Evil Break

Chapter 295: : Public Opinion Force and Uninvited Guest

"I want heaven to vindicate Alettoya, and to withdraw the charges against her and the traitor to heaven. In return, Aletya and her legion will promise never to return to heaven, and from this moment, heaven and the new heaven on the ground will end The state of war, even if you want to continue the civil war, you can not proceed on the grounds of paradise traitors and others. "

Hu Feng stated his condition and shook the hand of the girl angel sitting next to him.

"This is impossible! Aletya betrayed the will of the Holy Light, her ..."

"Since that is the case, then I also tell you, don't you want to step into that parallel world in your lifetime, you can continue to hold your stupid and stubborn old antique thinking, I would like to see, the last one will lose Who will not be me anyway. "Hu Feng immediately interrupted him before the purifier Rasha finished.

After all, Hu Feng turned to look at Aletya beside him.

"It's okay. Heaven doesn't recognize you. We all recognize you. You go to ruin the world on behalf of heaven and establish a new order. It seems that you can't do it without them." Then Hu Feng gave another glance.

The daycare nurses who had passed the air beforehand began to speak immediately.

"We **** agree, although our devil and Archangel Aletoa are enemies, but her noble character and faith in the Holy Light deeply moved us, she can represent heaven!" Hell representatives began to conscience Nonsense,

"Orthodox Hell agrees, Aletya is a powerful and holy archangel of light, how could she be a traitor and a paradise of heaven, and there is no justice!" The representative of the Prince of Hell performed better.

"The Celestial Hunter will agree. The little girl Aletya is very good. I believe she is not evil either." Li Lao, who was present in person, nodded with a smile. He came to New Paradise Island for a holiday.

"Leviathan agrees, that's it, that's right! Can I have dinner?" Although it's not clear what happened, Leviathan's representatives are still following the crowd, and it should be right. I agree before I say it.

Sometimes public opinion can kill people, and sometimes public opinion is more terrifying than direct power.

Seeing Aletya's momentum for a time, there was a tendency to replace the orthodoxy of heaven, and Purifier Rasha couldn't sit still.

If this group of mortal forces really only recognize the new paradise on the ground, and do not recognize the orthodoxy of heaven, then how can we talk about the justice of the Holy Light, and how can we start to conceive into human society?

So the purifier Rasha succumbed, and he made the decision that Hu Feng forced him to make.

"Okay, Heaven will soon issue a declaration to revoke all convictions for Aletya and rename it the Angel of Ground Exile ..."

"Stop, stop for a while, I don't accept the word of ground exile angel, and change it to an angel of freedom on the ground, thank you." Hu Feng raised his hand to interrupt, and then motioned to purifier Rasha to continue.

Aletya naturally had no opinion, anyway, Hu Feng would do what she said.

Purifier Rasha was silent for a moment, "Renamed as Angel of Freedom on the Ground, and ended the state of war with the new heaven on the ground, it is over."

"Unfinished, there is one missing. Any angel who yearns for freedom has the right to go down and join the new paradise of freedom on the ground. Don't rush to refuse first, think about it. When you go to the end of the ruins, there are a lot of angels Among them, there are a lot of people who want to return to heaven. After all, their paradise fall is not voluntary, so you have n’t lost anything, on the contrary you have made a fortune. "

Rasha Wenyan, the purifier who just wanted to say no, immediately thought about it, which is true. Although the angels of the parallel world became extreme and extreme because of the fall of heaven, and lost their faith in justice, it is not impossible to save them. My own paradise is intact, which is a big advantage.

After a moment. . .

"I agree, but Aletya also needs to promise that she and her ground free angel will never return to heaven."

"Yes, she agreed, and the Holy Legion of Aletya promised never to return to heaven." Hu Feng nodded and replied. Purifier Rasha looked at Hu Feng, who made her own claim, and then looked at him sitting next to him. Aletya who does not post.

It seems that Aletya is determined to be mixed with Hu Feng, and that eternal life cannot return to heaven, a price that is extremely painful in the eyes of Purifier Rasha. Aletia also handed over to Hu Feng to help decide.

Without the addition of heaven, what does this group of angels rely on to maintain? This made Rasha very confused.

What happened so much that they had no ambition to return to heaven?

All in all, an exchange of interests was completed. When Heaven arrived at what he wanted, Hu Feng also got the reply he wanted. They were all happy.

Various forces in the dark world have begun to formulate new world construction plans and prepare various materials, and by the way, increased the search and destruction progress for the return of the second apocalyptic omen.

The first apocalyptic evil Leviathan has become an apocalyptic welfare. This group of clever beasts who love to eat and say that they have been doing well on earth now, and do n’t want to make any big news for the time being.

"Ah, remember, you still owe me five powerful souls of purgatory. I will go to purgatory and choose by myself when I'm free." After the meeting, Hu Feng pulled the representative of Leviathan and whispered.

"Of course we remember, but can you really step into purgatory? That subspace is only us ..."

"Oh, I said that I can, I can go wherever you can. I don't want to talk about the specific reasons. Anyway, when I'm free, I will go to you."

Leviathan nodded. Since Hu Feng was so confident, let him try it.

"No problem, our purgatory channels in South Korea and the Philippines are extremely stable. You can come at any time."

After watching the representative of Leviathan leave, Hu Feng is ready to see the purifier Rasha. It seems that the archangel has something secret to talk to himself in private.

"Thank you." Aletya's voice came from the side. Hu Feng heard the words and smiled.

"Which one of us, who has grown from an old friend who helped each other to a younger one, I won't help you."

"Even so, I still want to thank you for letting me wash away the traitors and traitors and charges." Aletuoya has been unable to let go of the charges that Heaven has set for himself. Hu Feng knows this.

"Okay, okay, thank you very much. Then you will wear that middle school uniform next time, hehehe ..."

Alettoya didn't understand Hu Wei's strange addictions, and she tilted her head, "Well, although I don't understand why you have special requirements for these clothes."

"It's okay, I understand it, good sister, I don't hurt you ..."


A palpitation swept along with a coughing sound, Hu Feng immediately tightened his body, turned his eyes and squinted at the unexpected uninvited guest, Aletia's eyes also flashed a golden light, staring with caution With this strange middle-aged uncle.

During the construction of the main building of our company, there were countless defense facilities pre-arranged ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the same self-defense system as the refuge in the end of the ruins It is impossible to teleport or break into without permission.

"Listen to the little girl who said that you want to invite the old man to dinner? Still have a picture taken?"

The middle-aged uncle dressed in a black tunic suit has a very thick voice, matching the serious Chinese character face, full of gas.

Hu Feng was stunned for a moment, and was really shocked.

Lying trough Nima?

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