Evil Break

Chapter 299: : Pope F One and Opposition

God ’s first product was quickly pushed out. According to Hu Feng ’s corporate plan for them, the angels decided to engage in some high-end luxury goods. Anyway, they are going to be the kind of expensive and expensive models. , You do n’t buy a lot of people.

Those weapons forging masters in the paradise, they have created a super sports car, for the angels who are engaged in weapons all day, it is a piece of cake.

This "Holy Pope F1" super sports car has a heavenly style, matching gold and white. The body is extremely streamlined. The scissors doors on both sides are made into the shape of wings and wings. The gold thread wraps the entire periphery of the wing door.

This car is equipped with a V12 high-power engine. The front of the car is inlaid with a crystal gem filled with golden holy energy. This gem also adds power to the sports car.

Angels are responsible for making, and human employees are naturally responsible for selling.

Propaganda and promotion were extremely smooth, and all forces in the dark world also gave heaven a face, and the news media under their respective control made all the positive headlines.

As for the world on the bright side, Ambrella has reached a partnership with God, and is also making a big publicity in ordinary society.

Ambrella is known as a female best friend in Europe. Their female defender eyeball robots have been sold out of stock, and now their partners have naturally followed suit.

It ’s just that the angels are taking a very few high-end routes. They held a small-scale auto show in the Vatican. All the attendees were without exception. The big tyrants from all over the world, especially the oil tyrants in the Middle East Come the most.

There is only one show car, with a price of 26 million US dollars. If it is converted into soft sister currency, it will directly break 100 million.

The show cars are not for sale. They are now made-to-order and made by hand. The details can be customized and limited to twenty.

In short, do you love to buy it or not?

Never underestimate the spending power of local tyrants. Twenty units will be quickly sold out, and the subsequent models will be fully booked directly.

This car is not only good-looking and fast, but it is also extremely crash-resistant under the blessing of the Holy Light. The usual bumps and small frictions cause deformation or scratches, and they will quickly repair themselves as before.

And it also has the health function of riding a horse. You sit in the car and receive the light of the Holy Light for a long time to ensure that you become stronger and stronger and more and more healthy.

Of course, this is due to the glory of the Creator.

The profiteering industry of the angels has officially started, and the group of weapons forging angels are completely playing with it. At most, they spend a lot of thought on the shape and pattern. You have to say the cost. Okay, there is no labor cost anyway. The cost of buying ordinary steel is brought to heaven so that the group of weapon forging masters can use the Holy Light for blessing.

However, things are rare and expensive, and the seriousness of the pope must be maintained, so each product has been sold in limited quantities, and it is by no means made.

Hu Minghan, the past interim executive of the Embrera company, is training the group of angel employees every day. Everything comes in accordance with the company's rules and regulations. Even if you are a purifier, Laxia is not easy to speak.

Fortunately, the angels have their core brains open and learn things fast. Electronic products such as mobile computers do not need to be taught.

The focus is on getting along and communicating with humans, so Yujie took this group of wood pimples in suits to attend press conferences and various company employee meetings everywhere to train their language communication skills.

"It is forbidden to hang the light of the Holy Light on the mouth, prohibit the use of old-fashioned adjectives such as dirty and evil, etc., to speak humanely, to be coherent, to be ordinary!"

"You must go to a commercial street or a place with a large flow of people more than five times a week to observe and learn, record the way people speak and communicate, and it is best to participate in person!"

Those Christian human employees are also prohibited from praying face-to-face to the angels during their work.

As for the purifier Rasha, he was not much better. The elder sister trained him fiercely and repackaged it for him.

"Are you going to act? Give me all the chains on my body, change back in a suit and come back naked every day, right?"

The angels of Orthodox heaven are undergoing a major transformation of thinking, and the free angels of the new heaven on the ground are also busy with their own affairs.

They are all old fritters. They have been mixed in human society for so long, and they have long been no different from humans. It is a smooth exchange, and all kinds of small yellow joke are handy.

They have now begun to respond to believers. Orthodox heaven has taken the Catholic Church away, so they choose Protestants themselves.

Protestantism has grown the most in the Americas. Their churches are far less magnificent than those in Europe. They are generally a small building, and a cross on the spire is done.

After all, the Protestants were exiled and oppressed, so that they floated across the ocean to the American continent to live together. They used to be clanging poorly, so the church was naturally simple, which slowly evolved into a Protestant chapel Features.

Aletya didn't want to start a company. The free angels under her leadership were too lazy to do so many troubles. This kind of action was only to fight against the orthodox heaven.

So the free angels and the Protestants have a very casual life, and everyone has nothing serious. Just eat, drink, chat, and chat. If you pray to me, I will accompany you for a while. What happened? Believers will help under treatment.

You let the Protestants in the United States go to the daily cumbersome prayers and ceremonies like European Catholics, and they are not happy, so the style of the Liberty Angel suits their tastes.

Hey, no one will! Just be happy and just do it casually, what are you doing so many broken rules!

Although the angels of the two parties have ceased to fight, they are still sneering at each other. Today, you hurt me, and tomorrow I will return to you three sentences.

Therefore, under the guidance of the angels on their respective sides, the believers on both sides did not deal with each other and did not look good.

American Protestants mocked the magnificent cathedrals in Europe that had been built for hundreds of years to oppress the people and **** the flesh and blood of the people.

European Catholics mocked the Yankee Automobile Cathedral as being small, not at all pious, and did not even have a traditional and serious prayer ceremony.

It's not just angels that are affecting humans. Humans are also affecting angels on both sides.

Now the two angels are very similar to the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom when they were first established.

Once a powerful foreign enemy is encountered, the angels of the same origin from the two parties will unite again, die the enemy together, and then restore to their original state in an instant, and continue to ridicule each other.

"You free angels are only worthy to be mixed up with those illiterate Yankees!"

"You orthodox angels are only worthy to mix with rigid antique European guys!"

"Spicy chicken! Old-fashioned! Go guard your broken paradise plaything with nothing!"

"Exile! Look down on you! Hold your ground pseudo-paradise and eat shit!"

Um ~ www.readwn.com ~ The angels' war of words didn't lose to both sides of the **** civil war.

Sure enough, this year is popular to split.

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