Evil Break

Chapter 301: : Journey to Purgatory and the Suffering of Soul

"You are all Dick Romain's men? Are all Leviathans?" Hu Feng was curious as he walked to visit the settlements of Leviathans in Purgatory.

"Yes, we all follow Dick Romain's command. The ethnic group must have only one voice to develop. The meaningless fighting and consumption will only make us weak. Dick Romain has done quite well so far. , So he can continue to lead us. If he cannot continue to lead us forward, then we will choose a new ethnic leader again. "

The settlement where the Purgatory Passage is located is the largest Leviathan lair in the whole Purgatory. The stone spikes up to ten meters long are like a forest, spreading out around the hillside where the Purgatory Passage is located.

There is a spiky cave, and a cave generally inhabits two to three Leviathans. According to this preliminary estimate, there are at least 100,000 Leviathans in this largest Leviathan nest.

When the contract was signed, the number of Leviathans entering the earth ’s main world was limited. Otherwise, this group of extremely clever beasts ran to the earth, and the fun would be great.

Finally came to the edge of the fangs nest, the outside world is unobstructed.

It was an endless dark red dry wilderness, no water, no wind, no vegetation, nothing, just a dead earth.

The soul of the local monsters is home to a bad environment, and they do n’t know how to build infrastructure.

"The nine babies you said, we know her, that is a stubborn and stupid thing, insisting on being unchanged for us Leviathan, still maintaining the soul shape, it is a pity that she should have become an extremely powerful of our ethnic group Compatriots. "

Hu Feng heard that he looked down at the rough map made without knowing what skin was used. The icon above was extremely simple. The center of the map marked his current location: the fangs nest.

The large blank map only marked the hills and hillsides in the nearby area, as well as the powerful soul wandering places found by the Leviathans.

This is not that the Leviathans do not want to paint more, but that there is really nothing good to paint in this broken place of purgatory. The whole horse riding is an endless dry wilderness, and there is nothing.

Nine infants have a wide range of activities and are marked as a circle. It seems that this restless heavenly local monster likes to wander around the world and can't stay in one place.

The marking range of other powerful souls is also different. The biggest circle is a black dragon. After all, the parents can fly with their wings, so the Leviathans only detected the approximate range of activity.

After releasing the plague warhorse, turning over, Hu Feng began to go straight to the location of Jiuying.

The plague knight's horse is much faster than the famine knight's horse, but the impact and lethality are not as good as the famine horse. The simple point is that one is a light fast assault unit, and the other is a heavy breakthrough unit, with different emphasis.

Moreover, the war horse of the plague knight cannot be deformed at will, and is determined to be in the state of the war horse, but under the influence of Hu Feng's other energies, there is a state of decay of evil energy, and it is also surrounded by the black gas of the gods.

The war horse walked on the evil flame and walked through the air, along the way, he could also appreciate the style and characteristics of the special subspace of purgatory.

The Leviathans are really big dogs. On the dark red dry wilderness, from time to time, you can see groups of monsters or single souls wandering aimlessly.

These souls are suffering from the burning pain of purgatory all the time, and they can be affected by anything around them after being forced to materialize.

Either succumb to the rules, gradually forget all memories, transform into a new adult Leviathan, and start a new life.

Either it has been suffering from purgatory burning, the dark red earth, every step is a violent pain.

The only thing that can live normally is Leviathan, and their birth is not only transformed by monster souls, but also reproduced through normal mating, so their number has been steadily increasing.

Leviathan and monster souls do not have the need to eat and drink water, only to consume the soul essence to strengthen their original cravings.

Oh, of course, hunting and eating meat are just one of Leviathan ’s preferences. For them, purgatory is a vast hunting ground, chasing after ordinary monster souls in droves.

Along the way, Hu Feng had heard countless screams and desperate roars.

Part of it was because of the wandering Leviathan, which failed to run away, and finally became the toy or soul food that the Leviathans used to grind their paws.

And most of it is because of the kind of pain that keeps going. The torture of purgatory drives them crazy and makes them crazy. Many monster souls can't bear it anymore, so they start to change, and the memories of their lives gradually fade and blur. , Towards the Leviathan beast.

On the ground, some Leviathans lifted their skulls covered with bone spurs and roared at the Hu Feng flying through the air with their fangs and mouths wide open.

Then the cute little animals were killed on the spot by Hu Feng.

The blue-green plague roared into Leviathan's body, and the latter immediately shouted in pain.

Their skin began to produce blisters filled with pus at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the bone spurs began to ulcerate and soften.

In the end, this group of Leviathan took the monster spirits around them, and was swallowed by the apocalyptic disaster cloud that swept in.

After the disaster cloud dissipated, only a bunch of Leviathan bones remained on the ground, and the color of the bones showed morbid black and green due to disease and cancer.

The Leviathans wandering around saw them and ran out of their legs one after another. This group of clever and cunning beasts will weigh the pros and cons. When they encounter unsettled hard stubble, they should never hesitate to run.

As he continued to fly forward, Hu Feng felt that the temperature was even hotter, and it was extremely abnormal.

On the ground below, there were pits and black marks from time to time. It seemed that there was an arsonist playing with fire everywhere.

Certainly not far from his goal, looking at the newly burnt land below, at the moment still blazing hot.

Although Jiuying spit water and fire deliciously, she prefers to breathe fire. Basically, she has never sprayed water, so it is harder than trying to get her to do something good.

Oh, I did something good, but it was also an unintentional move.

For example, on the eve of Dayu's flood control, the nine infants who were limping around were very unhappy to see the overwhelming flood, and then began to spit fires, evaporating a large part of the floods that swept through.

This should be the only good thing she has done in her colorful life.

The temperature is getting higher and higher, and the surrounding air has begun to twist and deform.

Then Hu Feng finally found his main goal for this trip.

It was a nine-headed monster with a height of more than 30 meters and a length of more than ten meters, dragging a barbed long tail.

Nine infants are somewhat similar to the Western Hydra ~ www.readwn.com ~ Two thick thighs are on both sides, supporting that huge body, walking around a little, shaking and jumping around.

On the body is a long neck like nine plesiosaurs, with a head resembling a snake and some dinosaurs staring at the top of the neck.

Nine infants are all red, covered with fiery red scales, and there are flames visible to the naked eye on the scales.

Looking at the wild beast, Hu Feng felt that the task he wanted to take her out suddenly became extremely difficult.

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