say how. The survivors over there are even better laborers. Building a sweatshop or something like that is not a good thing. .

In addition to Hu Feng, only Stanley ’s **** had the support of quantum teleportation. He traveled between the two worlds at random. Now **** has been beautiful. It has searched a lot of soul trading contracts in the ruined world. The factory moved over there.

There is no such thing as labor law and human rights law, and it is completely a place of absolute freedom and casual random play.

Now boss Hu is willing to let go and promise to rent the quantum transmitter, which makes everyone feel alive.

Although boss Hu's asking price is a lion's big opening, it is completely clear that you are ruthlessly ruined. The monthly technical support fee and rental maintenance fee are also high and scary, but it can't stand up and has greater benefits, so everyone only I can hold my nose and accept it.

For the temporary lease of a coastal area as a springboard for preparation, and then further travel to their respective countries and regions, this is not a big problem for the parties in the dark world. If you can fly, you can fly. If you ca n’t fly, you can build a ship. You ca n’t build a ship. Yes, Embrera also provides angel delivery courier service, as long as you pay a large sum of money, the fluffy little angels will take you to the destination, and then come to install the quantum transmitter to let you Members of the forces come over.

"Are we going to Leviathan to the Korean Peninsula and the Philippines?" The representative sent by Leviathan raised his hand and asked.

Boss Hu, who was sitting aside listening to Hu Minghan's product explanation, immediately showed a spring-like smile. For Leviathan, a group of big dogs in charge of purgatory, he should be well received to facilitate his continued slaughter in the future.

"Oh, everyone is so familiar. After the past, in addition to the Korean Peninsula and the Philippines, the sea areas in Southeast Asia have been given to you. Let's go to the heart."

The representative of Leviathan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Very well, then we have no problem with Leviathan, and ten thousand soul essences can be delivered at any time."

Hu Feng also smiled and nodded. The cute little animals, the more they look at them, the more pleasing to the eye. Now who still wants to close the purgatory, who is decisively anxious.

The representative of Hell was calm. He came here to make soy sauce and appreciate the look on the face of Orthodox Hell. Anyway, Stanley ’s previous contract with Hu Feng still took effect, so Hell saved a lot of money for this. .

The representative of Ashetai, the Prince of Hell, has a painful and tangled face. Hu Feng is purely a lion. With a single monopoly position, he will not bargain with you at all.

In the past, Asmodai passed through the quantum transmitter of hell, and now he is overthrown with hell. Naturally, it is impossible to continue to let the old Stanley guy share his resources.

"Our orthodox **** doesn't need a temporary springboard in coastal areas, so just buy quantum transmission technology support, BRICS payment." The devil representative of the prince of **** also voiced at this time, but they don't have such a huge reserve of soul essence to pay. , So you can only choose a more secular payment method.

The monthly technical support fee, maintenance fee, rental fee and door-to-door installation fee are simply absolute profits. Boss Hu is now very beautiful.

No one would think of cracking their quantum devices in the reverse direction. The shelter protected by No. 66 refuge is called a three-layer, three-layer, three-layer, anti-theft measures.

Before hell, he did not believe in evil. He dismantled a quantum transmitter and tried to carry out reverse research and development. As a result, the circuit burned the chip and exploded with a big fire. Then he held his nose to compensate for a large amount of damages such as damages to the rental fee and violation of the technical confidentiality agreement. Boss Hu ’s mental loss fees, second chance deposits and other miscellaneous compensation.

Since Hu Feng didn't let go of his technique, he didn't let go, so everyone couldn't take him. After all, people are now apocalypse knights holding two super nuclear bombs.

Seeing that the two major demonic forces are keeping up, the demon hunting organizations of various countries have naturally purchased the monopoly service of Ambrella.

However, the purpose of the devil hunting organizations of various countries in the past is not just that of demon hunting. They are also a huge interest group with a variety of formal industries. This time, they intend to engage in factories and warehouses there. Yes, anyway, the labor force there is not valuable, and the cost can be reduced a lot.

In that ruined world, there is no difference between humans and demons. What kind of demons do you hunt? Everyone is a demon, the difference is who is more realistic and cruel.

Heaven also bought the service of Ambrella. Purifier Rasha was very distressed to the angels at the end of the ruins. They thought that the compatriots in the parallel world had collectively done a job that was no different from humans and demons. Light is simply used as a survival tool.

Therefore, it is my duty and obligation to purify and rescue them!

But Heaven has a tight hand. These angels who are not integrated into human society have no money or soul essence to pay for this huge monopoly.

Do you want to persuade boss Hu to provide services free of charge through mouth guns and the Declaration of Justice? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. . . what did you say?

"Promise me to a condition, and I will provide a full set of technical support for paradise, and the subsequent cost will also be reduced by half. Don't say you can't get precious metals or soul essence in the ruin world. If so, you don't have to waste resources."

Hu Feng looked at Rasha, the purifier sitting opposite. The male archangel still had his upper body naked, and there were more than a dozen golden chains wrapped around him, like a masochistic philosopher.

Although it is clear that Hu Feng ’s conditions will definitely make the lion open or be excessive, but the purifier Rasha has no way at this moment. Heaven must go to ~ www.readwn.com ~ must not be left behind because of this.

but. . . Through this matter, let the purifier Rasha discover that heaven has always disdain the bitter fruits of integration into human society.

Everyone has money or soul essence to pay. Only the poor jingle of heaven, Mao can't take out one.

"You say it."

Purifier Rasha looked calmly.

It seems necessary to try to integrate into human society?

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