Evil Break

Chapter 298: : Responses of WTO Members and Believers

Purifier Rasha Wenyan struggled for a long time and seemed to be trying to organize his own language.

"Because I discovered that the times seem to be different, maybe for decades our angels are just a snap, but for the human race, it seems to be a long change. The speed of their development has caused me some confusion. They The advancement of technology and society has made me a little more confused. The meeting a few days ago made me find that perhaps accepting some secular things will make heaven stronger and better perform the will of the Holy Light. "

Hu Feng smiled, "I'm glad to know a little bit about you, but I also like to hear it, but well ... You still haven't answered my question, why should I help you, you want to kill me, and kill Once Aletya, if I did n’t know the angel, maybe I would lose her forever. "

"How do you want me to answer? I won't admit you wrong for the previous behavior, because from my standpoint and thinking before, I did nothing wrong." Purifier Rasha looked calmly at Hu Feng , "You are a pure demon, and because Aletya has been in contact with you for a long time, her thinking is no longer the same as before, and she is not so decisive in purifying the demon, and even would rather abandon the order given by the Holy Light, so how do you let me answer How about you. "

Hu Feng grinned slightly and nodded. "Well, I admit what you said makes sense, and I understand your position at the time. My point is, why should I help you, I didn't make you admit it wrong, I did n’t intend to overthrow the rule of killing angels and demons, so I ’ve been asking you this question from beginning to end. We have always been enemies without considering personal grudges, so why should I help you as an enemy? "

"What do you want?" Purifier Rasha finally heard the meaning of Hu Feng. He really didn't care about the previous enmity and grudges, but just stood in the enemy's perspective to talk to himself.

"Then you have to listen to how you want me to help you, what can I do for heaven?"

"We want you to help us integrate into the present human society, just like **** demons, but we don't understand human thinking, so we need your help and guidance."

Hu Feng nodded and heard what Lasha meant.

To put it bluntly, the angels want to develop their own secular business or formal company in the human society like the demons, ready to make money and enjoy the ordinary life.

"Trust me, you will never reach the level of Stanley. It ’s not that you have no confidence in you or question your ability, but because of your nature, you can never be a qualified businessman. Directly ASS dropped. "

With that, Hu Feng thought for a while, and Rasha didn't say anything, waiting quietly for his following.

"However, you can play some other things, recruit some human employees, and make gradual contact and adaptation. Anyway, your focus is not to make money ... OK, I will help you, and I will give you a few copies later. When a suitable plan comes out, I will also send the most capable humans on my side to help you for a while until you are on the right track in the human industry. "

Purifier Rasha nodded, "So, what do you want to get."

Hu Feng Wenyan laughed, looking directly at the golden eyes of the archangel.

"I do n’t want anything, but I get more. You insist that the devil must be evil and must be purified. Now, I will help you without return. If you are rigid, you will definitely have a lot of confusion and thinking. Well, this is what I want. I want you to understand that there has never been complete black and white in this world, and there is a lot of gray in between, and your long-standing beliefs are completely radical and stubborn mistakes. , This is the first lesson you have learned to begin to integrate into human society. "

The Archangel of Light had been silent for a long time, and it seemed that Hu Feng's remarks had a huge impact on him.

Black and white, good and evil, all this has become less clear, everything has begun to become generalized.

The enemies who never died before are now willing to help themselves without asking for reward. This behavior seems to the angels to be just and noble, but at the same time it is entangled, because it is a pure demon who helps them, plus an apocalyptic knight.

So is Hu Feng an evil enemy, or a just friend who can get along with friendship?

Hu Feng did not conceal his thoughts, and directly put all his plans on the bright side. He just wanted Heaven to cause confusion and ideological struggle.

"It seems that we want to integrate into human society, there are still many things to learn, right?" After a long silence, the purifier Rasha shook her head and said.

"It's true, but there is at least a beginning." Hu Feng nodded and continued to lower his head to peel the big lobster on his plate.

A few days later, the devout Christians ecstatically discovered that their daily prayer to God had actually been answered.

They claim to be the Creator ’s angels of light, who came to guide and redeem the devout believers of the light.

According to the plan given by Hu Feng, the angels secretly changed the concept. They did not mention anything about God and Christ, but kept preaching the Holy Light.

But the devout Christians have no doubt at all, only that the angels of the Lord use different words and titles from mortals.

The Vatican is naturally the first stop of angels, and also a bridgehead to enter human society.

In the sound of "I Will" of the current Pope without hesitation, the angels possessed it and then, with the assistance of Hu Feng's demon instructor, he began to desperately learn how to get along with humans normally, so as not to reveal flaws.

Heaven temporarily stopped all hunting and purifying actions against demons and local monsters, but began to respond to Christian prayers in a comprehensive manner, which caused all forces to shatter their eyes.

Isn't this a conspiracy of those holy birds?

Then I inquired again, oh, it turned out that boss Hu was helping that group of birds into human society, and this time it was fun.

A group of devout Christians, all kinds of stubborn diseases and illnesses in their bodies, recovered under the healing of the Holy Light, and then the voices of the angels echoed in their minds, summoning them to the Vatican.

A very special company is being born, which is entirely donated by some rich believers, and the company's employees are all believers from top to bottom.

In order to develop worldly business in the world, the messenger of the Lord needs the help and joint participation of believers.

So this religious holy place in Italy immediately became very lively.

In a white cathedral in the Vatican, here will soon be transformed into the company headquarters of paradise in heaven. The elder sister Hu Minghan is walking around on high heels and inspecting. There are two angel students behind him. This is specially sent by heaven to learn of.

"I said, work five days a week, eight hours a day ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you can't finish it, you will go to work overtime, until you finish it!"

"Why hasn't the work area been planned yet? What batch of office computers have you ordered? Go and follow up!"

"What are you doing? Playing the harp? Don't you know that you are prohibited from doing your own work during work? A ten thousand word reflection review will be handed over to me by 5 pm.

Angel employees are crying for days. Where did they get such treatment when they were in heaven!

This evil tigress! The devil is not as evil as her!

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