Evil Break

Chapter 300: : Kingdom of the Universe and Purgatory

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in artificially produced assembly line beauties."

After speaking in English to a stick girl outside the car window, Hu Feng closed the window again and drove into the parking lot of the Roman company.

This is Seoul, the capital of Nanbangzi. Hu Feng felt very disgusted to see the sign of Korean characters with the same congenital disability on Man Street.

If it were n’t for the channel of purgatory to be put here by the Leviathans, they would n’t come to the territory of this universe.

Advertisements and concert posters of various stick stars can be seen everywhere on the streets. It seems that this superficial entertainment industry has become a national pillar industry, but it is not much better for those who have become a pillar industry.

The automatic door slowly opened to both sides, and Hu Feng entered the gorgeously decorated ground floor hall of Roman Company.

Looking at the cosmetic faces of white Western and Korean people who come and go from time to time, I don't know if Leviathan became ugly before the plastic surgery or after the plastic surgery after eating them.

When Hu Feng came in, this group of whites and Koreans paid attention.

"We know you, Master Hu Feng, the apocalyptic knight, welcome to the Roman Company."

Hu Feng whispered his lips, okay, it seems that the people around him are all Leviathan in disguise. After the questions are answered, after eating the Koreans, it will become a facelift.

Because Leviathan does not have any energy fluctuations, it pretends to be a human being and changes completely. So spiritual exploration can't find out what happened.

This is also a major advantage of Leviathan. As long as they do not actively reveal their identities, the angel devil wants to discover them, which is even more difficult.

"Looking like this, there wouldn't be a human employee in the entire Roman company?" Hu Feng glanced around the hall where people came and went.

"Yes, our ethnic division is complete and orderly, and does not require external assistance." Leviathan, the closest male in a white-collar suit, replied.

Hu Feng Wenyan smiled a few times and nodded. "Okay, take me to see your boss. I will go to purgatory and take five souls that promised to me."

"Understood, the boss has already told me to go here. I will take you directly to the purgatory."

Following this male Leviathan, he took the elevator all the way up and stopped at the top floor area.

"The boss is going to an important meeting, so please forgive me, I can't come to meet you in person, the purgatory channel is in front."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I just took my soul and left." Hu Feng pouted, and he didn't have much to talk to that Dick Roman.

Except for the office of the boss of Leviathan, the rest of the space is a laboratory.

Through the glass wall, Hu Feng can see many iron cages. Each cage contains one to three human beings. It is a test item that Leviathan grabbed from the Korean Peninsula and the Philippines. It is not used for food. .

"Ah, this is our newest food and medicine laboratory. We are committed to creating a perfect prey, which can not only meet our needs for hunting, but also meet our taste and energy supplement." Male Leviathan see When Hu Feng looked at the labs on both sides, he explained.

"I think these people are stupid because of you." Hu Feng looked at a stick woman pulled out of the cage, his eyes dumbfounded, and did not resist, so let the Leviathan researchers face it. She made a shot in her arm.

"These are the first batch of test products, which only meet our needs for taste and energy supplement, but still do not have any basic resistance and escape consciousness, which makes us no excitement for hunting."

"Taste and energy ... It seems that you like to eat lean meat, babble ..." Looking at the stick woman experiment body, there is no trace of fat and fat on the body, the body is strong and extremely healthy.

Ok. . . It ’s just a bad brain.

"So you want to create a prey that allows them to run and run fast, while also ensuring its fleshy taste and energy, right?"

Leviathan nodded immediately, "Yes, this is the perfect prey. Once we complete the research and development, it will be fully put into use in North Korea and the Philippines. We currently do not have a comprehensive coverage plan in South Korea. After all, we also need to disguise and Lurking, so here is just our killing playground. "

"Oh ... how do you brains of purgatory beasts grow?"

For Hu Feng's slightly ironic and discriminatory words, the male Leviathan was not angry, nor did he dare to be angry.

Strictly speaking, Leviathan is a group of beasts destined to follow the four knights of the Apocalypse in the autumn wind, looking for their prey in the apocalyptic ceremony, they dare not stab the apocalypse knight.

Although Hu Feng, a two-posted apocalypse knight, was unwilling to launch the apocalypse ceremony, Leviathan was neither daring nor qualified to ask more.

Pushing open the door at the end of the corridor, inside is a round and wide hall. In the center of the hall is a space fissure with a diameter of seven or eight meters long. The entire space fissure surging crimson energy seems to be emitted from the opposite purgatory space. from.

"It's here, you can just cross it directly. The opposite is our largest settlement in Leviathan, there will be someone to receive you and give you directions, um ... provided that you are not forced out of purgatory . "

Hu Feng nodded and said no more, striding over and striding directly into the space fissure.

The scene in front of me was distorted, and the next moment, Hu Feng set foot on the desolate and hard dark red dry land of purgatory.

A strange sense of repulsion came, and it seemed that purgatory wanted to expel Hu Feng, an uninvited guest.

But failed, Hu Feng is like a stone in a pit, stinky and hard, unmoved at all, and lazy to ignore the kind of expulsion from the rules.

Lao Tzu is a **** inverse, and wherever I want to go, can you take me?

The location is an open and flat hillside highland, and the passage leading to the earth ’s main world is still running steadily.

There are countless black stone spikes all around the hillside, and a cave is cut out at the bottom of each spike, which is the old nest of the Leviathans.

A team of dozens of Leviathans in the body form ran past, and from time to time, a wild roar was screamed.

There were also a large number of Leviathan scattered around the settlement, some of them climbed over the spikes, and then slid down again, seeming to entertain themselves.

I don't know what other people think, but Hu Feng thinks that Leviathan is still cute. . . Lying trough! Who stepped on the horse's bite!

When I looked down, a young Leviathan with bone spurs on the back was desperately tearing his pants legs. It was delicious.

"Whose bear child is this? Bring it back! Can you look good!" Hu Feng raised the young Leviathan who was struggling.

A wave of restlessness and roaring in the nest of the settlement, followed by a loud roar, instantly suppressed the restless restless kin.

A very large body ~ www.readwn.com ~ The whole bone spur is also the dense Leviathan jumped from the other hillside in the distance, along the stone spike.

"Apocalypse Knight Hu Feng? You can really step into purgatory, which surprised me. You are the first outsider who cannot be expelled from purgatory."

The huge Leviathan twisted and changed into a human form standing in front of Hu Feng, and at the same time took over the young Leviathan.

"I'm optimistic about your bear children, mom's compensation for I'm pants!"

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